Newbie Grow - Hindu Kush - November 2013


New Member
Hey 420mag.

I've always loved watching and following grow journals.
I have been lurking for a while, but since i got my own grow now, i decided to do my own journal.

I started out by planting 3 ruderalis seeds to have something to practise on, before i planted my indica Hindu Kush seeds.



To me it seems like they're doing fine. I think they are a bit over 5 weeks old

Hindu Kush
45-50 Days flowering
~90g yield
100% indica
115 - 130 cm height

And here they are in their full glory.
Currently they are 8 days old.




The one in the white pot is so short compared to the other two. And tips on what i could do?
Also, all the three pots will be transplanted into 18L pots later when they grow a bit bigger.

Since i lack a lot of money this month, i decided to go full out hobo-style, and build everything myself.
The grow tent itself is build from two storage cardboard boxes. The insides are lined with white paper, and there's a fan installed at the bottom.



And here's a shot of the inside:


The light i'm using is a simple 40W light bulb. I can't afford pro grow lights right now unfortunately.

I will be updating this thread frequently, but usually when there's a visual change on the weed.
Also please help me out guys. Im a total n00b. Should i get fertilizer? Or anything else?

Feel free to comment and give feedback! :thumb:
Re: Newbie Grow - Hindu Kush, November 2013

Update with new pictures of the girls.
I planted two new seeds. The strain is called White Widow. They're in the transparent pots. The seeds were given to me by a friend so i thought why not.

My friend also lend my a great grow light. An LED lamp. I think it's 14W or something. Crazy how low wattage it is and how high effectiveness it gives.

Also i moved the grow room into my living room. Might aswell watch them grow while i game :)









How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial: Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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