New to grow

Welcome to 420 magazine new2grow67
Do you have any pics of the plants?
Have you thought about a journal for this fresh grow plenty help here!
Welcome New2, are your plants autos? If not you'll be better off at 18/6. How big are these plants?

They’ve gotten a little taller since I took this a while ago
Post some more photos if you can,
Is that the boom/flower light??
because the stretch is looking real and in need of light.
You might wanna put up a stick for some support since it’s flopping over
It’s worth making a grow journal because the people on here a so helpful and keen to help it’s a really good community :)
I want to help you so badly but dont know how to word things. But they need MORE light then those are putting off. My favorite splint Ive seen done for that type of growth is pitting a straw down over them. Be careful with Popsicle sticks, they will mold fast. Are there holes in the bottom of your cups?
Hey man you should try Invest in a small LED it’s so worth it! Veg and bloom switches on it plus you’ll save on electricity
- maybe chuck up some reflective stuff on the walls and floor like tin foil
- I’m still a nooby myself but doesn’t look bright enough that red light looks like my flower light when switched over so I would go for something more white in veg (could be wrong) even then my lights are bright as shit (photo below)
Def get holes in them cups so the water drains
Just out of curiosity how tall is your grow space?

Hi and welcome to 420 Magazine
This is tonight. Popsicle sticks to hold them up and I fixed the string of lights so they are higher
Let me try to explain..
The stretch they have done is to find enough light to grow, it tells you it has lack of lights. Now, lowering the light would help so they would stop stretching, you raised the lights?!? Why?
Also, in nature when a plant is watered, the nature has a natural drainage and you need to create that for them= lots of holes in the cups.
Hey man you should try Invest in a small LED it’s so worth it! Veg and bloom switches on it plus you’ll save on electricity
- maybe chuck up some reflective stuff on the walls and floor like tin foil
- I’m still a nooby myself but doesn’t look bright enough that red light looks like my flower light when switched over so I would go for something more white in veg (could be wrong) even then my lights are bright as shit (photo below)
Def get holes in them cups so the water drains
Just out of curiosity how tall is your grow space?

The water isn’t draining out the holes?
Hi and welcome to 420 Magazine

Let me try to explain..
The stretch they have done is to find enough light to grow, it tells you it has lack of lights. Now, lowering the light would help so they would stop stretching, you raised the lights?!? Why?
Also, in nature when a plant is watered, the nature has a natural drainage and you need to create that for them= lots of holes in the cups.
So I put a good size hole in the bottom of the cups and it doesn’t seen to have made any difference. They aren’t draining. I also got a new strip of lights, 2 directly above them. I had them on a 18/6 hour schedule but I live where there’s snow so when I turn the lights off the get really cold.
So I put a good size hole in the bottom of the cups and it doesn’t seen to have made any difference. They aren’t draining. I also got a new strip of lights, 2 directly above them. I had them on a 18/6 hour schedule but I live where there’s snow so when I turn the lights off the get really cold.
put a heater in the room and dont rely on your lights for your heat. The hole in the bottom doesnt mean that all the water will leak out, but it will keep stagnant water from building up as you water each time. Your roots have shut down and want to see some oxygen before they are going to start working correctly again, so just be patient and let those plants USE all the water that is trapped in there now. Once the cups become light as a feather (no water weight) water them again just until water starts coming out of that hole and then stop. Then wait 3-5 days for the plant to once again USE all of that water. It is going to take some time, roughly 3 wet/dry cycles, to fix the damage that has been done to the roots.
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