Odd issue I've never experienced before


420 Member
I planted some seedlings and I watered them with water at first, then started giving them worm tea every other feeding or so.. This is the first time I've done this with babies but I went to check on them this evening and noticed that the bottom set of leaves were shriveled up and turning crispy. I also have lady bugs in with them because of spider mite issues with other plants. Anywho, I don't know why the leaves are doing this. Has anyone else experienced this and what was the cause?
The first set of leafs a seedling forms is called dicotyledons these are oval in shape & then the next set is called true leafs in technical terms palmate with a segregated edge depending on strain expression & breeding this may show 5 fingers & on rare occasions 3 fingers.

If it is the oval set I would not be upset...

On a fluffy bunny scale of guide lines I may question watering ?
pics would really help , worm tea can be very acidic or too alkaline , you are maybe burning the root zone ph out of wack , mites can kill leaves quick depending on how bad ,

I'm not too worried about it since it is on the bottom leaves and eventually they will get pulled off but if this is a problem that is going to spread then I would like to get ahead of it. I've just never seen it before.


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The first set of leafs a seedling forms is called dicotyledons these are oval in shape & then the next set is called true leafs in technical terms palmate with a segregated edge depending on strain expression & breeding this may show 5 fingers & on rare occasions 3 fingers.

If it is the oval set I would not be upset...

On a fluffy bunny scale of guide lines I may question watering ?

Yeah I'm not worried about location.. I'm worried that the plant may be sick and it spread. But I'm just going to water with plain water for a while and see if she changes on the upper leaves or not. It could be the worm tea.
Ye those lovelies will be root bound looking at the size of em & in those lil cups...

High time to pot up into a larger pot I'd suggest 10 to 15 liter or 2 or 3 gallon size you can go larger if you want but that only really saves on watering... depends on how much time ya wanna spend in the garden ?

By the looks of things you may have early signs of nutrient defs as well... so you will need a grow/veg nutrient feed & I'll personally suggest a micro nutrient feed as well.
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