Pj's Perpetual: Take Two

Great looking plants and flowers.

LOS gonna just get better and better.

In the btm of the AutoPot put about 2 inches of the clay balls in there. Rinse them off first before you add soil on top.

The way it works is the btm of the pots are sitting in about a inch of water - so 2" of clay balls leaves a lot of air space in there where its wet. Keeps enough oxygen at the roots to keep everything happy.

I've got some pots I've been using over and over again same soil for years. Thats the larger 7.5gal pots.

The 4.5 size like you have, it will be very easy to have a tote with extra LOS soil. Just let the pot sit a few weeks after you harvest so the root ball breaks down. Then you can pull the little bitty root ball attached to the trunk of the old plant - shake the soil off into your tote and into the compost.

You will have to sort out how you deal with the clay balls. In my smaller pots I dig out the soil down to close to the clay balls and put that into the tote with extra LOS soil.

Put transplant into the pot with mycos and add more of the soil from the tote - she's ready.

GL with the AutoPots and the new ladies.

AP's really makes life easy. Watering is pretty much most of the work and this makes that a non-issue. Just have to figure out how to get good clean water into the reservoir.

Next tear down for me and it's going to be rain water collected and use gravity to fill my res. Rain water really is the best. Thanks to Stanks for that one! It's 420 spot on.
You must have bought the wettable powder myckos. Good stuff. I use the granular one seeing it's alot cheaper... But that wettable powder is great shit. I even have a small 1 quart sprayer that I put the powder in, shake, and spray the rootball at time of transplant and then sprinkle the granules shit in the hole. ...

You may be surprised what an extra week can do for a plant......

Woody on to sumthing. I use both granular and the powder.

You growers should try the :

"WOW Pumpkin Pro Mycorrhizae"

Reccomended by Tad at KIS Organics. I like it & highly reccomend.

Cheap enough and I've been using it lately cause my powder mycos I was getting wasn't available this time. So went with WOW shit that is granular.
Yeah tough to beat rain water. I have run tests with using my well water vs rain water as well as spring water vs rain water and I can tell you that the rain water blows away everything else in terms of response from the plants. Its not even close.

I am toying with a couple rain water catchment systems for my outdoor garden. Luckily, lots of rain this season so I haven't really had to do any watering other than germinating the seeds.
Be sure to post your catchment gear. I've got 2 rain barrels, one has a Japanese chain thing going from the 1st floor gutter into a barrel.

Kinda was cool for a while, until winter time. Then it looked like an ice flow. Thought it was going to pull down the gutter. ffs

The other barrel tied to down spout can turn it off for winter time.

Preppers know how to do it. Lotta work for me tho.

Here we have sooo freaking much rain, I don't even care now. Can put a few buckets out and enough water. Next day, repeat with same result.

Its been raining here in Philly every day for weeks now. Just like last year only we getting sun b'tween the clouds this year. YaY
Thanks guys for stopping by! Sorry once again for my absence! Life has been quite crazy. I appreciate you all coming through!

Currently doing my due diligence... had some interest in starting a hemp farm from individuals with pockets far deeper than my own.... so I’ll keep you all posted how that turns out!

IN growing world, everything is just chugging along....

Purple Kush threw out a bunch of bananas on me, I plucked them all off and continue to stay vigilant....

Lavender75 is about ready to come down.... only for 15g off the first harvest but man is it some sticky stanky buds. I’m thrilled for the second one!

Rosetta Stone has finally set her buds and seems to have stopped stretching finally! Time for a defoil

All my new gear has arrived I just haven’t made the time to organize and set it all up yet but that’ll be coming in the next few days.

Crazy crazy crazy on my end..... I don’t even wanna know how deep my subbed list has gotten.... I’ll catch up... one of these days....

Thanks guys! Hope you’re all well!


^ Lavender75 nugs


^rosetta stone in the centre, time to take it off its pedestal! It’s above the light now lol



^Lavender75 ready to come down

Below is the purple Kush that threw some nuts.


Happy summer solstice to everyone! :passitleft:
Flowers look great.

I'd be seriously considering the hemp thing. There's a lot of cash in that.
I did the math - it's REAL decent money and legal now too. If you have land = win.

Plus hemp is a much better fiber for clothing too. You ever wear any hemp t-shirts! Freaking soft like silk but strong af and colors dont fade like cotton.

There's absolutely no genetic difference between hemp and what we grow. So there's that to consider.
Your indoor grow be possible to be cross pollinated. You'd have to run your indoor in a clean room.
Was doing some research and stumbled across this, dropping it here for you all to see and to remind me to look it up in the future!

“People should look up David Sands and the development of weaponized fusarium as a biological control agent targeting cannabis. Feasibility of Using Mycoherbicides for Controlling Illicit Drug Crops (2011) Committee on Mycoherbicides for Eradicating Illicit Drug Crops Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology Division on Earth and Life Studies.”

@bobrown14 i have sent you a pm sir!
New world we live in.

Also that bacteria has been studied and found to altar RNA in clones.

The study you pointed to, prolly one of those End of World things people try and make happen.

Hope they burn in health. Butt probably not. lol

I gotta move out to the country.

Sumptin in the opiods this weekend in the city. Shooting sprees all over.

The real world we live in, it aint on TV unless shooting children.

Our "crack" police and federal government got a 2-3 huge cannabis busts this past month. Out in Cali.

Now weed shortage on the East Coast and shooting sprees. Go figure.

I'm thinking its time to visit Canada for a vacation.

@bobrown14 @CraZysWeeD

Thanks for stopping by guys!

Things have been on auto pilot in the grow room, just keeping them watered and alive. Accidentally crisped the flower girls a little bit but they are pulling through.

Been wild over here, dealing with our now ex landlords and their lawsuit threats over the tractor tranny that blew up while my wife was driving it.... lawyer doesn’t know why they would bother when our counter claim would be quadruple what they are after us for. Hoping that will be over and done with soon enough...

And I’ve been working on a business and financial plan, trying to take over this small farming operation and turn it into a hemp operation over the next couple of years.... I’m hoping for some magic.... and preferably a lottery win LOL

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.... keep my nose to the grindstone and work, work, work.

Here’s a couple pics of what she looked like last week in the flower tent... I did set up my AC infinity fan, carbon filter and second light... it’s been getting up to the early 30-31-32ish range.... kinda wishing I had bought the 6” now... but it is what it is, I’m gonna pump the house AC into the tent and try to cool it down a few degrees. I have since added my Lavender75 mother and Rosetta Stone clone to the flower tent.... the plan is to flower these out and hopefully I’ll have our move to the farm sorted out as soon as they’re finished, or close to it.... still have 2 Dominion Seed co - Munson - in veg as well as 3 Dominion seed co Delta Blues vegging.... two of which are in the same pot :rolleyes: seeds were playing hopscotch I guess! way to go PJ! LOL I’ll split them when I up pot them this week... or maybe I’ll leave them together to see how they go... I dunno, lots on my plate and lots of time to decide!

In the pic Rosetta Stone is on the left and purple kush on the right....


I hope this finds all of you who read it well! I’ll get caught up on my subbed list one of these days I promise! I miss you all!!

Cheers and thanks for coming by!
Sounds like you got your work cut out for ya. I'm surprised I even got any plants alive after all heat here as well does your plants keep growing or do they stop after those burns? This farm thing sound very interesting, you need any migrant help from a disabled neck mad professor? :)
Sounds like you got your work cut out for ya. I'm surprised I even got any plants alive after all heat here as well does your plants keep growing or do they stop after those burns? This farm thing sound very interesting, you need any migrant help from a disabled neck mad professor? :)

Do I ever! Lol business plan coming together... hoping the bank will give me da monayyyyy! Lol with your mad professor skills there will always be a place on the farm for you! We’ll keep ya medicated so you can’t feel your neck :laughtwo: Been researching wood heated greenhouses.... supply year round veggies! :cheesygrinsmiley: Amongst other things :goof:

It seems my plants do continue to swell... definitely have an effect on the end product I bet... but I loaded them up with kelp meal and keep them watered and they seem to keep on pushing! Been between 28 and 30 degrees in there with the fan running on full blast

I think I’ve got an issue in veg... the fan kicked the bucket... must have been 3-4 days cause I didn’t check them after I watered last... I’m not sure if I’ve got bugs... or PM... I think it’s PM though... I added some pics below incase anyone has suggestions/solutions... I cleared off a bunch of the affected fan leaves... accidentally snapped one stem :rolleyes: taped it back up and hoping it will survive... fingers crossed!... it irks me when these small things go wrong and cause problems... they were looking so damn goood too

Any suggestions much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
@bobrown14 @Van Stank @MagicJim @Lowded118

Delta Blues ^


Munson ^


Howdy PJ

I don't have any xp with PM sorry buddy. You probably looked at this already so sorry if it's a repeat

Do I ever! Lol business plan coming together... hoping the bank will give me da monayyyyy! Lol with your mad professor skills there will always be a place on the farm for you! We’ll keep ya medicated so you can’t feel your neck :laughtwo: Been researching wood heated greenhouses.... supply year round veggies! :cheesygrinsmiley: Amongst other things :goof:

Haha looooool!

I'm on the first plane over when I get the sack in this dump! :)

Sorry to hear about the bugs, I had my share of them this summer as well. Thrips eating away on my plants but I got them under control now anyway. Hope you get yours under control too! Get a real buggstomper! :)

Have those temps as well, as long as it stays under 30C its party but when it climbs over that they get burnt and almost stops growing. The results I got this summer is almost embarrassing I'm very glad I dared to put a Cheese auto outside this summer and its doing real well in the Swedish weather. :)
Not sure from the pics what that might be. I really don't think I see PM but this pic looks like thrips or mites. Check undersides of leaves but for mites you'll need at least a 60 x loupe or magnifier to see critters or eggs. Then you'll have to figure out what to treat with. Probably best to start with a neem spray or insecticidal soap.

Thank you all for your responses! I definitely got hit with the double whammy... seems it’s little bit of PM and some kinda bugs! FFS! :rolleyes:


So I’ve doused it twice with this stuff so far before lights out... I might just get out the 5gallon bucket and hot water and give them a dunk and swirl just to be safe.


Just hoping it doesn’t it the flowering tent that’s 3feet away.... grower problems :goof: thank you all again for your quick responses! I’ll keep you posted on news from the battlefront!
This looks like Thrips to me, I had lots of trouble with them last few months and tried the Chrysantemum sprays as well. Its very effective against them but the plants takes a beating compared to other methods. There have also been a discussion here about issues when smoking treated buds with this pesticide, eating it seems ok but there have been no reports made on smoking it. I personally have smoked treated buds I can't say I have noticed any difference in taste or something like that. But as I said before a plant treated with this resides some in growth compared to other methods. The other methods I tried is giving them is showers a few days in a row, spraying RO water with some alcogel mixed in it or Canna Cure. But I always get them back after awhile and they are a real pain to get rid of. I think the source of my thrips is from the outside and a damp environment in the growspace makes a perfect breading ground for them. Water spillage and open surface water in the grow space makes them multiply in numbers fast!

My recommendation is to take all the plants out from the growspace, shower them and clean the growspace with some chlorine or alcohol based cleaner. Put them back and see what happens and take further actions if needed. Just spraying with pesticides is not enough when they have a foothold in the growspace.

Hope you have better luck with them than me.
Howdy folks!

Hope you are all well! Miss the lot of ya! Hopefully I’ll be back to my journal cruising soon enough! Business plan is done, meetings are planned.. all we can do is sit and wait and hope the universe plays to our favour!

In the meantime things have been busy over here.... last we left I had some pest issues which are mostly dealt with... I cut everything back to basically nakedness and sprayed the shiitake out of them for several days... so far so good I hope... keeping my eyes peeled

I harvested the Brothers Grimm Rosetta Stone... way too early... but the yield was decent for being fluffy and the smoke is really really nice..... so the clone is in flower now and has been for about 30-40 days.... my watering habits are getting better and the swell on the buds is magnificent to behold!.... of course I didn’t keep a cut.... but what can you do... I don’t have enough space lol

Duke Diamonds gear... Dominion Seed Co. .... well let’s just say they are all exceeding my expectations.

Munson (NL5 x Dominion Skunk) - of the two plants, I scored both pheno’s in female form.. the tall common pheno which is chemdog/Skunk.... and the less common pheno which is short and squat, NL dominant.... the short pheno is still in veg and the tall pheno is 8 days into 12/12 now with the first signs of pistils. The stem rubs on both are to die for at the moment... hopefully it continues as such!

@CraZysWeeD @Van Stank @bobrown14 when’s the best time to cut clones of a flowering plant? I wanna keep the tall cutting because it’s incredibly vigorous (see photos further on)

Delta Blues (88 G13 Hashplant x Screaming Eagle) - I’ve got 3 of these going - 2 supercropped and the other was topped.... looking like one male and two females... the fan leaves on the male are no joke 10” from stem to leaf tip... Insane!... they are stinky in veg too.... really great things from this gear so far... super excited for future rounds!

Anyways that’s where we are at... might be moving in a month or so if everything goes as desired... actually give me some more room in the basement to set things up... maybe get a 4x4 for veg.... ahh to dream! Pics Pics Pics!

Munson - Tall Pheno


Munson - Squat Pheno (left)

Delta Blues - Potential Females


Delta Blues - Male


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