Randomandy's Closet Jungle - First Grow

Re: randomandy's closet jungle (or so he hopes) FIRST GROW!! [Auto]

Hope the best for your grow. The fact that your seeds have germinated and tapped a root is a great start. I would suggest not watering until you see a crusty dry surface. If you are ever in doubt than use a popsicle stick or a chopstick to stab gently into the dirt. If it comes out damp or darker in color (meaning it has absorbed water) then you do not need to water. I look forward to seeing more growth and posts. Cheers.
Thank you, i might just go ahead and do that, hadnt thought of using a popsicle stick to check, i havent watered now for a few days, and soil seems to be drying out quite nicely now i think, top certainly bone dry now, and pots are a lot lighter, so going to keep an eye, and prob water again in the next couple days, its a tricky balance to find!!

The soil being hot was another thought but then when i realised, i probably have watered a bit too much in that 1st week, new growth seems to be coming through slowly but surely and looks ok, so hoping thats it done and dusted and things just start to run smoothly oh and welcome back snakey, no seen u in a good few days :thumb:
Re: randomandy's closet jungle (or so he hopes) FIRST GROW!! [Auto]

I've been keeping my head down.I very stupidity trusted my neighbour,a wee hippy women.fuckin cunt squeeled the lot on me.fuckin every1 knows,including police.so I've gota move.I'm raging with myself.last time I ever trust any1 again.the world buddy,is full of dicks
Re: randomandy's closet jungle (or so he hopes) FIRST GROW!! [Auto]

I've been keeping my head down.I very stupidity trusted my neighbour,a wee hippy women.fuckin cunt squeeled the lot on me.fuckin every1 knows,including police.so I've gota move.I'm raging with myself.last time I ever trust any1 again.the world buddy,is full of dicks

dude you broke the first rule of fight club :(
edit: get out of the countryside lol
Re: randomandy's closet jungle (or so he hopes) FIRST GROW!! [Auto]

Time for an update me thinks... Finally got my Hygrometer delivered this morning, after saying i didnt think i was going to bother so much with one, i did in the end and am so glad i did!! put it straight in my grow room and left it for half an hour, give a chance to give an accurate reading (its just a small cheap job from ebay tbh!!) and my temps were sky high @ 31'c and RH was way down @ 20%!! the leaves on particularly my sweet cheese, have been hanging, and just not looking all that healthy imo... so have rushed out today and bought myself a humidifier, that is now in with the girls and RH is sitting a wee bit more like it should at about 50% atm, have fan on aswell to help reduce temps slightly, and they also are now down to a respectable 27.1 atm... hoping that the investment of the humidifier, will be worth it and that my wee girls will start to look a bit more healthy now over the next couple of days...

@snakeylad, yeah i thought that maybe was the case when after the PM u sent last weekend then hadnt seen u, thought there was chance you may have been getting housed and taken care of courtesy of her majesty, but thankfully not :D :D hope all is well now and yeah, gotta be careful who you trust, tell no1 is always the safest option, not even your smoking buddies!! a friendship can be destroyed by jelousy, and jelousy breeds hate and bitterness, so unless its some1 you feel 200% sure you can trust, they dont need to know a thing, more people know = greater risk, and its just not worth it!!
Re: randomandy's closet jungle (or so he hopes) FIRST GROW!! [Auto]

I know equanimity.try walking my shoes the past week.I've sweated 90+ litres of sweat.fuckin nightmare.its run,an never look back.
Re: randomandy's closet jungle (or so he hopes) FIRST GROW!! [Auto]

Cheers random.it gets worse.much worse.I'm completely fucked.I'm sitting here smoking my way through a fuckin complete white 1.every time I touch a bong its a lot 2 register.swear m8,the whole fuckin town knows,u trust 1 person.swear 2 fuck.I'm past raging,now its nervous as fuck time,waiting on wots gona happen next.def a white 1.but fuck it.wotever happens happens
so day 12 and simply put, im not happy and feeling like my plants are struggling, just hope they can recover quickly now... Big Devil and and Blue Cheese seem to be very pale and yellow :S I have started another thread in the autoflower section of this site seeking advice for this, and so far have been advised that it could be a CalMag issue, and that i should be giving the girls some of that??

The sweet cheese has had her share of problems too, with the first leaves browning and just about dying off, and then the next leaves drooping and slight curling on the outer edges of the leaf, this seems to be improving slightly with the now increased RH and lower temps, but going to be keeping a close eye on it:

Help needed - Yellow leaves in early days! <<<A link to the thread mentioned, in the autoflower section, have uploaded the same pics there, hopefully get all this sorted and get my grow on track, just feels like a complete failure at the moment to be honest!!
Signs Of Plants Affected By Too Much Water - Gardening Know How.

All plants are the same here btw other thing a done don't know how well it works for airpot but squeeze the sides of the pot to squish the soil until it all cracks let air in to yer roots n unclump it your soil may be a little compacted but have a look at that link may be of comfort :) :bong:
Signs Of Plants Affected By Too Much Water - Gardening Know How.

All plants are the same here btw other thing a done don't know how well it works for airpot but squeeze the sides of the pot to squish the soil until it all cracks let air in to yer roots n unclump it your soil may be a little compacted but have a look at that link may be of comfort :) :bong:

Yeah scottish, thanks, has just confirmed in my mind that my problem is overwatering, am certain high temps and low RH have played there part, but am certain that too much water has been the cause of it all!! am going to wait now until they are on the verge of begging me for a drink before i decide to give them anymore water and will try and maintain a 'little and often' routine for watering so as to hopefully avoid this happening again :thumb:
Just a wee update just now, Heat, RH and overwater issues seem to be a thing of the past now, and things seem to be moving forward again finally lol... new growth slowly making it way through, and seems so far to be healthy enough, think the 1st couple of leaf sets on each plant have been damaged with what can only be described as shocking conditions they have suffered this past week, but have adjusted everything, and got it all down to 'ideal environment' or as close to it as i can at least lol... Temp is now around a constant 27.5ish celcius and RH average about 48%... will update with pics in the morning, and hopefully the girls will be looking like they are well on the way to recovery by then...
As promised, here is a pic update of my girls, they are now on day 13, and looking to me like thay are well on the way to recovering from the issues ive had over this past week, just hopefully be plai sailing from here on out!! (although im sure it probably wont be lol)... but enyway, heres the girls:
Looking alot better :) now snip the brown off so you can make sure of no new damage I would of removed the whole leaf by now wouldn't want my lady sitting around licking her wounds trying to heal herself I'd amputate so she can concentrate on new growth :) :bong: well done making it though the shakey patch :) keep it green :roorrip:
Is that a slight lean on your cheese I see there? You remembering to rotate pots? And also your placements confusing me only 1plant in direct light and 2on reflected light? Place your 2cheese so centre of the plant is in line with centre of the bulb then place the big devil in tight to make a triangle shape so she is the only one with any chance of leaning :bong:
And its people like him that made me have to shut down my eBay store and amazon.ca store. Selling aquarium lights and by amazon tos, I had to replace broken ones and pay for return shipping for broken ones.I hardly every asked to return item as shipping back wasn't cost effective.... Had so many fucking people doing it, for every 10 sales 2 I had to replace, or refund.My markup wasn't that much, so it basically ate all my profits.
Your not hurting corporations your hurting business owners, stealing is stealing, karma will get you my friend.
lol no lean Scottish, think it may be the angle i took the pic, but she is defo upright, all 3 are, i have them all bunched together so they all as close in to the light as possible, and for now this seems the best way for me, and yeah im spinning the pots a quarter turn each day so as to avoid any kind of leaning... the hygrometer is placed there so as it is level with 'the canopy' lol if u can call it that at the moment, but the idea is the reading i get from it while placed there, is the reading that the plants get if im making any sense, no point in having it somewhere to the side as the temps outwith the light space will obv b slight different to that under the lights, and under the lights is where my ladies live?!?!

Yeah Snakeylad, they have a rough start to life, not ideal lol since i moved them ive just had a nightmare time trying to get everything right, temps all over the place, RH just doing whatever lol so not a happy environment for them, but seem to be on the mend i think, have just went and removed the single leafs on Blue Cheese and Sweet Cheese the ones that you can see in the pics is a good 50% brown and looking shit, so hopefully now she will focus on new growth and not try and repair leafs damaged beyond repair lol
Now on day 21, girls definately seem to have recovered from set backs they had last week, and are doing not so bad now, just thought id pop on here with a few wee pic updates for u all...


Sweet Cheese


Big Devil

Blue Cheese

IMO the Sweet Cheese seems to be doing the best at the moment, but other 2 dont seem to be doing too bad either, not looking as great as i was hoping by this stage, but given the set backs i had, i definitely feeling quite good about them all now, and all seem to be thriving at the moment, notcing slight changes and growth all the time now, so all in all, am quite happy with them all, and feeling optimistic...

As always, please any opinions or constructive critisism please fire away, always open to suggestions here...
That big devil looks good she doesn't seem to have any defects at all (except round germ leaves) she is nice and squat :) not that the cheeses aren't looking alot better can't wait to watch them take off and see what these ladies look like in flower :bong:
That big devil looks good she doesn't seem to have any defects at all (except round germ leaves) she is nice and squat :) not that the cheeses aren't looking alot better can't wait to watch them take off and see what these ladies look like in flower :bong:

Sorry I've not been on and updated for a while, been kept busy with my house getting a whole re wire and other bits and bobs, although the last week or 2 have been testing times for me...

have been noticing for a while now that my leaves from the bottom of the plant working up, have been yellowing, on all 3 girls, I have been having a nightmare of a time trying to diagnose it, but at last think I may now realise the problem..>> Mg (Magnesium) deficiency, after a lot of research through this wonderful site, and some other, the girls symptoms seem to point in the direction, a day and a half ago, I got myself some Epsom Salts (from local Pharmacy [is 100% Magnesium Sulfate]).
I gave this to my girls as a foliar spray, and also put a small amount in the soil, now hoping that i will start seeing a marked improvement over the next few days now, as i am heading toward the end of week 5 with these girls, and still very little action, and flower still seems like its a long way off :hmmmm::hmmmm:

I will update the post with pics just shortly, I am not the greatest photographer in the world and have been finding it hard to get a good detailed pic on my problem as it always ends up blurry, but will do my best, and in the mean time, please feel free to offer offer any opinions, criticisms or advice, always :welcome: here!!
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