New to KC Kansas area and 420 Magazine


New Member
High folks. I moved here from Kentucky the sweet land of the easy score to Kansas City area The Desert of Dried up resources. I have been a medicinal user of Cannabis for 20+ years and since moving here have had almost no luck finding anything. even the reggie swag is hard to come by. I need new friends and a way to treat my illness. I would consider cultivation but the penalties in Kansas are very strict. I have managed to "fly below the radar" for many years and would like to keep it that way never having been even ticketed for a minor amount. how does one meet people in a new place without risking their freedom? anyone in the KC area give me a shout some time and enlighten a fellow toker.:peace:
Hi KS,

To my knowledge unless you live in a medicinal state, your options are all illegal. I do know people who have moved just to treat their illnesses and/or illnesses of their children. I'm sorry I can't be of any more help than that.

I do know that my options are limited and all solutions are illegal here (draconian republicans) but possession is fart lesser a penalty then cultivation so the obvious choice for me is stay a consumer and not a grower. you can get up to 20 years here for just a few plants. the risks are not worth the penalty for utilizing my green thumbs. lol
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