Ravenplume Grow Journal 2022 #1: X2022 - Multiseed Wildling 2019 Grow

So, think it may be about time to get at least a couple of these moved to 5 gallon buckets in preparation for being kept outside once we no longer have any more freezes coming up?


At the very least, the two on the ends (X2022:04 and X2022:01) should be ready. I think the front right one though (X2022:00) will remain here for now and one of the backups that are growing on my night stand can take its place.

The other front one, the Mr. Clean Lite will get a bucket then as well, and most of what is basking under the lamp on my night stand can be moved into the vacancies and even continue this time lapse I have going.

And I just took a peek over there, in fact, and got a couple more pics, and it looks like at that point, I will be able to temporarily reclaim my nightstand until the backup backups are ready to get their cups of dirt.


The largest of these four (X2022:07) will be going in one of the 5 gallon buckets, and the other three; ( :05, :08, and :09 ) will join :00 and :13 in here. All that leaves is :06...


That one is sharing space with my bedroom spider plant under a south facing window with closed blinds, as a side experiment in lighting conditions. It seems to be doing alright for now, so can remain as a backup right where it is.

That's about it for this update. Probably really need to consider doing a comprehensive video update on my BitChute channel soon and start working on my web page.

The Mr. Clean journal will get its update when it actually gets moved to its bucket.
Holy crap! I thought I was going to be busy.... You got stuff going all over. I am still racking my brain as to when I should clone on time for a perpetual grow between the cloning to veg, move vegs to flower and havest my flowers..... Soooo much to figure out but........ @Bill284 is everywhere and an awesome supporter. Thanks, my friend and looking forward to reading on your journal, Raven. You are a multi-tasker! Kudos!
Well, I think this development is definitely going to warrant an actual update of the X2022 video journal on my BitChute channel soon.

It must have been due to the lighting cycle I've been keeping these under, as my two biggest plants have flowered. And now I am looking at how to get them back into veg so they can be my mains for this project and then get cuttings going.

First, here is the second largest of the bunch, X2022-01... As far as I can tell...


It's a girl. This one will become the mother plant for my first baseline (what I call a pure breed); and as I like to anthropomorphize my plants once they become real primary subjects or house plants; I am naming her Bellatrix.

The largest of the batch, X2022-04 is actually being deemed a happy accident. Not only did it end up being male; which I was actually hoping for on at least one of these; this fellow is being dubbed Jadepetal (going to have to show off their "avatars and namesakes" one of these days, as if anyone would be interested. Got Jade made up and advancing nicely in City of Heroes, and Bellatrix will get made there soon).

That said, the reason I am calling Jadepetal a happy accident is not just because I got a male...


I seem to have myself a full fledged hermie (very likely due to the odd weather here the past month that has been taking us between spring and winter regularly (affecting the climate inside, which may have stressed Jade); which means I can engage in a bit of mad half assed science and making him self pollinate (or a cutting of his), and also getting cuttings of him and Bellatrix mated together. So am I correct in my guess that seeds from a self pollinated Jadepetal and seeds from breeding him and Bellatrix together would be considered perhaps kissing cousins, but both different baselines?

I'm really excited about this, because if I can get them back to veg, this is going to move the timeline up for some of my more advanced projects and experiments, as getting a hermie to self pollinate and make its own feminized seeds was likely going to be an objective for 2023 or 2024.

So back to my original question for this update... What is the easiest way to get these back into veg status so they can just continue to grow and develop normally throughout the season?
Well, I think this development is definitely going to warrant an actual update of the X2022 video journal on my BitChute channel soon.

It must have been due to the lighting cycle I've been keeping these under, as my two biggest plants have flowered. And now I am looking at how to get them back into veg so they can be my mains for this project and then get cuttings going.

First, here is the second largest of the bunch, X2022-01... As far as I can tell...


It's a girl. This one will become the mother plant for my first baseline (what I call a pure breed); and as I like to anthropomorphize my plants once they become real primary subjects or house plants; I am naming her Bellatrix.

The largest of the batch, X2022-04 is actually being deemed a happy accident. Not only did it end up being male; which I was actually hoping for on at least one of these; this fellow is being dubbed Jadepetal (going to have to show off their "avatars and namesakes" one of these days, as if anyone would be interested. Got Jade made up and advancing nicely in City of Heroes, and Bellatrix will get made there soon).

That said, the reason I am calling Jadepetal a happy accident is not just because I got a male...


I seem to have myself a full fledged hermie (very likely due to the odd weather here the past month that has been taking us between spring and winter regularly (affecting the climate inside, which may have stressed Jade); which means I can engage in a bit of mad half assed science and making him self pollinate (or a cutting of his), and also getting cuttings of him and Bellatrix mated together. So am I correct in my guess that seeds from a self pollinated Jadepetal and seeds from breeding him and Bellatrix together would be considered perhaps kissing cousins, but both different baselines?

I'm really excited about this, because if I can get them back to veg, this is going to move the timeline up for some of my more advanced projects and experiments, as getting a hermie to self pollinate and make its own feminized seeds was likely going to be an objective for 2023 or 2024.

So back to my original question for this update... What is the easiest way to get these back into veg status so they can just continue to grow and develop normally throughout the season?
Do actually need males to get bigger.
There should be plenty of pollen there to collect.
Otherwise put them under 24hr light and they will reveg.
Anywhere over 16 hrs light will reveg them.
Hope you good.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
That simple, eh? So I shouldn't even have to relocate them elsewhere for this? Seems the lighting where they are should do it if I keep it on 24 hours for a few days?


I'm guessing I may want to move the light to the other side of the stand closer to Jadepetal and Bellatrix, so they get more of it with it both directly and bounced back from the wall.

And on Bellatrix here, can I get a second opinion on whether or not she is full female or did she herm as well? I think those are just developing girly flowers right under that little bud on the top, but am not 100% certain...


That's all I have for now. Time to go get today's eBay, eBid, and eCrater listings up before playing with plants any further.
Also, I still want to maintain Jadepetal as a permanent house plant for other lines as well. Remember, I do still have the Mr. Clean Lite and Amberwing going here as well (plus there is a Sour Sunset opportunity seed awaiting its turn, probably as a mid or post season project), and everyone is going to have cuttings made, and if female, have them bred with Jadepetal. And at that point, I will definitely be ready to venture into the field of half assed mad science. Muahahahaha... :)

Now back on my head...
I'm also now thinking that if it proves to be as simple as it sounds to reveg, then I may forgo the take cuttings to sex before planting part of the project, and simply put any plant mature enough to flower (aka looks like the above) on 12/12 until flowering, note sex, then reveg. That will eliminate a good chunk of time, I think... However long it would have taken for a cutting to root and then flower, couple weeks? upwards of a month?

Still want to get experienced and capable at both, but at least we should be back to planting on schedule beginning of June now.

And in other news, I have the "avatars" for both made now in City of Heroes. Both are proving very fun characters to play. Looking forward to teaming with them soon.
And now the next day, I am fighting the temptation to go get Bellatrix a few levels before getting my eBay and other listings up for the day... But nope. Short workload, so just need to get it knocked out before anything else.

No visible signs of revegging yet, BTW. And now Amberwing has totally dropped over on me. Ugh. Not sure what is up with that particular line. He was looking so nice last night.
Figured with the weather showing a nice string of warm days, I went ahead and put all except Bellatrix, Jadepetal, and the Mr. Clean out on the back deck (along with a tray of still in their cups seedlings). I have them against a west wall, so they will only get direct sunlight for a couple hours mid morning until early afternoon, I think. Should be fine for now. I'll get a picture of the setup later, but now about time to go get our Tuesday shopping done.

Amberwing is completely dead now, sadly, so I am "revoking" the name for later use. His grow journal is suspended again, and will be resumed probably end of June from one of the three "archive" seeds I had set aside. At that time, I will also get the single Sour Sunset I have standing by started as a pet project. Perhaps I can time that one so it sprouts on the 4th of July...
And now the next day, I am fighting the temptation to go get Bellatrix a few levels before getting my eBay and other listings up for the day... But nope. Short workload, so just need to get it knocked out before anything else.
Curious what you do with the listings, seems to keep you busy.
What did you mean by " go get Bellatrix a few levels"?
Oh, Bellatrix is the new character I recently made in City of Heroes. She's an Electric Armor / Titan Weapons Tanker. Next time I log into the game I'll grab a screenshot of her in action, and show her off here. :)

My listing stuff for sale elsewhere is something that I always manage to find ways to be busy with. Keeps bills and taxes paid and food on the table. Just developing a sizable backlog of material to be processed and listed due to not enough hours in the day for all I am working on.
In additional news, it turns out Bellatrix went hermie as well. I am considering this excellent news, considering the mad halfassed science possibility with playing with 2 full fledged sibling hermie plants.

These should be able to self pollinate and make feminized seeds, am I correct in understanding that?


And seeing how the pollen sacs and flowers only go down to the 4th level of leaves, with the ones below that showing only nice verdant fresh leaves, would this indicate that she is back in veg? And if so, would cropping her between the last pollen sac laden nodes and the next down be safe? And if so, you think sticking it in dip 'n grow might get it to root? Also, about when would the pollen be harvestable from her and Jadepetal? I still have not figured out good pollen saving techniques, so will need to go hit up the Pollen Chuckers thread yet again soon.

And here is Jadepetal, also looking like he is back in veg, and ready for cropping and dipping.




So what do ya all think? Can those crowns get turned into rooted cuttings that can then get self pollinated, making a feminized baseline, as I call it (and the naming rights that go with it)? This is rather exciting, and looking forward to this perhaps being a perpetual project now, and X2023 will be something different...altogether.
In additional news, it turns out Bellatrix went hermie as well. I am considering this excellent news, considering the mad halfassed science possibility with playing with 2 full fledged sibling hermie plants.

These should be able to self pollinate and make feminized seeds, am I correct in understanding that?


And seeing how the pollen sacs and flowers only go down to the 4th level of leaves, with the ones below that showing only nice verdant fresh leaves, would this indicate that she is back in veg? And if so, would cropping her between the last pollen sac laden nodes and the next down be safe? And if so, you think sticking it in dip 'n grow might get it to root? Also, about when would the pollen be harvestable from her and Jadepetal? I still have not figured out good pollen saving techniques, so will need to go hit up the Pollen Chuckers thread yet again soon.

And here is Jadepetal, also looking like he is back in veg, and ready for cropping and dipping.




So what do ya all think? Can those crowns get turned into rooted cuttings that can then get self pollinated, making a feminized baseline, as I call it (and the naming rights that go with it)? This is rather exciting, and looking forward to this perhaps being a perpetual project now, and X2023 will be something different...altogether.
In my experience if you grow seeds from a hermie you will get another hermie.
I'd burn them asap.
It's nothing but trouble.
Sorry. :Namaste:

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh, I can't do that. This is a great opportunity I have here, what with not only a pair of hermies, but actual hermie siblings (and non hermie-hopefully, brothers and sisters along the way). I am seeing a lot of fun mad halfassed science and learning potential here, too much to give up on these two.

That said, I am getting ready to harvest the pollen sacs and crop their tops and making cuttings of them to reroot and then reflower to continue maturing and self pollinating. After that, Trix and Jade will be put in normal sized planters to continue in veg state as house plants that can be reflowered as needed.

Here's the planters I have in mind for them. Now that I know a Stax cannister is enough for these to grow and mature to flowering in, regular planters should be no problem. If they get full and bushy enough, perhaps I will also practice shaping them as if they were bonsai trees. That was something I had considered early on, then learned I had long since been scooped on that idea. Still would be fun to try though.

X2022 - Bellatrix and Jadepetal Planters.JPG

Still figuring out the pollen harvest, and am unsure if the pollen sacs need to cure, or if they should stay on the cutting to continue developing after the cutting reflowers; and then the best storage method? Not quite sure how long I will need to store them, and may not need to, since the parent plants can be reflowered; but as long as I have the stuff available, may as well learn the techniques without risk of any major loss. :)

Here are Bellatrix's pollen sacs, and the little flower at the tip with its surrounding pollen sacs as well...the tip will remain to see if the cutting will then self pollinate...

X2022 Pollen - Bellatrix Early.JPG

And likewise, here is Jadepetal's flower and pollen sacs...

X2022 Pollen - Jadepetal Early.JPG
Do they look like they should be ready for harvesting and storage, or should I let them continue to develop after the cuttings reflower? (plants themselves are back in veg already)
Is that a hermie or male plant? It looks all male to me. Im a little confused about all the reverting bacm to veg.
Those sacs look pretty close to opening.
You can dry out the pollen and store in the freezer and wait until a female is ready.
Any self pollination is going to be a recurring disaster with only problems for your future grows.
I could have sworn the tops had girlie flowers, but of course was never 100% sure. That is why I do try to ask here if I just can't quite figure out a thing (mostly enjoying flying blind with "What's this button do?" voodoo growing. :D)

If they are males, then I guess I should just go ahead and harvest in case they somehow do not survive the season. Cropping their tops should help them grow outward more and less upward as harmless veg state pet house plants. Right?

And honestly, this is fine for me too, since I know that out of the metric assload of seedlings I have going, these guys will get at least one sister to attend to.

And now that I have seen just how easy it is to reveg, I will be more comfortable with flowering and revegging the others after they recover from their recent cataclysmic wind storm ordeal...


I was not expecting such a huge wind storm, and stupidly left the other primaries for this project on the back deck too long.


They may have got watered out there with the rain, but that wind did a number on them and really dried them back out.


So lesson learned, until they are ready to progress beyond a Stax cannister, the babies only stay outside during nice weather.


Fortunately, they are recovering, and several others from this project and the 420 Challenge have upgraded to cannisters as well and should start showing rapid growth soon.

And I have to say, with the scope this project has taken on, Project X2022 will be designated as such until all objectives are met, meaning it will likely continue into 2023 or even 2024.
Is that a hermie or male plant? It looks all male to me. Im a little confused about all the reverting bacm to veg.
Those sacs look pretty close to opening.
You can dry out the pollen and store in the freezer and wait until a female is ready.
Any self pollination is going to be a recurring disaster with only problems for your future grows.

So let them dry in the sacs or cut them open? I thought I remembered last time I tried cutting one open from a 2018 or 2019 male too early, all I got was a gooey mess.
And if Bellatrix is in fact male, I guess a name change is in order, so he is now designated Rigel (and I am sure I will have a Mintaka and Meissa eventually, if you can see where this is going)
Just took pollen sac samples off both plants, poked them open with a straight pin, and saw there was apparently no pollen yet, so they are probably still far from ready, and tomorrow I go back to my previous plan of cropping them below the lowest pollen sac laden nodes, rooting the cuttings, getting them back to flowering, and letting them actually finish developing after all.
Any self pollination is going to be a recurring disaster with only problems for your future grows.

I've been thinking about this, and something is not adding up...

1: Everyone always seems to want feminized seeds
2: You get feminized seeds by self pollinating a hermy, right?
3: But any self pollination is going to be a recurring disaster.

So, which is it?

Granted, it doesn't matter at this point for this project, since these are just males after all, but I will be wanting to try to create feminized seeds once I get a baseline established. So is there another way to get them feminized without having to self pollinate?
I've been thinking about this, and something is not adding up...

1: Everyone always seems to want feminized seeds
2: You get feminized seeds by self pollinating a hermy, right?
3: But any self pollination is going to be a recurring disaster.

So, which is it?

Granted, it doesn't matter at this point for this project, since these are just males after all, but I will be wanting to try to create feminized seeds once I get a baseline established. So is there another way to get them feminized without having to self pollinate?
Yes, you can use Reversal sprays on a couple of branches, which cuts off female hormones to that branch, which will convert to male parts.
Ive try it several times and it works great.

The "self pollination " came from old practices from the first fem projects.( I believe, could be wrong.)

CSI Humboldt dude is probably the best in the business , on making fems.
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