Opioid Tapering With Cannabis: A Regimen

I'm not opposed to suppositories, I just want to make sure I really know what I'm doing before I explore that option.
Your right though, I couldn't do that today because it wouldn't last long there, lol. TMI I know, sorry.

I will look at the biobomb recipe again, and consider what I need to make them, thanks for the suggestions :)
Well I'm off, didn't take any morphine last night, didn't take any today.
Lets see what happens....lol.
Sir..please keep track.as in

In half. If your pill is purple and 30 mg.
Cut it in half. Approx.
when you have gone more hours than 8/then 9/ then 10/ then 11..then .. all the way to 120 hours.. since the last 1/X of the purple,pill.. your done..hurray.

Until,then, write shit down,
Chirp the time from typical 8 to 120 hours.
If at anytime. You pass the last dose time. Say ..it was 28 hours. I’m could not go another minute.
I wanted to go,to zero there and there . Not be, took a fucking sliver of posion.
I recall writing sue as I did it. Call it names. Crazy posts.. lol..

Ok, do not go too many levels..of withdrawal. You’ll know yours. It’s waves. Of bullshit. With completely random time cycles. So don’t make any ‘ dance plans ‘ . Stay Way from loved ones for awhile

.. if you are the male.. . Hmm no one mentioned this..
umm you’ll know things are going your way. When your penis .. says ///HHHHHELLLOOOOOOOOOO/
For chicks idk ..it got to be the same. So ladies. I think you should withdraw here. With me. ..lol

No one mentioned this/. I’m embarrassed.. lll
Look . When withdrWing. You must ‘combT each new body sensation as a.game.

What used to be opioid caused and amplified pain . Was just your stomach grumbling.. hmm
Or maybe a fart?
The oPiods destroy the Cns feedback signals.
Doctor don’t bother to model humans with feedback channel, proporley. Therefore they continued to prescribe poisonous compounds to the human Cns. Shame .. all that moneya dnall ...dead people drug addicts.. damn shame.. anyway.

You’ll find your body “new” every minute or so.
Do not be alarMed. Smoke smoke weed . You’ll know exactly how much. Smoke some in a hot tub. How can that be bad. // ok youmpas out and die.. fanstaitc .. pain over. Your not getting out that easy.

The you’ll die myth is so,the mother fucker can charge you..again. For fear of quitting.. fuck them.
At least deny them cash by cutting half’s and doubling time.

Oh drink red wine.. red wine makes your Cns .. excrete ... pRagolvind.. it’s your bodies NSAID respond.
Triggers by .. Chianti. Tuscany.. I suggest Italian,, red white later ..with chicken learn to cook.

I her old bear teaches cooking...
I take it you're warm enough in your neighborhood to barbecue Marc. Lol! It's freezing cold where I am. :battingeyelashes:

I don't recall a woman member stepping out about opioid dependence, so now I'm wondering if the libido returns in as dramatic a fashion. Lol! No need to be embarrassed. I like the fact that we talk about the things no one else does.

The stress of fighting to stay one step ahead of my husband's death killed my libido for over a decade, so I know first hand how devastating this ECS deficiency can be. When it came back it like it was on steroids, trying to make up for lost time. Health, wholeness, harmony all come with relief.
Well, I'm still alive, lol
So far so good.
Just took a decent mount of CCO and CBD isolate, I have ZERO craving for the morphine, in fact, never did.

This is the 4th time I took myself off opiods in the past 12 years, this by far has gone the best.

When I took myself off methadone about 5 or 6 years ago, I really thought I was gonna die, and same goes for the last time I took myself off morphine. Doctors have never helped me, it has just been my strong will to be better than I was.

The diarrhea is still very debilitating, and I'm pretty sure I'm dehydrated by now.

Thank you Jesus for delivering me from addiction.
Just a thought Bluenoser, but I've used CCO capsules with infused oil as a suppository, a high THC oil, to stop diarrhea. It only took one application in my case. Those suppositories will work on constipation too.

Drink more........cannabinoid therapies call for tremendous amounts of water.
Sorry I'll go back and read but @Bluenoser I got some melatonin last night and I'm pretty sure that is the ticket. I doubt my body makes it's own.... so that can really help with sleepless nights restless legs and I even noticed my aches were far fewer. I don't plan on using much for long but I wish I had gotten some 10 days ago

Well, I'm still alive, lol
So far so good.
Just took a decent mount of CCO and CBD isolate, I have ZERO craving for the morphine, in fact, never did.

This is the 4th time I took myself off opiods in the past 12 years, this by far has gone the best.

When I took myself off methadone about 5 or 6 years ago, I really thought I was gonna die, and same goes for the last time I took myself off morphine. Doctors have never helped me, it has just been my strong will to be better than I was.

The diarrhea is still very debilitating, and I'm pretty sure I'm dehydrated by now.

Thank you Jesus for delivering me from addiction.
Sorry I'll go back and read but @Bluenoser I got some melatonin last night and I'm pretty sure that is the ticket. I doubt my body makes it's own.... so that can really help with sleepless nights restless legs and I even noticed my aches were far fewer. I don't plan on using much for long but I wish I had gotten some 10 days ago

How many mg are you taking Dabber?
Thanks for the suggestions.
I keep hearing to drink red wine. Is it safe to do that with the drug still in my system?
Won't that dehydrate me more?

If I were there I'd be filling you with Gatorade.
How many mg are you taking Dabber?
I took my first last night 10 mg. Mainly because I think I slept between 1 and 2 hours.

I'm going to try 5 mg tonight. And take another 5 an hour later if needed that sound good doc?

No access to CBDs yet. Well, no more than is in my herbs 1 to 2 % max. Is great white shark high CBD? arctic just gave me a tester jar. And some CCO caps. I take 1 before bed.
I took my first last night 10 mg. Mainly because I think I slept between 1 and 2 hours.

I'm going to try 5 mg tonight. And take another 5 an hour later if needed that sound good doc?

No access to CBDs yet. Well, no more than is in my herbs 1 to 2 % max. Is great white shark high CBD? arctic just gave me a tester jar. And some CCO caps. I take 1 before bed.

Sounds like a plan. My daughter uses the 3 mg tablets and takes them about 15-30 min before bed. She tells me that you have to listen to your body and go to bed when you begin to feel the effects, or you'll push past it and it won't help. She weighs just under 300 pounds Dabber. That 3 mg is all she's ever taken. Experiment.

That was sweet of Arctic. I love the family that is this forum. :circle-of-love:
Well, I'm still alive, lol
So far so good.
Just took a decent mount of CCO and CBD isolate, I have ZERO craving for the morphine, in fact, never did.

This is the 4th time I took myself off opiods in the past 12 years, this by far has gone the best.

When I took myself off methadone about 5 or 6 years ago, I really thought I was gonna die, and same goes for the last time I took myself off morphine. Doctors have never helped me, it has just been my strong will to be better than I was.

The diarrhea is still very debilitating, and I'm pretty sure I'm dehydrated by now.

Thank you Jesus for delivering me from addiction.
Blue... you did it.
Just a thought Bluenoser, but I've used CCO capsules with infused oil as a suppository, a high THC oil, to stop diarrhea. It only took one application in my case. Those suppositories will work on constipation too.

Drink more........cannabinoid therapies call for tremendous amounts of water.
Sue. .. the diarrhea,is the absolute best way to get that shit, literally out of your system.
Drink water of course. Sue has piece onwater..
Add coconut water. Any Mexican made brand.. consume as much as you like.
Pistachios nut are helpful and provide nutrition and ....poop fuel..

I ate Chinese food .. chow mien rice. Easy at both ends. Serious. Dude it’s a race...
Aloe a Vera, Taiwanese make a great brand,, drink that too. It doesn’t stop direhha either.. rather it’s like drinking liquid aspirin for your insides.

Do consider, consuming red Italian wine. .. seriously, It’s not like aspirin in liquid.. it makes your body squirt NSAID from your gut and ECS, as you sip it. The ethanol in wine is only an equivalent to .. las blah. Compared to beer? Really... watered grain ferment? No red wine was living grape’s life giving juice. The Italians , wisely store this life force, in every bot;le of Chianti. Try it. ‘What can possibly go,wrong?’ I’d limit intake to less than 642 ml per 24 day. Means don’t kill,it. Oh you must not, and cannot accelerate the effects of ethanol, bound to wine by drinking 40% liquor. Jamison for example, S fine as it tastes, more than .. 10- 30 ml at a time.. is really .. too much.. btw I’d pound mArtinis ..and keep going. Not now. .. sake, at 15-20% is acceptable, gets you drunk quick without ethanol over dose symptoms, ie headache after that crap burns off you. Ethanol,overload, stinks in your sweat.. so idk. I drank about 75 bottles in the past t months. I cook with it. Some times I put it inthe food ,too. ;-)
Yeah.....I think I'm gonna stay away from the wine for awhile.

I really feel the need to reconnect with my body, so pumping more and more things into it right now isn't a good thing I don't think.

I want to detox, I want my cells to function again.

Today was rough, worse than yesterday, not sure why. Today is day two since I went cold turkey.

I ate a Wendy's hamburger (so much for being vegan, lol) I quit coffee, switched back to green tea. The good stuff, sancha macha :)
I even forced myself out of the house tonight o go to church. Felt good to be outside again.

Trying to drink lots, but fluids kinda repulse me right now.

I'm just very weak now, sand in alot of pain, which was the original reason I went back on the morphine to begin with.

I hope I can treat the pain with cannabis only this time.
Trying to drink lots, but fluids kinda repulse me right now.
I wish you well Blue, and I can tell you that whenever fluids repulse me, I can always manage to drink seltzer (not club soda...actual seltzer).
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