Nwgreenz Jamacian Kush Grow from Seed

you caught more sprouts of em, or are those different plants?

they look identical my plants dude, great progress here! you got your stuff dialed in here on this grow, kudos!

mine are getting big too..not as green becuase i start with an "empty soil", but look very similar. thats a t5 youre using?

one of them is stressed, and idk why. one on the left was topped. also a close up of topped one.
here are the jam kush..very fat leaves..love it. smells like a deep musky earthy coffee or chocolate in veg if you rub the leaves.

on the 18th they will be 3 weeks old..so they should so me sex on time.

the one thats not topped is showing me balls already i think :(

sup nwgreenz? im pretty confident that this is a female, i see the white head of a pistil in one of the tops!

shell be 3 weeks old from breaking earth on the 18th..hich is when i expect pistils or balls. im gonna give it a couple days more to make sure 100% its a female before i transplant.

LOVING my new soil. its more compost than peat moss (cheaper), but its doing great, best roots ive seen so far. on top of the new soil, i love landrace strains such big leaves..such big flowers?

the center node has like a wingspan lol. i didnt top long ago..going to fetch exact date now. its like one random day the new nodes took over very very soon after i topped. here comes the stretch.

Your plants look really good meat. What size pot are you going to put em in? I will post some new pics of mine here soon.Been really busy with my other grows....trimmin kicked my butt last night, now i am gettin room ready for my next run which are wayyyy to big but i think it will work out. No more 8 wk veg for me. Ill tell ya this is a full time job sometimes but i love it.:thumb:
yeah no need for all the veg! hydro makes things faster so you dont have to veg as long. but you did big things with your current grow. kudos, big ups.

probably a 32 or 64 oz container for my girl. this is a fat leaved landrace strain..i know the buds will also be fat..aiming for a 16-20" plant after the stretch which will start tomorrow. oh wait..i topped. idk how tall shell be.
okay, so i got one guy and one girl. the topped one is a girl! transplanted her last night. she must be happy in her new home.

male then female. male went into my compost bin.
3/28. only had one week of 18/6, then went to 12/12.

yours look better right now. i hope my girl perks up a bit with the new container. these plants have big leaves..they will have big buds. all plants look the same. maybe some more variation will be added if these arent big producers. :thumb:

edit: is that a girl i see in the last pic!?
looking great! ill post my update tonight when the lights come on. itll be 1 week in from first pistil at this point. shes already big and shes not done stretching. this plant is going to be a producer for sure.
looking amazing my man. mine is a week in from first pistil sighting this wed, will do a couple days early for sake of it.

only 1 week into bloom so shes gonna stretch even more lol
two weeks into bloom, such a beauty..this is gonna be my best plant to date..i know it. from now on i will be lsting or topping once..i think it does help yield a bit by keeping more flower units closer to the light..gotta see which yields better in a side by side grow next season with sister seeds. i have a lot of these seeds and they have the same parents, so ill test it out :cool:

this plant is gonna be 4 giant colas :p shes basically done stretching. ive noticed it takes ~2 weeks for stretch in my place.

shes a funny shade of green because i just fed her. just started noticing nitrogen deficiency, which is a sign to start feeding program..lets see if i can get it right this time :devious:

kinda looks like i already burnt her a little bit by the clawing leaves -_-

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