Rogues Are Dominating President Obama

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
“I am in control here in the White House.” — Secretary of State Alexander Haig, 1981

Ah, the good old days when even a big shot like Gen. Al Haig could get in trouble for such mavericky declarations that defy basic constitutional precedents.

In the 21st century, that’s ancient history. We’ve so idealized cowboy-style rebellion in matters of war and law enforcement that “going Haig” is today honored as “going rogue.” Defiance, irreverence, contempt — these are the moment’s most venerated postures, no matter how destructive or lawless.

The Bush administration’s illegal wiretapping and torture sessions were the most obvious examples of the rogue sensibility on steroids.

But then came McCain-Palin, a presidential ticket predicated almost singularly on the rogue brand. And now, even in the Obama era, that brand pervades.

It began re-emerging in September with Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s Afghan escalation plan. McChrystal didn’t just ask President Obama for more troops — protocol-wise, that would have been completely appropriate. No, McChrystal went rogue, pre-emptively leaking his request to the media, then delivering a public address telling Obama to immediately follow his orders.

Incredibly, few politicians or pundits raised objections to McChrystal’s behavior. Worse, rather than firing McChrystal, Obama meekly agreed to his demands, letting Americans know that when it comes to foreign policy, the rogue general — not the popularly elected president — is in control in the White House.

Of course, while McChrystal’s insubordination was extra-constitutional in spirit, he at least made the effort to obtain the commander-in-chief’s rubber-stamp approval. The same cannot be said for the rogues inside Obama’s Drug Enforcement Agency.

Recall that one year ago, Obama instructed the DEA to follow his campaign pledge and respect local statutes legalizing medicinal marijuana. When the DEA kept raiding pot dispensaries in states that had passed such laws, Attorney General Eric Holder reiterated the cease-and-desist decree, stating that “What (Obama) said during the campaign is now American policy.”

As even more raids nonetheless continued, the Justice Department then issued an explicit memo ordering federal agents to refrain from prosecuting those who are in “compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana.”

And yet the DEA has recently intensified its crackdown. Here in Colorado — where voters enshrined medical marijuana’s legality in our state constitution — the feds not only raided two dispensaries, but did so in a way that deliberately humiliated their superiors.

In January, the DEA stormed a company that performs cannabis quality tests. The firm’s alleged infraction? Following protocol and formally applying for a federal equipment license. DEA rogues responded to the request not with thanks or — heaven forbid — approval, but instead with the gestapo.

This was topped last week when DEA agents arrested a medical marijuana grower who dared discuss his business with a local news outlet. Sensing a PR opportunity, DEA agent Jeffrey Sweetin used the spectacle to insist that he will not listen to stand-down directives from his bosses.

“The time is coming when we go into a dispensary, we find out what their profit is, we seize the building and we arrest everybody,” Sweetin menacingly intoned. Once again, a rogue going wild and once again, tacit acceptance.

Rather than personnel changes reining in the out-of-control agency, the president has nominated the acting Bush-appointed DEA administrator, Michele Leonhart, to a full term.

The message, then, should be clear: If you’re looking for who is “in control” of our military and police forces, don’t look to the established chain of command and don’t look to constitutional provisions that mandate civilian authority over the government bayonet. Look to the most reckless rogues — it’s a good bet they’re the ones running the show.

NewsHawk: User: 420 Magazine - Cannabis Culture News & Reviews
Source: Democrat and
Author: David Sirota
Copyright: 2010 Democrat and
Website: David Sirota: Rogues are dominating President Obama -
I'm not American, so I'm not sure, but is it possible for the people to abolish the DEA? Like, get a nation wide vote or something? I can't believe that democracy is dead just yet (its getting there). If the people all stand up and say "Let the green be free!" then they HAVE to bow down, or do something drastic like bloody sunday (maybe instead of bullets they use jails and sentences, and instead of lives lost we simply strip the peoples rights, but still).

Do we really have to wait for the oppression to escalate to terrible levels for the modern man to rise up? Theres tens of MILLIONS of smokers in America. If theres a vote and it comes up 51% against and 49% for, thats still something the government needs to look at. HALF of your bloody country smokes marijuana. HALF of your damn citizens are criminals!! At that point, common sense tells you that yes, the majority want it illegal, but the other half do it anyways without regard to the law or those who want it illegal, so keeping it illegal would be insane.
I'm not American, so I'm not sure, but is it possible for the people to abolish the DEA? Like, get a nation wide vote or something? I can't believe that democracy is dead just yet (its getting there). If the people all stand up and say "Let the green be free!" then they HAVE to bow down, or do something drastic like bloody sunday (maybe instead of bullets they use jails and sentences, and instead of lives lost we simply strip the peoples rights, but still).

Do we really have to wait for the oppression to escalate to terrible levels for the modern man to rise up? Theres tens of MILLIONS of smokers in America. If theres a vote and it comes up 51% against and 49% for, thats still something the government needs to look at. HALF of your bloody country smokes marijuana. HALF of your damn citizens are criminals!! At that point, common sense tells you that yes, the majority want it illegal, but the other half do it anyways without regard to the law or those who want it illegal, so keeping it illegal would be insane.

Who said our government was sane? :roorrip:
the dea was established by an executive order of prez nixon. i'm pretty sure it would take an executive order to abolish the dea. you can't vote down an executive order.

But a new president can write a new executive order and abolish them over night. I would be in favor of a president that ran on a platform of using his executive privlidge to abolish the CIA, DEA, ATF, FCC, and probably a few more. These are agencies that were never needed and just cause more hate and destrust than anything else.
No, McChrystal went rogue, pre-emptively leaking his request to the media, then delivering a public address telling Obama to immediately follow his orders.
Not only that, but there was talk of rebellion amonst the high ranking officers! Total insubordination - they all should have been fired.

Both the military and DEA oh and also prisons are total money-making entities. Fully corporate owned. Corporations crowding out secular government - like the contest between Church and State in the Three Musketeers time. Except now the SWAT teams aren't carrying muskets.
Marijuana is a second term agenda item- too many established interests stacking up against Obama. It could be worse- want a Bush back again? How about a Romney, McCain, or Palin. Just trying to look at the political system we are stuck with realistically.
I think that making fun of NoBama saying that the DEA is running Washington is a good way to make others realize that maybe it is so.

And if not then at least it makes me fell better. After him laughing in our faces when he was surrounded by cameras and rich people.

Transparency in the White House.

What a joke!
Just vote for non of the above. Vote all existing members out and bring in new blood. It doesn't matter if they are Republican or Democrat or Indenpendent just vote the old out and bring in the new. It sounds scary but it would change the scene in Washington and maybe shit would get done because they would see the people actually do run the Gov and if we don't like what they are doing they won't be around long enough to really fuck us. We all need to really pay attention to what is happening on all areas of Gov not just one issue. They all tie together in way or another because of the way they write these bills. Every new proposal they draft covers so many things and not just what the header says.
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