Nute deficiency or pests? Please help.


New Member
I have a problem with my plants that were planted only about a week ago. I have three strains from Paradise Seeds going, and only one with problems (so far) is Auto Jack. All my other strains are doing well. I'm growing in regular soil+perlite mix under 400W hid + one small cfl. I haven't been giving anything else than water at this point. Leaves are curling up a bit but I\'m mostly worried about the discolouration. Hopefully someone can give me a hand on this one. The dots on the pictures are soil btw, not bugs!

I would like to add that I've checked the ph and it's in order as is the temperature as well. It's hard to imagine I would have pests in one week only - and only affecting one strain - or nute deficiency either since the soil should be providing enough nutrients for the time being. Any ideas?
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Sorry I now see that this registers in the FAQ section as well. Cheers! These babies are going outdoors in a week I hope. Hope to get some more opinions though. I sprayed the "weird" plants with herb/soap/alcohol -mix. Now waiting to see the effects before spraying the whole bunch.
Looks like temp and humidity problem to me. Info on temps and humidity would help. Leafs can curl up to protect from light heat if room is to hot and not enough fresh air flow
Thanks for advice. The lamp has been sitting 12" above the canopy. I now raised it to 16" to see if it makes a difference. Originally I had the lamp higher but lowered it because the plants were growing long stems like reaching for light instead of branching out. Maybe it was just a phase as they are only two weeks old now. I also had some problems with co2 in the beginning.

The temps are between 72-77 and humidity at 42-52. That ok? There is quite powerful exhaust fan + two regular ones for air circulation and endurance. For the past days I've watered them with less than a cup per plant every two-three days, when the soil on the surface had dried up quite a bit. The pH of the soil is around 6.2-6.7. I'm not giving any nutrients yet.

With heat stress the signs should be most obvious straight under the lamp, where it's the hottest, right? Because that is not the case. The leaves are curling up here and there, most severely on the problematic Auto Jack -strain. All in all, the curling has ceased off quite a bit. If it was because of the heat, maybe the plants have just gotten bigger and more adjusted. Go figure.

Thanks so much for all the info so far. Will post some pics with (hopefully positive) progression later.
Watering a cup or 2 a day is not the correct way to water you plants. Water slowly till the medium is thoroughly wet and water starts to come out the bottom of the pot. DO NOT water again till the soil is mostly dry. If you do not have holes in the bottom of your milk containers you should make some.
Less than a cup every two or three days when they look like they really need it. And slowly, of course. Jugs also have plenty of drainage.
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