Quick question about stem oil/sap?


New Member
Hello everyone just a quick question. When I rub the plants stem I get a crazy stinky(beautiful) smell of the plants (no pun intended) and also get a little sticky and oily im guessing from the "oil/sap?" Is there anything I can do with that or just use it as a great way to smell the plants? :circle-of-love:
Yes the stocks and stems let off a nice Terpene I personally don't use it I keep the trim and the popcorn buds to make RSO oil Or water hash
Ohh okay thank you. Do you know of any way i could use that terpene? Like collecting it up and making oil or something edible?
Turpines is the aroma the smell the cannabis let's off what you need is the THC crystals from the cannabis itself or the trim a.k.a. that leaves the stems don't really hold too much I've heard of people boiling them like a tea but that's about it. The buds and the leaves is where the real gold is lol green gold
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