Parents who partake?

By responsible, for me, it means not smoking while the baby's awake, or anywhere he could be exposed to the smoke, not driving with him while stoned. Not letting him see my stash or paraphernalia yet, etc. I think responsible is in the eye of the parent though.

By here, do you mean you're the parent? Or asking if I meant in this forum? Typing does not make things clear sometimes. Haha

And east side of the Mississippi. Flora-bama all the way.
My youngest is 21. They all hit me up for the good stuff. I'm retired now so works out good. Did 17 plus years in the army. So no one new shit till just recently

Respect, I've had friends whose parents got the good stuff growing up. My parents on the other hand were boring. I feel like as my boy gets older tho, we'll be pretty open. I'm not ashamed of the fact I smoke, especially when most the parents with a negative opinion of it, are judging me with a cocktail in their hand.
Respect, I've had friends whose parents got the good stuff growing up. My parents on the other hand were boring. I feel like as my boy gets older tho, we'll be pretty open. I'm not ashamed of the fact I smoke, especially when most the parents with a negative opinion of it, are judging me with a cocktail in their hand.
I have a no child policy. Smoking pot at a young age makes for stupid kids.
I don't intend to let him smoke before he's old enough to enlist. But when he's like 16, I'm not going to hide in the garage from him, pretending I don't partake.
I hear you. I treat it just like drinking.
I think responsible is in the eye of the parent though.

Everyone has different approaches, my kids get to help with various garden related tasks. We don't smoke with them around but they have seen us smoke.

None of our family knows we smoke but they're all big social drinkers and prone to judgement on the topic. I'm sure with legal rec we'll see some of them loosen up but I doubt it.

Their still too young to really grasp it all so it's all "cigarettes" which are not for kids just like dad's tools and the stove.

As far as the whole older thing.... Our plan now is no till 21, likely to be negated as soon as they move out. It's a legal rec state so definitely presents challenges no generation of parents have ever dealt with. I have no problem telling them there are things that you are not old enough to decide without feeling like a hypocrite though.
Everyone has different approaches, my kids get to help with various garden related tasks. We don't smoke with them around but they have seen us smoke.

None of our family knows we smoke but they're all big social drinkers and prone to judgement on the topic. I'm sure with legal rec we'll see some of them loosen up but I doubt it.

Their still too young to really grasp it all so it's all "cigarettes" which are not for kids just like dad's tools and the stove.

As far as the whole older thing.... Our plan now is no till 21, likely to be negated as soon as they move out. It's a legal rec state so definitely presents challenges no generation of parents have ever dealt with. I have no problem telling them there are things that you are not old enough to decide without feeling like a hypocrite though.

All sounds respectable, I'm in a medical legal state, with jacked up laws. As far as age to smoke, I'm set at 18. My thoughts are, old enough to die for your country, you're old enough to make your own decisions with weed and alcohol. Just my opinion of course.
I don't intend to let him smoke before he's old enough to enlist. But when he's like 16, I'm not going to hide in the garage from him, pretending I don't partake.
My daughter was 15 when she caught me in the garage...I was building a custom wardrobe for her Christmas present,(wood working hobby) and I was smoking a fatty but used the Christmas present scenario to keep her out... :oops:
The age thing gets sticky. We were allowed limited amounts of beer and Grandpa's homemade wine at 16. But the kids across the lake were in trouble for stealing schnapps around the same age. So it does become a kid by kid basis too.

The brain is still undergoing big changes through the teenage years and even early 20's. Would I like them to wait? yes. But it will be an open discussion on why not to at that point and not simply "because your not old enough". They're going to make their own choices at some point and I'd rather they have as much information as possible when that time comes.
By here, do you mean you're the parent? Or asking if I meant in this forum? can pick and choose who to follow here but a majority of the folks (that I like to follow) seem to be adults with kids...this was a good thread to start actually.

I prefer not to be stoned around my kids because it puts me in mental first gear and my kids would think I am having a stroke. They are 9/11 and are more than perceptive of things like that. I think they know I grow it (not in plain sight) because every few months the house smells like a skunk died in it. But we do a lot of strange smelling things (canning, curing, fermenting, smoking meats, etc) so they probably just ignore it. When they are a little older I plan to let them see my grow(s). I want them to see its just a (really cool) plant like the many others we have around us and that there isn't any huge secret to it. I probably would discuss why I don't walk around stoned all day and hopefully they can relate. My kids love being active and so do I, and I am def less active when stoned. I am much, much, much more concerned with the conversation of opiates....a parent of a 8 year old told em the other week "oh yeah, I've told them already never to accept anything not in a package"....meaning, what, packaged opiates are ok?? I think this related to the fentanyl thing, which is scary. I hope they feel they can talk to me when they want to experiment...same goes with alcohol and the rest. I def figured it out all on my own and made many mistakes that I would like to save them the time and energy.
They’ve brainwashed us well. Even the legal people still feel guilty.
Indeed...but that's always been about the money and who controls it. Now big business is getting into cannabis and they'll slowly assimilate it's acceptability into their popular culture mechanism. That takes time, but they also play the long game.
Yup, we had to sneak everything growing up. Never ever had a talk about sex, drugs, etc beyond "don't do it" Some examples of their hard lessons learned would have saved me a lot of trouble (and money, and heartache, and regrets) Really want to spare my kids some of that if possible.
I smoke and have three kids the older two which are 8&10 I try and educate them that it’s a medicine and there’s nothing wrong with it (trying to break the devils lettuce lore) but they don’t get to see me smoke yet... I figure they will find it in jr high or high school which I will have to confinscate and make fun of their shitty quality weed that they most likely paid too much for haha but I do see their interest in gardening and that excites me cuz that’s what I do for a living... well since September of 2018 haha wait what are we talkin about? Oh yeah nah they don’t see me smoke and all my stuff is locked up
Yup, we had to sneak everything growing up. Never ever had a talk about sex, drugs, etc beyond "don't do it" Some examples of their hard lessons learned would have saved me a lot of trouble (and money, and heartache, and regrets) Really want to spare my kids some of that if possible.

Exactly how we feel. The wife and I would like to expand to some land in the country, get more animals, (we currently keep chickens) and a garden big enough to sustain us and maybe a farmers market table. I view the mj garden as just another project, and as he gets older(teens), if he wants to help with that chore and learn about it, I'll probably be okay with it.
I smoke and have three kids the older two which are 8&10 I try and educate them that it’s a medicine and there’s nothing wrong with it (trying to break the devils lettuce lore) but they don’t get to see me smoke yet... I figure they will find it in jr high or high school which I will have to confinscate and make fun of their shitty quality weed that they most likely paid too much for haha but I do see their interest in gardening and that excites me cuz that’s what I do for a living... well since September of 2018 haha wait what are we talkin about? Oh yeah nah they don’t see me smoke and all my stuff is locked up
I'm jealous, haha, gardening for a living is my life's goal.
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