Possible nitrogen toxicity?


New Member
I'm getting a good bit of leaf clawing on these girls since I flipped the switch last week and wondering if my N levels are too high. I'm in coco and clay and using the full canna coco range and supplementing with canna calmag, 1ml/L.

I checked the calmag label and it looks kinda high in N. The water round my way is soft and I had some deficiencies the last grow I did so made sure to use it this time, but looks like it's causing more problems than good. I'm also using autopots so there wouldn't be much of a worry of over/ under watering.
Thanks blue. They're still the veg cycle as they're supposed to be veg nutes for the first couple of weeks flower. Canna have you ramp up the nutrient with the N in it (the a & b) for the first couple of weeks of flower nutes. Think I'll be going steady on those.

Will empty the tank later on and give her a couple of litres of ph water ;)

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Ah man... give it calmag to prevent calcium and magnesium deficiencies and it gets nitrogen toxicity. Stop giving it calmag and it gets a deficiency with magnesium! Think I'll be switching from canna nutes, getting too much heartache with them. Will invest in a mono bottle for the mg and see if that sorts the lot out then.

Emptied the tank today and put in 5L of PH water. Will wait till that flushes through then come back with low nute doses. Fingers crossed but I guess I'll be waiting a few days until they recover.

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Wondering if it's maybe that my ph has been a bit on the lower side (5.6) which has caused the slight yellowing of the leaves and maybe not mg deficiencies? I've noticed some of the new growth especially that the leaves are twisting over slightly which would maybe suggest a ph issue.

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I started using the calmag this time because on my last and first grow, I ended up with what looked like a calmag deficiency. So now I'm thinking the only difference between the two grows was the strain and the addition of the calmag. I checked the bottle and calmag seems to have fairly high levels of N? This was from the last grow.

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Yeah she will be all right with it. It was probably the veg nutrients when the plant started to flower that gave her the biggest problem. They really don't like much nitrogen during flowering stage. Leaves that are already starting to die may not recover but just keep an eye on new growth and how that reacts.

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If you are going to try another fertilizer, check out MaxiBloom from GH. You can use it in veg and flower, plus it has all the macro
nutrients, including calmag in it. It also comes in powder form and can be used in hydro, soil-less and soil.
If your ph is off it will create lockout of magnesium and calcium at low ph. Theres a good deffeciency guide in the forums.

to each their own and mine to smoke

Had a look tonight to see how the girls are getting on, one of the worst affected wasn't getting any water through the autopot which is now sorted. The others haven't come right just yet and are still looking a bit sorry for themselves.

This one looks to be recovering somewhat, though as fanleaf mentioned earlier definitely looks to have a magnesium deficiency.

So... calmag increases nitrogen? So if I'm adding the suggested amount of calmag I'm getting nitrogen toxicity. However if I don't add any I get deficiencies. How can I combat this? Half strength calmag?

Although there is still curling down and clawing here, it looks to be improving somewhat with the flush.

Here's a look at all the girls, the middle left is the one that's been underwatered. The back left is a huge blue cheese that could live on buckets of petrol from outer space, and it wouldn't give a f**k.

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Looks somewhat better. At this point I wouldnt worry so much about minor clawing. If going into flower now or soon get that Magnesium issue fixed more than anything. If a plant is starving of magnesium at early flower it will kill yields at the end. Magnesium is one of the most vital nutrients for the plant to create buds. I don't see Calcium issues just mag. I would consider a foliar feed with Epsom salts to get the mag issue fixed. It is the quickest way to get it into the plant while your tweaking pH.
I flipped the switch on the 18th so the clock is really ticking. I gave them another 5L of ph water tonight and dropped in a 2.5ml (half dose) of calmag. I've read somewhere that mg gives ca deficiencies which I presume is one of the reasons they are packeted together.

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Yes control ph and youll see a lot of problems go away. If youre growing in coco it will bind up cal & mag so need to use the supplement on a regular basis. I add it to my rez at full strength every rez change, i use advanced nutrients grow and bloom formulas at 1/4 strength to start and rarely go over 1/2 strength when vegging and flowering.

Keep em frosty ya'll
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