PC Stealth Box Grow?


Well-Known Member
Well, I am leaving for college in the next 3 weeks and my seeds were supposed to be here a few days ago, running a bit late. I wanted to be all the way germinated, and have the plants all set before I was to leave, but I ran into a problem. I was going to be running a stealth closet grow, but was soon busted by my parents. So i looked into these Home - ... grow boxes, and they seem very well put out, and good reviews so far. So my main question is, could I fit 2 auto flowering short plants into this? I know I can fit 1, but i'd really like 2. As well as, what are my chances of getting busted with a stealh pc grow? It would be underneath my desk plugged in and only checked when my roomie is out and about.
Looking for some feedback asap :D And I wouldn't buy the box until the day my seeds arrive if I do, just incase that my seeds choose not to show up.


Auto blue mystic

Auto Sweet Tooth
Be careful dude i would make sure the roomie was cool before did any thing there's lots o snitches out ther just be smart about it you should be fine

Thanks bro! Glad my fellow 420ers look out for one another. I will definitely check nd make sure they are 420 friendly before I even think of the fact of bringing it in. It just sucks to smoke, come up with all these amazing ideas, write them all down, then not be able to have them come true.
Thanks man! I can't wait for it, going to be a blast. And what do you mean before i can't get any more? haha
I would not try to do that with the idea of keeping it a secret from a guy in the same room as you. Unless the guy was incredibly out of it or stupid he would know eventually. A plant smells for one.

But perhaps your roomie would just be a cool dude. I would not count on planning to do this and keep it a secret from your roomie.
I would not try to do that with the idea of keeping it a secret from a guy in the same room as you. Unless the guy was incredibly out of it or stupid he would know eventually. A plant smells for one.

But perhaps your roomie would just be a cool dude. I would not count on planning to do this and keep it a secret from your roomie.

Ok ok, i like seeing 2 different sides of an opinion here. Thank you very much guys, but 2 plants wouldn't smell uncontrollably. I will be buying 2 febreeze timed sprayers, as well as one of those waxy looking air freshner things that sit there and somehow stank the room up. But the smell will be covered, and i heard these 2 plants don't give off a super skunky smell. But thank you for your concern!
Wrong. One 8 inch tall plant has reeked up my entire house before. True story.

If you insist on doing it place a carbon bag in the box to absorb smells
well dang, that must have been one dank plant :p haha. But, I will make sure it doesn't stank up the place, and if so, I will apprehend that situation when it arises.
Yeah it just depends on the strain. As well as how good you are growing it.

The plant i was speaking of wasnt even flowering. It was just a newly growing one still in veg. Of course flowering plants smell much more too.

A carbon filter is gonna be a must for you.
Vanilla ona gel covers what the carbon cant and isn't overpowering for chillin in the room ive had one can for two years and it still smells yummy as hell

Damn, where did you get some of that because I may need to buy it sense I am growing 2 of the sweet tooths xD
And you just put this stuff in the area the plants are growing in? As in my box, or would it just be in my room?
My seeds got here today!!! Just ordered my Pc Grow Box, should be here next week sometime. Going to pick up soil, nutes, and the ona gel on thursday, CANT WAIT.
GL with everything Frosown.

BTW those Glade Plug in things work really nice too. Considering you are gonna be in a dorm room with another dude that place is bound to get a bit funky smelling lol :D. Personally I like scented candles and oils. They keep the house smelling fresh even when I am a dirty stinky sob.
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