Ron Paul Finds Supporters Among Medical Marijuana

Outstanding 420 Warrior!! Together we can do this. They cannot hide the truth forever!!

Yes we can!!! Sir, yes sir!!!

This is the face of enemy...Our mission is to get them focusing on real threats in this country, like terrorism, murder, rape and robbery!


Putting so much focus on a plant and non-violent people can no longer be tolerated and we WILL win the day! ;)
Yes we can!!! Sir, yes sir!!!

This is the face of enemy...Our mission is to get them focusing on real threats in this country, like terrorism, murder, rape and robbery!


Putting so much focus on a plant and non-violent people can no longer be tolerated and we WILL win the day! ;)

Awwee!!! That is perfect!!! Excellent!!!! So true... this is what we are fighting for. We would be a lot safer if Law Enforcement was after the Real Criminals!!! I would feel a whole lot safer if I knew Police were after Violent Offenders rather than non violent Marijuana offenders!! LOL!! :welldone::thanks::high-five:
Neither republican nor democrat speaking positively on MMJ will make me vote for them... I am too worried about the well being of this country that I love to have that topic as my main worry. I don't subscribe to the liberal mentality and their useless rants for $20/hour minimum wages and free services at the expense of hard workers like myself. I agree, not very easy to educate someone on twenty different topics, even if they are for MMJ...

Just cause you work a minimum wage job doesn't mean you don't work hard. That's a very ignorant thing to say.
Just cause you work a minimum wage job doesn't mean you don't work hard. That's a very ignorant thing to say.

When did I ever claim that someone working a minimum wage job didn't work hard? I just understand economics and know that raising minimum wage to $20/hour will do absolutely nothing but raise the costs of EVERYTHING else. I've worked MANY minimum wage jobs in my life, and was thankful for the cash I got. And, yes, I worked my butt off. I have nothing against minimum wage workers, may have to get another job myself if my small business doesn't pick up a bit quicker, but I will NEVER expect to get paid any more than a dollar or two over minimum wage, if that, and only if that's what the job is offering. I appreciate those who pay me and how much they pay me. I just don't understand how so many people can put up tents on our freeways (I am speaking of Occupy Eugene here in Oregon) and scream about demanding $20/hour minimum wage, free education, and free health care. Who do these people expect to have pay for these "free" services? Or do they even care? The point of the quoted text you had from me was that I do not subscribe to the liberal mentality nor do I believe they think things completely through... I was a liberal in high school... Then I grew up and realized how business works, how economics works, how the world works... I hope you will not take offense to this post. It is only my opinion based on my education and life experiences.
demanding $20/hour minimum wage, free education, and free health care. Who do these people expect to have pay for these "free" services? Or do they even care?

I'm with you here my friend.:)

What I'm getting absolutely sick of is people that CAN work but absolutely refuse to...I'm tired of people that obviously have healthy bodies coming up to me at the gas stations and trying to get me to give them money for gas, when they are really just their to get a free hand out, especially when I'm barley scraping by to pay my bills on what little I make!

I totally believe that people who are healthy and can do for them selves but think the world owes them a free ride are one of the biggest problems in this country, because I feel that the hard workers have enough on our plates to carry a bunch of lazy freeloaders, I mean, if I have to get out their and work, they should to!

Anyone who gives in to these people are just adding fuel to the fire and making sure these people are not even going to try to get a job because they are getting it free now so why should they even try.

Now, I know times are tough and work is not always available but their are government programs to help the unemployed and I understand the hard working guy that just can't find work but what I'm talking about are these people out begging other people that don't have enough of their own money, for what little bit they have and taking advantage of them.

It's intrusive and I don't subscribe, no matter how much I have in my pocket at the time.

I'll elaborate, so that no one gets offended;

I've seen several times myself, these people take that money and go straight into the store there using as their base camp to beg from, and buying alcohol and cigarettes, that's their scam...just to get their drunk on and I'm personally not supporting their habit!

People should be cutting these people off, so they WILL have to try a little bit harder to support their selves because this way of thinking the world owes them something free has gotten way out of hand and we owe them nothing!

Nothing in this world is free, it always cost someone else something and if we just keep giving away free government programs, who do you think will have to foot the bill? Just the rich? think again! We, the underpaid, hard workers are the ones and it's why our taxes are so high now.

This is why I support Dr. Paul, because he supports the fair tax act, which quits taking taxes out of our pay checks and places it on sales tax, so that EVERYONE has to pay in to the system by taxing what we buy instead of just letting our income taxes foot the bill for all these freeloaders.

People who are really disabled are the ONLY ones who we should be helping with these programs but we should not have to support the ones are just taking advantage of the system by pure laziness...IMO
Hello.. Not to interject myself in this conversation but I'd like to add something to this discussion--even though I know you have said that you cannot be convinced. I realize that and I only wish to inform.

As a Ron Paul supporter, and a firm advocate of MMJ, I as a Californian Blue Republican have seen the many errors of both Democrats AND Republicans in this country. I too was very hopeful for Obama and voted for him. Look where that got us. He said that he wouldn't interfere with MMJ. He has. He definitely has the executive power to remove DEA heads that organize fed and state raids of dispensaries and yet he doesn't. Where does this leave us? We must realize that everything most politicians say are to get more votes--and in this case he was aiming at getting minority voters as well as the young vote. And he did. That's not to say that this is a fault singular to Democrats. Indeed, Republicans use the same ploys as well. Politicians are liars.

We must instead objectively look at track records--voting records of honesty and truthfulness. There is one man that stands above the crowd. You will never be surprised with Ron Paul because he has always been a Constitutionalist and a Libertarian. You know exactly how he will act as President and the past 20 years of his Congressional service are only proof of that. If you're ever curious how he'd act in a particular circumstance as President, refer to the Constitution. He advocates sound money, the right to privacy, state rights, non-interventionism, limited government, free markets. So you know that, as a Libertarian, it would be inconsistent with his other policies of non-intervention and privacy for him to continue with the War on Drugs. Let's not forget what the root word of Libertarian is. It's LIBERTY--congruent to freedom.

I notice you think that he wants to leave people out on the sidewalk. Not true. He just realizes that a lot of what government tries to do is more often than not, detrimental to the overall good of society and incurs a lot of societal deadweight loss. They are also woefully inefficient. Anybody who has been to the DMV may attest to the inefficiency of government workers. Also, non-profit organizations are much more inefficient at doling out charitable donations to those that need them than government because... oh look, they're run like businesses and left to allocate their limited funds as efficiently as possible. Conversely, government administrations and organisations tend to be inefficient because they are paid out of the gov't's bottomless purse. We need accountability! As an OBGYN he would always, ALWAYS treat patients that couldn't afford insurance. He would often be paid with things that people had instead of money.. chickens, produce.

You say he doesn't have a foreign policy. Not true. A non-interventionist policy means that he believes the U.S. has no right, under our Constitution, to invade other countries or perform any military act without Congress's consent and a declaration of War. He stresses that we need National DEFENSE, not National INTERVENTION. Looking at contributions that he has received from armed forces--outweighing all the other Republican candidates COMBINED as well as contributions to Obama, it is clear who the troops have chosen as their rightful commander-in-chief. Why are we in other countries when there are American children starving right here at home? We have bases all over the world. Are we really in a place to continue some warped view of the Truman doctrine or some ludicrous notion of Manifest Destiny when we are trillions in debt?

That is all I really wanted to say, although I wanted to elaborate much more. I hope I have made you at least a little bit more open minded to Paul's policies and why they're not so radical as mainstream media would have you believe. I know I have not changed your mind. I just want you to be firm in your political beliefs while understanding the opposing stance on these issues. If in the future you find yourself questioning whether you would rather make decisions on your own or have the government govern all facets of your life I strongly urge you to read "The Road to Serfdom" by F.A. Hayek. That is one thing that I do want to convince you to do--take a closer look at history and historical instances regarding policies, administrations, government, and economics.

(And for the record, the majority of the country is moderate, not leaning strongly left or right. Now if we lived in France, that would be another story ;))

I'm not for trading our rights for other rights like RP would do or allow states to do.
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