New to growing

And girl #2 which was always the smaller unhealthy looking is now looking better and girl #1 is now looking blah.
Yea they are looking baller compared to weeks
Ago your in the right direction buddy hows the
Soil wet ,half wet ,or kinda dry?
Oh yeah... the seedlings are 14 days old, when should I move them to bigger pots?
Id transplant when you start to have to soak the soil so much that you gotta water everyday you can extend this a little bit you want to that away you know you have plenty of roots. When you go to transplant water your seedling first and then wait acouple of hrs to pull her out the cup she will come out with ease..
Now what i would do is ph water to 6.5 soak your soil in the new pot move around with your hands to mix in water pretty good into the soil till it is pretty wet this way you can move the soil and make a hole for the transplanted cup shape into your new soil so the new soil is not falling into the hole your trying to put it in and plus you wont have to water after your transplant and soak the roots im sure it doesnt matter just thats what i would do and that away you know your soil is wet consistently threw out the pot and get it pretty wet then do like your doing wait for it to dry before watering again
when they can use up a full saturation to overflow watering, in 24 hours. Until then, be patient.
Emilya- If my soil is 7+ but under 8 and the plants are growing fine- am i to assume they like the high ph thus feed them at 7-ish ph or feed them in 6-ish as required by science?
If They indeed are missing nutes at a higher ph , how to amend the soil (Ffsalamander) at week 6-10 has been stuck at the high ph?
also i read your clinical watering item and love the idea!
Soil was dry this morning so figured it's time to water.
Ok as soon as where you top it grows out a lil bit id flip them girls into flower if you want and you put your seedlings under some cfls inside the house if youd like if not youll have to keep your older grow into veg until the seedlings now
Are atleast 5 weeks into veg the first 2 weeks i dont count as veg like we talked about earlier in the thread so it be 7 weeks in total its possible but youd have to transplant the first girls and do some lst soon bc there gonna stretch big time into flowering so its up to you you think about what you wanna do and we will go from there take your time on it and just think about it no rush
Emilya- If my soil is 7+ but under 8 and the plants are growing fine- am i to assume they like the high ph thus feed them at 7-ish ph or feed them in 6-ish as required by science?
If They indeed are missing nutes at a higher ph , how to amend the soil (Ffsalamander) at week 6-10 has been stuck at the high ph?
also i read your clinical watering item and love the idea!
what makes you think your soil is 7+ or 8? Always water at the bottom of the range and let the soil take the pH up. Amending soil during a grow is super hard to do right, and I am not convinced that you really know your soil pH while wet and while dry.
Ok as soon as where you top it grows out a lil bit id flip them girls into flower if you want and you put your seedlings under some cfls inside the house if youd like if not youll have to keep your older grow into veg until the seedlings now
Are atleast 5 weeks into veg the first 2 weeks i dont count as veg like we talked about earlier in the thread so it be 7 weeks in total its possible but youd have to transplant the first girls and do some lst soon bc there gonna stretch big time into flowering so its up to you you think about what you wanna do and we will go from there take your time on it and just think about it no rush
Remember I'm new... how do I flip into flower? I'll bring the seedlings inside and put them under the CFL's I have.
Well since I lost the use of the spare restroom. I'm going to be using this box for the seedlings lol


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Out with the old in with the new. Ice maker and filtered water! Lol
Lol. No I meant how will you be consuming the buds. If your smoking it, you can still jar cure them. My last batch was hung for 4 days, snipped off the stem, then into brown paper bags and into the refrigerator. Watch them in there, the humidity drops hard and then spikes as it warms. I checked and gently rotated daily for a weekish. Then into a jar with a hydrometer. I burped the jars daily and checked the humidity once the jar got to room temp (most people have good luck around 62% stable humidity).
Hang till the stem snap, then jar and burp daily. Leave the top off for 15ish minutes a day. Watch humidity (62%ish). This should all be done in a dark and cool stable temperature.
Don’t over pack the jars until they are very very very stable or mold is a big possibility.

There’s some really good material by people on this site. They’ve all done the hard part, all we have to do is read.
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