
What is the average THC level on home made distilled oil, FECA, RSO etc?

The THC level will depend on potency of the plant and the extraction method used. Generally speaking, buds are about 10-25% THC, kief/hash is about 30%-50%, and solvent extracts can go 60%-80%. That being said, if you make your extract from a low THC strain, you can expect to be lower than even the "general" ranges I listed.
So i used Shashamane 14% to 16% THC
Is there a way to come out with a percentage of strength of oil based on strain of flower?
I did half a kilo of Shashamane.
Distilled ethanol, decarboxylation, 48 hrs winterisation, filtered, double wash, freeze for 3 hours, rice cooker 83 Celsius, end with a water bath.
And i end up with 2.8 Oz
Another question, what is the formula to get the yield based on the amount of flower used?

Many thanks Mr. Krip
So i used Shashamane 14% to 16% THC
Is there a way to come out with a percentage of strength of oil based on strain of flower?
I did half a kilo of Shashamane.
Distilled ethanol, decarboxylation, 48 hrs winterisation, filtered, double wash, freeze for 3 hours, rice cooker 83 Celsius, end with a water bath.
And i end up with 2.8 Oz
Another question, what is the formula to get the yield based on the amount of flower used?

Many thanks Mr. Krip

I would think you'd really need to have it tested to get an accurate % since there are so many variables, but here's a formula that may help:

If you start with 100g of bud that is 15% THC, there is a total of 15g of THC in the buds (15% of 100g).

Depending on the extraction method, purity of the solvent, etc., you're not going to get 100% "out with the wash". I would think 80% is a reasonable number (when in doubt, I tend to fall-back on the "80/20 Rule"! :) ) but would expect it's probably closer to 90% with pure ethanol (not the 151 proof!).

So, if you assume 80%, for example, that means you've extracted 12g of THC (80% of the 15g available).

If you then weigh the total solution and divide the 12g by that number, it should get you pretty close to accurate.

For example, if the total amount of extract weighed 20g, the percent of THC would be 60% (12g/20g).

The variables that effect your accuracy are:

1) Knowing the correct THC content of the starting material
2) The efficacy of the wash (what percentage of available THC you're able to capture)
3) How much you lose along the way getting stuck to the sides of the containers & utensils
4) How effective the decarb is, if you're measuring THC delta-9 vs. THC-A
Awesome to know.
I used Anhydrous ethanol 99.9%,
2.5 litres for half a kilo of flowers. (1.10 pounds)
Total of solution got back 2300 ML (2.3 litres)
Total extract 2.8 Oz

Many thanks again!

And to find the yield production?
extract total / starting product?


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Awesome to know.
I used Anhydrous ethanol 99.9%,
2.5 litres for half a kilo of flowers. (1.10 pounds)
Total of solution got back 2300 ML (2.3 litres)
Total extract 2.8 Oz

Many thanks again!

And to find the yield production?
extract total / starting product?

That's correct!

And, now that we have the rest of the numbers, we can probably get you pretty close...

You started with 500g of bud that was (average of) 15% THC, so you had a total of 75g of THC to start with.

Assuming you were able to get 90% of that out, you should have 67.5g of THC "dissolved" in your 2.8 oz. of extract (hopefully, this 2.8 oz is weight and not volume!), which means 67.5g of THC is dissolved in approximately 79g of extract.

So, assuming you didn't lose some THC along the way, your extract should be about 85% THC (67.5/79).

And your yield was 79g of extract for 500g of bud, which is 15.8%.

I hope that helps!



So, you have
Mr. K i took a bit more than a drop of the oil around 6:05pm

Strong smell, kind of spicy fuel.

Spicy in the back of the throat, super light.
A bit bitter but not to much, maybe a residue trace of chlorophyll, green plant taste.
Just a slight numbness on back of the throat.
Placed a drop on a cigarette, no smell at all, no taste. (weird?)
Kind of aware but relaxed, eyes open, active...(most be the Shashamane/Ethiopia Highlands Sativa)
Keep you posted when it hits if it hits....
Oooook my friend, this just hit NICELY, SUPER ACTIVE.
Flavours change as well, adding citrus
I feel super active (obviously) active mind and buzzing body.
Thanks for the help! fot bad for the first time i cook!!!
Oooook my friend, this just hit NICELY, SUPER ACTIVE.
Flavours change as well, adding citrus
I feel super active (obviously) active mind and buzzing body.
Thanks for the help! fot bad for the first time i cook!!!

Niiiiiiiiiiice!!!! Enjoy the ride! :surf:
FYI...I use the oil to make capsules. I mix with coconut, grapeseed, or olive oil at about 20:1 and make these:

The best sleeping pills available! Doesn't put you to sleep quick, but keeps you asleep and you don't wake up feeling "drugged" like with the pharma stuff.

Ok, thats was a very long high.
Took it at 6:05 pm
Around 7pm body high started, buzzin' ears, eyes, body buzz.
7:30pm i felt super active and lasted till 10pm
And felt body buzz until 1am

How much THC will i lose per gram if i diluted 20:1 (gram?)

And am trying to do the formula base on 1kg with a 20% THC and it come super high, what am i doing wrong?
I would think you'd really need to have it tested to get an accurate % since there are so many variables, but here's a formula that may help:

If you start with 100g of bud that is 15% THC, there is a total of 15g of THC in the buds (15% of 100g).

Depending on the extraction method, purity of the solvent, etc., you're not going to get 100% "out with the wash". I would think 80% is a reasonable number (when in doubt, I tend to fall-back on the "80/20 Rule"! :) ) but would expect it's probably closer to 90% with pure ethanol (not the 151 proof!).

So, if you assume 80%, for example, that means you've extracted 12g of THC (80% of the 15g available).

If you then weigh the total solution and divide the 12g by that number, it should get you pretty close to accurate.

For example, if the total amount of extract weighed 20g, the percent of THC would be 60% (12g/20g).

The variables that effect your accuracy are:

1) Knowing the correct THC content of the starting material
2) The efficacy of the wash (what percentage of available THC you're able to capture)
3) How much you lose along the way getting stuck to the sides of the containers & utensils
4) How effective the decarb is, if you're measuring THC delta-9 vs. THC-A

Awesome stuff @Mr. Krip
Thanks Pyr0, I wish i can get it more amber color.
So the THC formula to get an average only will work up to 99%?

For more amber color, do short washes at cold temperatures. You'll pull less of the chlorophyll and other stuff you don't want in your oil. Freeze everything first - the buds, containers, & alcohol.

I do a first wash for only 9 minutes, a second wash for 6 minutes, and sometimes a third wash for three minutes (if I don't think it's a waste of the alcohol since most will come out in the first two washes).

You'll get a nice amber color and a more pure product:

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