Please help!


New Member
:peace:Hey hey, ive just stumbled across your site and have a couple of questions. Im growing a single plant on my windowsill, which im pretty sure is female, going by information gathered on the net. Im a first time grower long time smoker. Im not using any lights, just good old natural sunlight in potting compost. I have no idea of the strain or weather its indica or sativa. Im just a bit thrown because all the info i can find relates to light grows. Its 6 weeks old and 10" tall. From bottom to top, it has, 1x set of single leaves, 2x sets of 3, 2 sets of 5, 3 sets of 7 and new growth on top. Also, where what i thought to be the pistols, there appears to be teeny tiny leaves growing is this normal? And is it going to flower any time soon. Sorry for the lengthy post but im stuck! Anything you could suggest to help would be appreciated. Thanks!:peace:
Re: Help!

Hey hey, ive just stumbled across your site and have a couple of questions. Im growing a single plant on my windowsill, which im pretty sure is female, going by information gathered on the net. Im a first time grower long time smoker. Im not using any lights, just good old natural sunlight in potting compost. I have no idea of the strain or weather its indica or sativa. Im just a bit thrown because all the info i can find relates to light grows. Its 6 weeks old and 10" tall. From bottom to top, it has, 1x set of single leaves, 2x sets of 3, 2 sets of 5, 3 sets of 7 and new growth on top. Also, where what i thought to be the pistols, there appears to be teeny tiny leaves growing is this normal? And is it going to flower any time soon. Sorry for the lengthy post but im stuck! Anything you could suggest to help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Your plant has all those leaf sets and it is only 10" tall? WOW! That's awesome and almost unbelievable to boot! Unfortunately, as Winter gets closer, the strength of the Sun is decreasing, and when you'll need it the most (flowering) the Sun will probably be at its' furthest point from the planet (that's why it's colder in Winter). Looking at what you thought were gonna' be the Calyx' (Pistils are the two "antenna" that come out from the Calyx which start out, usually, white and then die and turn red/orange/etc. then seeing what looks like tiny leaflets is correct. The "site" is an Adventitious tip and is quite normal. You're gonna' see many more of these. The Adventitious tip is the rapidly growing new growth and will be forming a new branch out from the main stem (called lateral branching) and is usually a lighter shade of green compared to the plant's normal color (whatever that is, is the norm). Hopefully your window sill grow is gonna' do just fine; sounds like it is as you're off to a great start. Keep asking questions; do the research on here because most probably your questions will have already been addressed. There are literally hundreds of pages of information on here and it is free for the reading, BUT one has to seek it out.
Pics of your window during the daytime and pics of the plant with upclose pics of the pistols would help.

Also keep in mind that your indoor house lights will possibly screw with its flowering, especially if they are too close and on at night.
Yeah, as Jimmy says. But are you trying to flower your plant or want it to grow more??
As if the dark period the plants get is 12 hrs, the plant will start to build hormones and flower.. You need to keep more light on if you want it to keep growing some.
You shouldnt have pistils yet? Pistils only appear on buds?? The plant will show 2 tiny white hairs near where the leaf joins the main stem once its sex is determined, if you dont get 2 white hairs showing - it may show some round lumps.. THESE ARE BALLS, AND THE PLANTS A MALE..
Hope this help mate. Smokem
New at this, eh?

Have you thought about who might be admiring your plant from outside? Postman? Meter reader? Neighborhood kid? Cop? Jehovas' Witnesses?

Point two, if your plant doesn't get 12 hours of dark, it won't bud. A hormone builds up in the dark. Light destroys it. It's how the plant tells time. If the plant does get 12 hours, but someone turns on a light now and then, it might go hermaphroditic That is when a female plant puts out male flowers, due to stress. Bad news. Seeds. But not real bad news. If you have 5-6 weeks to invest in a hermi, and if it's a strain worth repeating, the seeds will all be female. Assuming there is no other male. It is not too likely you will avoid this effect, using a window. This, and neighbors, is why grow rooms are popular. Consider eyeballing your closets.

Good luck.
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