New Grower


New Member
Hey all, just joined here today. Been reading a good amount of posts from this site so figured id join :420: .
This is my first time growing, ( ik tons here ask what im about to but want some good feedback! plz) now i started exactly 7 days today ago, im no dummy and catch on fast btw! Alright so far im using random seeds from a decent bag i had, im growing 13 plants ( as i heard on average 10 seeds will produce 3 females) so odds in my favor for 4 decent plants. Im using 'ferti-lome Ultimate, ready to use potting mix' and only 2 lights about 150 watts total for veg stage, and im actually using a timed space heater to regulate its temps as it has a setting on it to do so. this is basically all, i germanited them in a towel and now all have sprouted in there pots and decently tall stems about 2 1/2 ish inches. none show signs over water or under water so far aswell, main concern is the bud ( of course) and to get some females going to clone and make a herm for more seeds. plz put your advice on here on how that sounds for a first grow! thanks! (note not testing ph nor humidity atm)
Hey Kronos your name made me think of God of War LOVE THAT GAME lol spelled with a C tho.... anyway you sound good so far... i would get some pictures up asap so everyone thats more experienced could comment and help better.... you are most def gonna need more light for that many plants! the space heater is nice to keep temps constant but you gotta watch out cuz it will dry out your spot so you will need a humidifier... (or some way to keep humidity up) * i kno you are not testing ph or humidity atm* ME EITHER! lol just a comment. i will sub and keep updated :) :goodluck:
Lol its based off the same name but not off the game :p thanks for the reply, kept seeing the views go up fast but no replys. appricate it! and yah pics, gunna get to it soon, just joined today. The light, yes i need more light for that many but i figured it was ok in early veg stage for now no? or is it veg stage that needs the strongest light? may have flipped it around... i do plan on getting 2 400 watt bulbs soon, but not yet. its on the buy list, aswell as some bloom fertiizer. and ty, didnt even think about the air with the space heater -.- right over my head, the ice and such as ppl have said i may have to do as a temp for now. only 1 plant so far is slacking, they all are mysterious seeds, so this round im not looking for alot out of it except the experience, bud that i gather, and to get some clones going from one of the females :) more experience imo. Will be posting more on it soon! :)
i do have a question, buying seeds? i was on the Niravana site and looked around alot and was debating on it a bit, for the next go at it. Any negatives thoughts about them? stealth shipping (as they called it Lol) is a must, and just wondering how well some of thos businesses are doing reliable wise. goes to everyone that reads this
you are welcome!! yea i hate the "views" keep going up but nobody tries to take a crack at it! lol sucks! in very early stage it might be ok but you need to have them pretty close so they dont stretch.... but its a chance that some of them might still end up stretching a little bit due to lack of light and having to fight for it and get closer. so you are gonna need strong light in moth veg and flower... lol!!!! yea most people do forget... but not me lol my nose bleeds if the air is too dry from heat SO I DONT FORGET LOL!!! and as far as temp i just stick my hand inside to get an idea of the temp.... or you can use your face its more sensitive if you open your door and it hits your face and your eyebrows are gone.. its probably too hot :rofl: JK but you can get a temp/hum thingy at home depot for probably 4 bucks... and yea i feel you im only doing my grow 1 plant from a random bagseed... just doin it for fun and experience... as far as buying seeds... i've never done it but when they say stealth its usually in a cd case backing or something like that... of course no labels on the box... just dont put it in your name and dont ship it to where you are going to grow... :)
I've normally had a better male/female ratio then that thought it be closer to 50/50 too. but back to what I had to say which is I've only heard bad thing about one seed bank that was The Ontario Seed Bank it was said they were repackaging/selling their seeds as others. you may want to check with the seed bank you intend to use as they may not send to where you're at.
i do have a question, buying seeds? i was on the Niravana site and looked around alot and was debating on it a bit, for the next go at it. Any negatives thoughts about them? stealth shipping (as they called it Lol) is a must, and just wondering how well some of thos businesses are doing reliable wise. goes to everyone that reads this

Good genetics are key. Try to ship somewhere other than your grow house. Just my two paranoid cents...
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