Organic super soil: how many gallons/plant?

2x2 in a single 14 gallon which is about 17-18" in dia I would do one plant.
One plant will fill a 2x2 with ease and grow better and stronger than 2 competing in one pot.

Although two plants you get two strains and it would work.
Be better in a 25 gallon fabric pot though which should easily fit in a 2x2 unless you need floor space for something else.
This is just 2 plants completely filling a 3x5 space.
7 to 8 weeks veg.
That's a nice jungle there, nunyabiz :yummy:

The thing is, this next grow will be my last for a while (relocating), and I would like to yield as much as possible to have enough to last me over the winter. And having two strains would also be nice... I think I'll go with two plants.

This current grow (the one going all to hell) is my first scrog attempt, so I'm hopeful that maybe I have learned a couple of things about that too, and it'll go better with this next grow. A long veg is no problem, it's even better to spend the hot weather season with only the "veg" button of my Mars Hydro led, it's several degrees cooler in the closet that way.
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