New Year, New Goals! Perpetual Outdoor Mayhem: Hey It's Legal

Everything is starting to get packed!

Right now I just have 16 of the best sitting in the tent. Canopy is a little uneven right now, I switched out two that were on the lower shelf with two in the back since there was better growth on the two. Fun is growing quickly since there is no more room to tie down. Tomorrow I'll take them out and remove all their ties. A little rearrangement happened today. For flowering I'll have the biggest in the corners.

Some Plants are a lighter green than others, I hope this corrects over the next few days. I hope it isn't a PH problem, I'll do a test tomorrow of the soil PH. I feel that the plants are just nitrogen hungry at the moment. I looked up deficiencies and couldn't find a picture that fit the diagnosis. Slightly Yellow leaves on new grows could be a Manganese deficiency. I'll be getting molasses Tomorrow, I'll start bubbling water with it and try for a nice carb rush to get the roots going.

Group Shot

Growth Update!

Saturday was Flip Day :yahoo:Everyone was pulled out of the tent for inspection and rearrangement. At the moment it looks like My four Biggest are girls, I'll have individual pics tomorrow. Everyone got a light defol. I have a few suspected males which I'll be more than happy to remove so everyone can stretch their arms out a bit. Its getting quite crowded. I also gave each of them a cup of water with various sugars mixed in (Agave, Coconut, and Cane) I'll experiment to see if the blend does wonders or if I should give it individually.

Saturday Group shots

Monday Group Shots, They Look ready to Kick into flowering gear.

Todays Group Shots. I see plants are making up their minds right now. They are all pumped up and starting their stretch. I thought they would need a watering but they are still a little damp from Saturdays Cup. I have two buckets bubbling right now, Both filled with 2.5gal filtered water. One has Bio Live 5-4-2, Alfalfa Meal 2.5-0-2.5, Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0 and 4Tbsp of the sugar mix. The other Bucket has the AF, FBM, VAM, and 4Tbsp of the sugar mix. Each mix has bubbled 24 hours so far. The Plants will get it as soon as they look ready. Temps in the Tent are 72 lights on 64%RH.

Heres WarHead #3 it's an incredible Bush of a plant. Literally is nothing but tight nodes with a thick stock, It'll be interesting to see how it stretches out since its been so compact up until this point.

Here is the poor little Mutant White Cheese It's been on the lower shelf with the flowering girls. I forget to take it out to be in with the little clones. Maybe I'll get an early head start in seeing if its a female. This will be my outdoor project this year. Super huge leaves too.
3/19 Day 9 Flip
Tent is looking a little spacious now that the males have been uncovered and all that's left are the girls. Of The Midnights Numbers 8, 6, 10, 9, 2, 11, and 12. #3 and #1 are females and will spend their time outside. Also Flowering are White Cheese, Cookie Monster, Fun, Warheads 1 and 2. Making it a nice 12 plants inside. Little Mutant White Cheese is still outside being trained by a tomato cage. Soon if it shows pistils I'll put it in a 15 gal air pot. Half males isn't too bad. I plan on growing from clones for a little while then back to strain hunting. I'll be popping some CBD seeds for the summer, then back to pheno hunting in the winter.

Some plants have been a little less green than the others for a little while. I wasn't sure what I could have been doing wrong until I gave them a bit of worm tea two feedings ago. The ones lacking green started to show a burst of green, They were hungry. I figured with my heavy teas they would be getting all the nutrients they needed. Wrong! I should of added guano or blood meal to my nutrient regimen a while ago, but forgot. Slow release nitrogen is showing it's downsides. I just have to not overdo it with the worm tea, It's heavy in tasty ready to consume N. I keep my worms happy. I'll Make a separate bucket of food for the girls that still look needy during the next feeding. I already gave them two doses of worm juice in a row, I should make sure the girls can handle it before I go again.

Its Getting Started. :Namaste:
I brought in a few that I placed outside 2, 11, and 12, hence the super dark green #2. It even though it was outside for a few weeks seems to be at the same rate or flowering as the others. It's probably finished its stretching phase and will need different nutrients now, but who knows. I can't wait to see how it does, hopefully I Didn't bring in a time bomb of either Herms or bugs. I made sure to spray the living hell out of them and Genetics be willing, there will be no ball sacks being packed by my group or girls. Buut who knows. I found both parts on one of my males outside and that is never a good sign. So I'll be flowering them further to see what to expect.
3/30 Flip Day 20

Pistils are popping and the plants are flowering. It's been about 10 or so days since everyone has pushed their gears into flowering. The stretch seems to be over. Not much happened. It could be because I didn't have any potent organic ferts like poops or blood meal to give them the extra kick they needed. It's interesting to compare to the one girl I put outside them brought back in. She seems to not mind the lower nutrients and still got a nice dark green color outside. Possibly due to the fact temps were lower. Still need to get my indoor thumb dialed in. I've been growing outside for so long I got used to how easy and simple everything was. I also got new stuff to help everyone in the flowering journey Seabird Guano 12-10-2, Roots Organics HPK 0-4-4, and some Great White. I've given the plants seabird guano these past two waterings and HPK for one. They seem to like it, only 4% water soluble N in the guano. I'll crush some up and add it as a top dressing to everyone tomorrow. Last watering was the day before yesterday watering happens about every three days.

As you see most of the ones that have remained indoor look hungry except for the white cheese. I'm going to try to prevent as much leaf loss as possible. I need to keep these girls happy. I also took cuttings from everyone. I'll have a clone update soon.

We also have the first signs of frost from everyone! :yahoo: I'm pretty stoked to see how these girls prevail. I lowered the lights a few inches to give them a little more warmth. They don't seem to mind.

I caved and brought the little mutant inside, another of my 12 was a male so I needed to fill the space.

One of them is getting red on the leaves. This worries me and I hope that it either goes straight to purple or stays the same. I'm hoping for the best, There's no turning back now! If anyone read the long Update. Thank you and hope you enjoy the boring mayhem :Namaste::thanks:
A little bit of time yields a lot of results
So I determined that the ones I put outdoor for their transition period got that sweet healthy dark green color because they were watered properly. They got rain water in between their feedings keeping the roots nice and happy.
Why does constant water help them in this way? Because I am a dumb dumb that added a few bags of coco into my soil mixture, I didn't realize that I would throw off my mojo for the grow. Basically I added too much coco to soil and barely mixed it in. I should have added less, allowing my "soil" to dry as much as possible in between watering caused it to compact into a super tight brick that wouldn't allow water to fully absorb into the center root system. I think I strangled the roots to the point that they were having trouble making use of the nutrients I was providing. I probably also made the soil unintentionally hot for the girls too, since the unused nutes would build up over time.
Anyway after seeing this slowly affect my girls I decided to connect the dots and started a more frequent watering regimen. And I hope you can see the results.

4/4 Group shot
This was after a few days of constant water/food already I am noticing that their green is starting to come back.

4/6 Group Shot
Everyone is blasting off at this point. It's starting to look like Christmas around here. I semi burned them by giving too much of the Roots HPK which was my mistake since I saw how much I added and thought "they'll figure out what to do with the excess."

Ah Yes Finally I have my little Clonies. They have been abused beyond abused my my method of cloning them. I basically just did dip and grow into dirt solo cups. When they got roots I popped them into the little square pots. The few still sitting in the Non-square pots are little ones that sprouted somewhere in the yard. Either from composted buds or the seed fell from heaven. Either way they are here to stay.
I forgot to say The clones are from my original Warhead that is in reveg right now. Pretty much is fully vegging out and will make great clone stock for years to come. I also have some Cowboy clones coming soon. I have the clones outside right now to harden them off. Some will be my outdoor crop this year, Some will be put into my LED tent as soon as Room is made.

And Speaking of outdoor. Here is #3 that I put out quite some time ago. You can really see how much slower outdoor flowering is compared to indoor flowering. Outside though I am getting a slight pink hue on the Pistils. So beautiful.

Also Here are some breadseed poppies I'm growing for shits. They catch dew more than any other plant in my yard. I am always amazed that every morning there are a few droplets of water on this plant.

Anyways :Namaste:
4/18 39 Days since Flipping

Time and Time again I've looked into the tent and thought "Wow, These girls probably will be done in a few weeks." Thank god for this journal. I'm able to check back to make sure how many exact days I've been flowering these plants. So I can say for sure most of my plants have been flowering for 32 days, taking away a week for transitioning.

I would say this is my finest indoor work so far. Everything is frosty with smells ranging from tropical fruit, Sour Candy, Musty Bread, and a little hint of Cheese. My senses are thoroughly impressed.

Problems: SO far I've been battling a few gnats that just wont quit. I've been spraying with organic insecticide (rosemary based) which only seems to work to decrease the population for a day or two.
I'm battling leaf miners or a type or thrip that most likely came through when my indecisive ass put plants out only to bring them back in. I give myself a hard time for doing stuff I know I shouldn't. I can justify it this time because They are doing way better indoors than they would be doing outside.
Also, concerning the clones I took from the indoor plants. I left them in indirect sunlight for about a week before I trimmed and put them in their rooting solution. This caused some to put out a few male flowers. I tossed out the ones that had flowered this way but still made clones from the rest. Anyways this has been in the back of my mind for a little bit and I decided that it most likely would be beneficial to get rid of all the clones. I may keep the ones from plants that weren't in my collection yet, but they still could herm. I already checked all my plants I took cuttings from and found no bananas, so I may do a reveg operation on the best of the best.

Group Shot

White Cheese Mutant (has a slight cheesy smell to it

Warhead #2 (my Favorite plant in the tent Has a lime candy smell to it

Fun (Seems to be a pretty basic plant. Has a slight fruity smell to her

Midnight #10 (I think, She has a tropical fruit smell to her
Since Outdoor is in the title of this journal, Let me talk about the outdoor business.

Here are the clones of the Original Warhead (Which has revegged beautifully) and a few volunteers that sprang up from the yard. There are a month old from clone and seed. Seeds have been topped and Quadlined. The clones selected all had four branches and are being trained to mimic the Quadlines. By the time the indoor girls are done flowering these should be big enough to throw in. I'll up pot them from their 3gal to 5 gal two weeks before flowering. I hope to see them explode in growth since theres at least 4 weeks left.

Here are the rest of the clonies that didn't make the cut. I'm not sure what to do. I hate wasting plants and would like to keep them, but then again There will always be more plants. I'll just give them away.

Here sitting peacefully is Midnight #3 she is enjoying the sun and the air and wind. It goes to show how slow these outdoor flowers are. Possibly because the daylight hours are increasing steadily she is slowing down and getting ready to reveg. I'll have to start bringing her inside and outside.

Here is the Strange Midnight. I can't remember what number she was, but I kept her outside because she had some weird flowers that I didn't approve of. They have since calmed down and she's looking pretty good. I love the purple hues she has.

Ahh Yes. Here are the little ones that sprang up after I buried a plant that had moldy buds. I'll gradually fill the pot with more and more dirt, keeping the best little ones to see what they will become.

Finally Here is Warhead #3 the Male. He is sitting in the corner of the yard flowering to his hearts content. I tried pollinating the flowering indoor cuttings but I don't think they will be used anymore since there's a chance for herming. If I can keep him alive until the rest are done flowering I'll Chop off the tops and try to pollinate the lower buds I want to reveg. I rarely remember to give him water and have given him nutes twice since hes been outside. I appreciate the structure he has and want to get him breeding. Now that I think of it, I'll just have him breed with the two outdoor broads and then let him at the rest if he survives.

That's it for this Huge update! Peace! :meditate:
I've gone and done it. Broke me hip longboarding around town. Man that sucks. Tis a mental setback more than anything. I plan on carrying on my normal shenanigans once the doctor gives me the okay. It sucks not being able to check on or even do things like I'm used to. I'm busting around with a walker like my Gramma. She's 100 I'm 25 but we act exactly the same haha gotta love family spirit.
I have friends helping me work with my plants. Its hard to get pictures of everything but my plants are starting to drink slower than they have been. I'm guessing the fastest will be done in 2 weeks. What made me laugh is they are transitioning into their fall colors or what I call "Sunday's best" if they were all purple I would say they were preparing for my funeral.
Other than that they look and smell beyond words. Honestly overwhelming.
I'll be posting less pics than usual because I can't move around or sit around for too long.
Gotta love the curveballs life throws at ya, I've always said I'm an old man in a young body.



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Plants are lookin good Hidden you will have lots of meds to help you thru a broken hip.
Thanks SOG! I'm feeling the same way. This should be more than enough meds to last me a while. Its humbling because if I wasn't injured I know I'd smoke through everything rather quickly. I won't allow myself to indulge the way I used to.

I'm taking things slow and letting the plants decide when they are done. Right now my loose harvest date will be May 8th which would be two weeks after their last feeding.
Thanks SOG! I'm feeling the same way. This should be more than enough meds to last me a while. Its humbling because if I wasn't injured I know I'd smoke through everything rather quickly. I won't allow myself to indulge the way I used to.

I'm taking things slow and letting the plants decide when they are done. Right now my loose harvest date will be May 8th which would be two weeks after their last feeding.
That's very close to my harvest sometime between the 6th and 13th. I started to flush yesterday The GSC has had good tric development for a while trics are mostly cloudy but no amber yet the DB x OMG is just now starting to frost up nicely I'm hopin she finishes up with the GSC in a couple of weeks
Sorry about the hip mate. Nice plants though!

Peace, Hyena
That's very close to my harvest sometime between the 6th and 13th. I started to flush yesterday The GSC has had good tric development for a while trics are mostly cloudy but no amber yet the DB x OMG is just now starting to frost up nicely I'm hopin she finishes up with the GSC in a couple of weeks

That's going to be a sweet harvest Old Guy your plants really became monsters in the coco coir.

Sorry about the hip mate. Nice plants though!

Peace, Hyena

Thanks Hyena I'm more than happy with the results. Its my first indoor grow in over a year with a new light as well. I have plenty of notes that will help me with the next grow.
Today is the day I will be chopping the tent. Everyone has to go mostly because I don't have the energy to tend to them like I could. That being said I have plenty of notes on how to improve the little operation. Outside there are two that got pollenated by the warhead male, when their seeds are done they get the chop. They kinda look like they want to reveg.20190508_111337.jpg20190508_111323.jpg

Since its just been doom and gloom this month I plan on having a summer crop. There are 12 clones from the original Warhead plant. They are about 6-8 inches tall with multiple branches. The plan will be to bring them into the tent, tie them down, and veg for 2 weeks before setting them to flower. Depending on the heat I'll either be flowering them inside or doing a light-dep routine.


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What a mellow month this has been. I am back for a moment of updates. First the harvest of the tent was amazing. All plants dried and cured to perfection. I waited about a week before trying to trim everything. After the trim i waited another week before sampling. The samples lasted about a week then everything was mixed into a big ol bag, that way I only smoked what I grabbed.
Now I am down to the last of the bag. With new plants maturing in the tent.


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This year has been a rough one. It seems that the chaos of the world seeped into my everyday activities. With everything spiraling out of control I had to step back, take a break, and make peace with a lot of things. With all this running around my head I noticed my plants seemed to grow blissfully, unaware of all the petty and superficial things that bother us. I began to see how my problems were just what I constructed around me and how easy it is to make an excuse that passes the fault onto the chaotic world. But like a Phoenix any hardships gives us an opportunity to rise up stronger.

My progress from here on out is dedicated to the pup/brother I lost this year.

He Loved hanging out in the garden, digging up my plants or just checking up on me. He will be missed beyond words. My heart goes out to anyone that went through any type of loss like this. I will share my favorite comic Pearls Before Swine that was published the day after I let my pup go. I take signs very seriously and this let me know he is in a better place.
Sorry about your lose on your pup mine looks a lot like Fatboy, it's so hard saying goodbye to are best friends,mines getting up there in the years, so' s my pup Dante..
This year has been a rough one. It seems that the chaos of the world seeped into my everyday activities. With everything spiraling out of control I had to step back, take a break, and make peace with a lot of things. With all this running around my head I noticed my plants seemed to grow blissfully, unaware of all the petty and superficial things that bother us. I began to see how my problems were just what I constructed around me and how easy it is to make an excuse that passes the fault onto the chaotic world. But like a Phoenix any hardships gives us an opportunity to rise up stronger.

My progress from here on out is dedicated to the pup/brother I lost this year.

He Loved hanging out in the garden, digging up my plants or just checking up on me. He will be missed beyond words. My heart goes out to anyone that went through any type of loss like this. I will share my favorite comic Pearls Before Swine that was published the day after I let my pup go. I take signs very seriously and this let me know he is in a better place.


  • 20190811_112255.jpg
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This year has been a rough one. It seems that the chaos of the world seeped into my everyday activities. With everything spiraling out of control I had to step back, take a break, and make peace with a lot of things. With all this running around my head I noticed my plants seemed to grow blissfully, unaware of all the petty and superficial things that bother us. I began to see how my problems were just what I constructed around me and how easy it is to make an excuse that passes the fault onto the chaotic world. But like a Phoenix any hardships gives us an opportunity to rise up stronger.

My progress from here on out is dedicated to the pup/brother I lost this year.

He Loved hanging out in the garden, digging up my plants or just checking up on me. He will be missed beyond words. My heart goes out to anyone that went through any type of loss like this. I will share my favorite comic Pearls Before Swine that was published the day after I let my pup go. I take signs very seriously and this let me know he is in a better place.
Sorry about your lose on your pup mine looks a lot like Fatboy, it's so hard saying goodbye to are best friends,mines getting up there in the years, so' s my pup Dante..
I see your from Cali me to Valencia
This year has been a rough one. It seems that the chaos of the world seeped into my everyday activities. With everything spiraling out of control I had to step back, take a break, and make peace with a lot of things. With all this running around my head I noticed my plants seemed to grow blissfully, unaware of all the petty and superficial things that bother us. I began to see how my problems were just what I constructed around me and how easy it is to make an excuse that passes the fault onto the chaotic world. But like a Phoenix any hardships gives us an opportunity to rise up stronger.

My progress from here on out is dedicated to the pup/brother I lost this year.

He Loved hanging out in the garden, digging up my plants or just checking up on me. He will be missed beyond words. My heart goes out to anyone that went through any type of loss like this. I will share my favorite comic Pearls Before Swine that was published the day after I let my pup go. I take signs very seriously and this let me know he is in a better place.
This year has been a rough one. It seems that the chaos of the world seeped into my everyday activities. With everything spiraling out of control I had to step back, take a break, and make peace with a lot of things. With all this running around my head I noticed my plants seemed to grow blissfully, unaware of all the petty and superficial things that bother us. I began to see how my problems were just what I constructed around me and how easy it is to make an excuse that passes the fault onto the chaotic world. But like a Phoenix any hardships gives us an opportunity to rise up stronger.

My progress from here on out is dedicated to the pup/brother I lost this year.

He Loved hanging out in the garden, digging up my plants or just checking up on me. He will be missed beyond words. My heart goes out to anyone that went through any type of loss like this. I will share my favorite comic Pearls Before Swine that was published the day after I let my pup go. I take signs very seriously and this let me know he is in a better place.
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