over fed plants


New Member
4 w.w. plants grown in soil. I fed them too much (1/2 strength M.G. 20/20/20), all the plants have the same simptoms, claw looking leaves on new growth, starting at bottom and working it's way up the plant. should all the plants be flushed with good ph water? Thanks for any help! (plants are close to 2')
Flush now... Use distilled water. Stop feeding completely until you notice improvement in the plant. I really really hate MG anything. They make those nutes and soil for general use not cannabis specific. Let me know if you need more help. ;-)
Thanks for help! What would you recomend feeding? vegging, soil (worm castings and Fox Farm organic mix). The other plants are showing slight damage I should flush all of them. Thanks again for you help.
flush them and cut the nutes by 50% if you only have access to MG. there are several cos out there..Fox Farm,Biobizz,Canna,GH,H&G,Advanced Nutrients,Technaflora etc. all are good...be conservative..less is more
do not buy all the supplements..just the base nutes for this time
Pits right, there are great nute co.'s out there that will help you along the way. If your new and need to learn what and how nutrients work, I must suggest using Techniflora's Recipe for Success kit. $30 out the door or order it via site sponsor Stealth Hydro, heres the link to the site and page of the kit : SH Hydroponics, Inc.-Recipe For Success

That kit will teach the basics of how to feed your plants. I must emphasize to start off at a 1/4 strength of what the chart say till your plant get use to the nutes, then up it slowly. Good luck
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