New Grower/Needing some advise from the Elites

So im pretty sure i found my grow space its a fair sized room, its actually a cedar storage closet for clothes etc. so it will keep all humidity/mold out.

Humidity is bad right?
Igonore the junk haha, i was suppose to clean it out but i got another 3-4 days.

So im pretty sure i found my grow space its a fair sized room, its actually a cedar storage closet for clothes etc. so it will keep all humidity/mold out.

Hmidity is bad right?
Igonore the junk haha, i was suppose to clean it out but i got another 3-4 days.

Dude you need to read up maybe just a little bit. Humidity is not bad. You need humidity bro, just different levels depending if you are germing, veging, flowering, etc:peace:
Hey bro, I am new like you but I spend hours and hours readin so most advice I can give is from reading not experience, so there you go again man, read. But I can tell you what I finally decided to go with is Fox Farm soil and nutes. I have read many fine reviews about their products. What I can say is start off your nutes at half-strength and go from there. Fox Farm also has a nifty little chart on feeding, makes it easier.There is a poll on here somewhere about nutes/but as I am new I dont know how to lead you to it, maybe someone else can.Keep it Growin!:yummy::peace:
I don't grow indoor's but from my experience outdoors You will need but one plant food it's called "Watch Us Grow" great stuff use it as a foliar or soil feed , speed germination by soaking seeds or water in flat
Hey bro, I am new like you but I spend hours and hours readin so most advice I can give is from reading not experience, so there you go again man, read. But I can tell you what I finally decided to go with is Fox Farm soil and nutes. I have read many fine reviews about their products. What I can say is start off your nutes at half-strength and go from there. Fox Farm also has a nifty little chart on feeding, makes it easier.There is a poll on here somewhere about nutes/but as I am new I dont know how to lead you to it, maybe someone else can.Keep it Growin!:yummy::peace:

I have recently switched to Fox Farms based on recommendations from several posters and I am happy that I did. My plants are healthier and they are thriving from the Fox Farms products. I found the cost to be similar to other comparable products out there but just with better results. The only issue I had was sourcing a supplier that sold the product. You can go on the web and go to the Fox Farms site or google "hydroponics store locator" most hydroponics dealers seem to carry Fox Farms products.
and i dont smoke the stuff.
Most non-smokers don't choose the flaming marijuana leaf avatar lol. Are you saying you dont smoke it, but use a vaporizer ?

they will get to my pad, on im guessing next wednesday so. i have 4-7 days to get all neseccary items/materials
So how does this work.
Them : hey can we come stay at your place for a while,
You : yeah sure no problems
Them : Ok cool, and yeah you should grow hydro
You : Oh whats that ?
Them : We will be there in a week. This is your mission should you choose to accept it.
You : OK um, I don't know what your talking about, but I hope there isnt too much reading

relativly easy, understandable straight forward tips and a short simple list on whats neseccary to do this ex. Lights, Pots, soil etc. and whats the best kinds to use it would be much appreciated and i hope to in a couple months from now be posting my First grow :D

Are you growing indoors, or outdoors ? in the mountains, in a cocal-cola bottle ? More info and some people here can help. But do the background reading first.

Main things you need to decide.
Medium (soil/hydro/etc)
Nutrient (organic or brand)

All of these things are in the links the first guy posted to you.

And most of all, don't tell your neighbours what you are doing.
I don't grow indoor's but from my experience outdoors You will need but one plant food it's called "Watch Us Grow" great stuff
Interesting, have a grow on 420 mag. using this nute?:nomo: you now.
You : OK um, I don't know what your talking about, but I hope there isnt too much reading
And most of all, don't tell your neighbours what you are doing.
You're a silly dude.:smokin:
I agree.
k1net1k you're scanning too fast bro he's growing in the closet. Ya the pic

Torque don't mind us, we blaze :idea:get on 420 mag. and "help" each other:rofl:
Advanced nutrients Iguana juice it's organic smells and works great!
Good luck!
Okay. The first thing I did when I decided to grow, etc.. was to get Jorge's indoor horticulture book and read it cover to cover (except the hydro part, which I skimmed-I've already decided on soil). The second thing I did was read more and more and more, both rereading from the first book, as well as online, etc etc. Than, once I had a place to start setting up, I decided BASED ON WHAT I'VE READ, on what kind of lights/ballasts/hoods I wanted and bought them. That's where I'm at. I'm subscribed to the soil journals that seem to have all the info that's pertinent, as well as picking the hell out of my grower friends brains.
And you know what? I'm still designing my room, and I've been reading up on this site for two or more weeks. I didn't just start a thread and open my mouth like a helpless baby bird.

Good luck!
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