Please Help Our Veterans in Every State! Deadline October 25, 2011


New Member
I'm passing this out everywhere I can. My own network of friends have run out and 500 signatures are needed by the 25th. Even if you dont support or agree with this war, veterans suffering with PTSD desperately need your support here. Thanks to the VA and Micheal Krawitz, the VA now allows veterans in medical marijuana states to get their cards (not from the VA) and use of Cannabia without fear of losing medical care and losing benefits. This has made a huge difference in the lives of myself and many other vets living in MMJ approved states. This petition is on the Whitehiuse website and is to give all veterans with PTSD legal access to medical marijuana, regardless of which state they live in.this is huge! Cannabis is the only thing that works on PTSD.

Please help them, they need hope in order to face each night, when they close their eyes and remember...


Action Alert:

Only 862 more signatures needed for Veterans medical marijuana petition.

Please assist Veterans For Medical Cannabis Access in reaching our
goal of 5000 signatures by 25 October. Time is quickly running out!

We already have 4,138 signatures and are only 862 short of our goal.

Once we have reached our goal this petition will automatically be sent
to the White House for an obligatory answer and we will be using this
to kick off a series of actions designed to bring negative attention to
the recent federal escalation against medical marijuana. Your help is
a significant piece of that puzzle. We need you to sign and get as
many others to sign as possible.

As the leader of Veterans For Medical Cannabis
Access [VMCA] I helped the VA create a medical marijuana policy that
respects the rights of disabled Veterans using this important medicine per state
laws. That policy has been made to look like a cruel joke given the latest
actions of this presidential administration.

In response to the actions of the president our
organization has crafted a petition that we have placed on the new White House

"Allow United States Disabled Military Veterans access to medical marijuana."

The fact that a Veteran in New Mexico can use cannabis legally for PTSd but
a similar Veteran in Florida will not only face arrest by state police for using
the same medicine but face punishment at the VA
hospital as well is wrong. -It is illogical. -It is not the practice of medicine it
is the practice of politics on the wounded and it is shameful and it must end.

Michael Krawitz is a Disabled United States Air Force Sergeant
and Executive Director of Veterans For Medical Cannabis Access.


Veterans For Medical Cannabis Access
3551 Flatwoods Road - Elliston, Virginia 24087 -- 540-365-2141 ---
"Michael" <<>>

I'm down, its a good cause.

There was a guy on the big island who came to Oahu to get treatment at the army medical center here... I don't remember what his condition was, I believe his liver was failing... He had his MMJ card, however wasn't allowed to have it with him on those "Federal" grounds.. Pretty lame, he actually died there... Not that cannabis would have saved his life, it wouldn't have.. But there is something as to the theraputic effect.. I would still consider that a medicinal use... He wouldn't have had to suffer quite so much.

I.. Hate to say this, but the line of
Cannabis is the only thing that works on PTSD.
I don't believe this. I believe it may work for a lot of people.. But there is no way it is the only thing. We need to be accurate in our statements, or it will look like we are out to decieve.. Thats the governments job, and they don't take kindly to competition! ;)

I have friends who get anxiety and panic attacks when they light up a strong sativa with me... But probably half of those will get it with Indica if they go beyond a few hits... I don't know. Don't know much about PTSD really, I do know there are pharmacutical therapies. Wither they are good or not is in the wind!

Your the bomb lusi! Thanks for posting and sharing! :)

Everyone! Sign this thingy if you can.
Hi THSee,
Sorry to hear about the fellow passing away. Even VA grounds are police dog patrolled, but require no check points to get in. It would be fairly easy to bring something in, but getting caught would be destructive. :-(

From what I read, all those antidepressants and anti anxiety meds fail to relieve PYSD, that only MJ is working. It is very possible that some of these articles I read are not facts. There is no way to stop misinformation. Do you have a non biased info link o can read? I'd hate to spread info that isn't true! Freedom of speech bites people on the arse. Lol

I don't have PTSD, but my meds and condition make closing my eyes each night difficult. I reply all the moments on my life that were unhappy, from 3 years to present. They all play like movie clips. I can say that none of my medications relieve this hamster in head problem. Only Cannabis and hypnosis sometime helps. I imagine PTSD is similar, just much much much worse! Sativas DO make it worse, a lot worse. Ignorant dispensaries and people selling illegally sell what is popular in general, not what would help. Bubba Kush is what most of these people grow out here. I can't relax or sleep with it, imagine what it would do to someone with PTSD! I've tried everything... Sleeping pills, anti anxiety meds (all related to Valium), anti depressants. If these don't help me, now could they help troops with PTSD, memories powerful enough to destroy a person? I guess this particular ailment of our soldiers has effected me deeply. I have one young man's story written on a napkin somewhere. Was going to publish it, but decided it was too horrible for anyone to read and threw it away. I tried to help him, but he disappeared. He was one of the few i've met that is willing to talk about it. It's heartbreaking! Since then, I just listen.

Our veterans need access and med cards, but it's as important that they are educated on the danger of street pot and unknown strains. If this law ever passes to give all bets with PTSD access, it is just as important that they have a safe place to get the right strains.

I'll go fish through Dr. Lucido's website. If he has info on PTSD, it would be accurate and well written. It bugs me to have potentially I correct info!

Are the islands as chaotic in their med MJ programs as CA? It would be a good location to grow it. Lol!
Wow... Yikes, yea, its really just nuts. It would be nice if more studies could be done with cannabis. It's just crazy the world.

Anyway... About the islands... It's not bad here. As far as I can tell, unless your selling illegally or growing ridiculous amounts of plants its pretty okay. Most people seem to smoked before and think its no big deal.

There are no dispensaries.. I've never really heard about medical people being busted, unless its for selling illegally.. And like I said, without dispensaries to target, that doesn't seem to happen often at all.

I used to have panic attacks alot... I wouldn't think its anywhere as severe as PTSD, but cannabis has helped with those.. So it's probably good for treating the anxiety (indicas). I don't think any drug is a cure, thats part of why I mention it. Other medications will likewise help with symptoms.. It's just a lot of those have questionable long term effects or possibility of addiction.

Been so lazy on the computer lately. Sorry Lusi! gotta start organizing files anyway. Might be a long night.
Hi THSee,
Ni wires about laziness on the computer. I toss mine in the closet for months at a time, my friends haven't heard from me inmover 2 years since I refuse to do Facebook... And I stopped caring when I moved here. The computer is a huge time waster!

My doctor gave me some great info on PTSD. He is a strait up guy that has his facts straight. I'll try and paste it in the next post. For now....

We did it!! Thanks to everyone here, ee have those 5000 votes to send the petition to the next level. TY everyone!!

Dr. l also has a great fact and myth link on his website. The Internet is great, but it is way to easy to spread misinformation as fact and people out there believe everything they read. Just look at these infomercials to call in the next 24 hours to get your free whatever, then spouts off all the supposed tests and polls for that product. One intelligent business woman I know is always falling for the claimed "testing" of amazing new health problems. The testimonials and studies get her every time. She believes them and says you can't fake a test. I gave up explaining this to her after she went bananas over Protandim as a miracle cure for me. I bought it to get make her happy and after she claimed her husbands back pain disappeared. Some guy that thinks ibuprofen is a miracle cure for his back does not know back pain. Sure, it might have given me some energy, but not $60 a month's worth. I tested this product 3 times, each one for a month on and 2 weeks off, then declared it a waste of my money, but having potential to make your average person feel a bit better. Now, just think of how easily your average American can be easily fooled! Both sides of this Cannabis war over exaggerate and make false claims. Who in the world are people supposed to believe? Oh well, off my soap box.

So in the Islands, you get your medical card, then where do you buy buds, edibles etc? does every person have to grow their own in order to get medicine? I wonder if we should be attacking more to change the drug classification nationwide rather than the medical aspects... (sigh)

OK, will find that email before I pass out. Meanwhile, thank you everyone for supporting the petition. Any little progress made is still progress!
Another way to look at PTSD

Here is the best information I have received about PTSD. It's worded in a way most of us understand and relate to. I didn't ask permission to quote this in here, but trust the source 100%. This will give both sides a good reality check!

(start here)

PTSD is a syndrome (collection of symptoms) that varies so much from person to person, and traumatic event to event.

For some, anxiety will be the main symptoms; for others insomnia, or anger.

And since most medicines don't cure, but reduce symptoms, there are benefits to pharmaceuticals for some symptoms
Plus cannabis is SO varied, that it becomes so important to know the strain, method of use, etc
So I wouldn't discount pharmaceuticals completely, when a certain combination might be synergistic.

I know one person who uses cannabis when he can't sleep. -It doesn't make him sleepy, but it changes the channel in his head so he can think about other -things than what fear his mind drifts into before he falls asleep.

Anyway, when you are treating PTSD with anxiety, depression, insomnia, it nice if one medicine helps all, but it's not everybody's medicine, or at least not all the time, in my opinion.
And for some, it's the only things that keeps them balanced.
Tod called it an "easement", easing you towards stability. -
But again,--it's not everybody's medicine, -all the time, just as an SSRI like Prozac isn't for everyone, but is life-saving for others.


For all I know, the person mentioned above could be me! Some strains make me sleepy, and others stop all those thoughts chugging away in my head and keeping me awake, then keeps the nightmares at bay once asleep. Same goes with all those meeds that chase the symptoms and only work for some. Let's face it there Is no cure for PTSD, as with most mental illness. And like Fibromyalgia, different people have different symptoms. the one thing I do see here is the potential for Cannabis to help more than one thing at the same time. It's an anti anxiety med, anti depression med, sleep med, and more.

What we are not sharing enough with PTSD sufferers and many others, is that some strains may help, but some strains can make it worse. Joe Smoe with PTSD would hear that Cannabis helps PTSD. he'd go out and buy whatever he finds, which is usually a popular strain they can get, legally or not. It could be a Sativa or hybrid which could mane everything worse and that troop could become more hopeless and depressed and kill him!/ herself. in this case, a good dispensary should be able to help him, if he has or goes to one.

I still see education as the approach to MMJ. There is a lot of ignorance out there, even in MMJ users. :-( need a nap.... Fading here. Adios!
TY. I'm just the cheering section for the VMCA. If not for them, no veteran could use cannabis and expect to keep his benefits and medical care. One man's determination really does matter. It's an eye opener to me. I need to read up again for updates!

It's hard keeping track,of all my threads and impossible to get ahead. My journal is just sitting there... But some things matter more.

If this helps one person with PTSD get help, it's all worth it.
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