Orchid help


New Member
Setting up a herb garden and plant home to make my kitchen cool. Ordered a 4 ft 6 bulb t5 fixture. The center will be herbs, then the surround will be my orchids, ferns etc.... My question is this, what is the chemical that you brush on the cut above a node? It seals it off and fights infection. It's a specific chemical, I learned about it randomly at a horticulture class. I'm searching the Internet, but everyone says something different. This chemical was powdered and you add water to make a thick paste and brush on cut. Thanks!
It's just a fungicide. I went to the society site. They say to just sprinkle cinnamon on the cut area. It's a natural fungicide. Good to go then! Cutting one tomorrow. The others have a few blooms left.
Btw, my herb garden is in a cool place. Behind my kitchen table is a built in recessed buffet. I'm going to keep it very clean, I don't want it out of control or dirty looking. I just figured, I don't have a wife, so why not do stuff one wouldn't allow? I don't think I'll be having a dinner party any time soon. Hope not.
New indoor garden in my kitchen!


Guess I should start posting the off-topic stuff in that forum. Got a message (spanking) from Teddy about the off-topic YouTube video. Here's the orchid in bloom.

I've gotten several...hundred...lol I try to comply as best I can now...you can always blow up my feed with pics you have though :)

She is so pretty!! I love that she is more stocky than most! I almost bought the miniatures but they were way too small....I'd definitely kill them somehow
I've gotten several...hundred...lol I try to comply as best I can now...you can always blow up my feed with pics you have though :)

She is so pretty!! I love that she is more stocky than most! I almost bought the miniatures but they were way too small....I'd definitely kill them somehow
Well, I guess we should change our ways and comply. I think it for the best to keep the website uncluttered. You do have amazing pages.
Oh. My. God. They are :circle-of-love::circle-of-love::love::love::love:

I love them Charlie. Let them eat your fruit:hug:I need to hug them and get kisses!!
I gave up on the cantaloupes...I just could not get mad at them after watching them chase each other around, one carrying a cantaloupe and the other chasing...just had to laugh and SIGH!
I gave up on the cantaloupes...I just could not get mad at them after watching them chase each other around, one carrying a cantaloupe and the other chasing...just had to laugh and SIGH!
Happy Thanksgiving Charlie to you, the family and your cantaloupe eating monsters as well!
Happy T-Day to you and yours! You cooking the turkey meal today? What's on the menu?

Eh, I'm home in my robe by myself. Been better just having a rough couple of days.
You don't know where that mouth and tongue has been - I would not suggest "dog kisses". LOL!
I don't mind where they've been, I'm that person that is on the floor at a party playing with the dog lol
If you ever need to just spill...ring my bell. Glad you are doing good today. The holidays are hell...be easy on yourself.
Thanks Charlie. How is it going? I need to get over to your feed to check out my tag
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