RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL's

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

You have the right idea and have gotten great advice from Mr. Krip on this. (GT is also right, duct tape might actually work too)! You just have to hold it together like you are and sometimes it'll grow back together. Like Mr. K said, keep an eye on the string if it starts to heal so it doesn't grow into the plant. GT has a good rubber band idea, but I would minimize messing with it if you have it held together good now.

Too bad it split and didn't just bend a branch down. Sometimes you get those sort of happy accidents that are really super-cropping and you end up with bigger buds and bushier plants. :)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Yeah, I am very thankful that they responded...I was hoping they had some sot of knowledge of how to REALLY fix it, you know? But holding it together like we did is really the easiest and best way to do it I can see....It actually happened last night, and so that's when I yelled for my honey to come help me and grab the string and scissors! lol! I couldn't just come to the computer and get on and type up a post and then send it, and then wait to see if I got a reply...So I just did what came from my instincts, from my knowledge too from prior gardening all my life, and working as a landscaper helped me learn a bit too! But I still was freaked out that such an accident could kill my girl, and I still wanted to hear from you guys and hear what you all had to say about what to do when this happens....It's never happened to me before, but I am famous for breaking off my plant's limbs, lol, I hate that clumsiness about me....So yes, guys, thanks for ALL your advice! You are ALL my heroes! This is my online family here..I just wish I could give you all a big hug Here's the best I can do- :hug::green_heart:

So, I went ahead and sucked up my fear, and took a razor blade and grabbed Jackie up, took her to the kitchen, and started taking more clones off of her, I have no more rock wool cubes, and I was all by myself tonight...but I DID still have some damp soil mix in a bucket that I didn't use after all, when doing the planting of the clones I made from 3 weeks ago...so I took that, and added more perlite, and some seed starter mix ( 50% sphagnum peat moss, and 50% vermiculite I think...), and that made the soil very light and airy when I was tossing it and mixing it....but I packed it down pretty good, so that when I made the holes for the clones to go down into, that the holes wouldn't collapse back on themselves...then I just took them, put them into water while I worked, then into the clonex gel I saved from 3 weeks ago in the refrigerator, (I hope it still works!!! PLEASE WORK!!! :wood:) and then into the dirt. I was hesitant before, about cloning into dirt, but I keep seeing videos online, where people are cloning right into perlite and vermiculite mixes, and soil mixes like I did, and they are getting fine results! So I am just going to smoke on my vape for the pain, ( I'm making great progress in coming off the morphine! Only 4 steps down to go!!! That's the least amount I've been on since I started on the stuff back in 2005....I need LOTS more herbal meds though...gotta smoke a lot of really good ganja all day to alleviate the kind of pain I have ( my scoliosis in my crooked spine is getting so bad, that's the worst problem I have right now, medically, because it causes so much pain, it's too much to deal with with out something to stop it or lessen it....And I can live with LESS pain with pot, instead of NO pain, and remain a legal junkie for the few years I would have left on that crap...And you just gotta always take more and more, I can't even STOP taking the stuff more than 12 hours or I start to show signs of wicked withdrawel....F that! I'm just not doing it anymore I decided earlier this year, and I am so glad that I did...This WILL work, and if any of my local Arizonans need any clones of my Emerald Jack, I'd love to trade you for something good that you have! I'm getting more clones off of jackie than I know what to do with! lol, a good problem to have, though, lol....

Okay everyone, I took pics of the new clones in their little cups of dirt with other opaque-clear cups on top of them, to make them have their own humidity domes, although I've seen a guy or 2 who said that they rooted right into soil like this, and didn't even ue a humidity dome either, just misted them once or twice a day...So i think they will be great clones if they take, so we will see, in about 2-3 weeks at the most, I should see new growth on the new clones, and then I will know they got their roots...

Okay good night all, I hope you all have a great evening, and a great Friday tomorrow,and have all your plants growing , as many as you can right now...cuz think about it...this will be our Christmas bud we are just starting right now, so by golly! I'mma gonna get me all 12 that I can legally have, growing! lol!

Much much 420 love to all of you guys out there,,, thanks to everyone who replied today and helped me...I appreciate all of you so much! You're my family! My green family! Much GREEN love to you all!!! (Warning! Over-usage of smileys about to begin!) :green_heart::peace::green_heart::peace::green_heart::peace::thanks::yahoo::thanks::yahoo::thanks::yahoo:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Poor Jackie :( It look like it will all be good though :) Mr. Krip and GT saved the day!

I don't know if we've saved anything, except maybe a little stress, but thanks! :)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Yeah, you guys saved me from second guessing myself and dying of worry, (which is a DISTINCT possibility for ME, lol, ask my WIFE! She'll tell ya! lol).
Anyways, you guys responded to me as fast as you could when you saaw me calling for help, and it seems it's only fair that I give thanks for how you make me feel by just being here, even if I am "swimming in the deep end on my own" pretty much, you guys have been doing this longer, and know so much more, like uhm, for instance, when to panic and when NOT to, lol!!! So in MY eyes, YES! You guys that all came and helped no matter who you are, but especially you, Mr. Krip, and GT, cuz you guys answered so quickly and just answer my constant questions all the time as well, and for that, you probably deserve an award!
I love you guys, all of you, and the girls out there too, all of you, that are there for me, I appreciate you so very much, and can never thank you enough, but I like to keep trying! lol, Wishing you all Bright and Green Harvests of Giant Sticky Buds Forever!:thanks:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Namaste RV, I see you... I have a friend in Az, near some famous lake that may could help you...PM me later, i will call him in the meantime...
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

sorry been busy but look like you've overcome alittle problem, things look good though, wish i had a bathroom to grow in lol, but yea she looks happy in her palace!!! :tokin:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

RV, just found ya'. u didn't leave a forwarding address.
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

I am lost.....What are you talking about? Sorry, I am a ding dong at times, and I don't mean to be, but I have no idea what you are talking about, my friend....Please be more specific for this old lady...lol, thanks!
RV, just found ya'. u didn't leave a forwarding address.
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

RVG, you need to put your current grow in your signature. People who read your old journal may not know you have a new one up. ;)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! DUH!!! Thanks for the heads up, paw-paw and Mr. Krip! I was wondering what happened to you, paw-paw...I'm so sorry I didn't know how to do that before I left the last grow...
I will try to figure this out now...
Thx guys!:thanks:
RVG, you need to put your current grow in your signature. People who read your old journal may not know you have a new one up. ;)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Okay my people of the Green Herb of Life....
Here is the latest pics I have taken in the last few days...and a few are out of order, and I apologize for that....I'm too tired to try and figure it out today, I tried, but i can do no more but get this finished....
I hope you all love them, and are as excited about my first 5 clones as I am, that are in soil and obviously thriving and growing almost as fast as their momma always has..and then there is my momma herself...she is recovering from my accident with her, and has shown no signs of hurting from the episode, but unfortunately, when I removed the string yesterday, the top 3/4ths of the split was still able to open up, but it seemed the bottom was starting to heal up...so I was alone, and had to improvise. I found a zip-tie, and used that, kinda tight, too, cuz it's just temporary, and I will use a razor and carefully cut it off, and then I might try the "duct tape" method that every one agreed might just work!
Then, you'll find the pics of my NEW 6 clones I just took about 5 days ago I think...they were started a week after the first 5 were put in soil, that's about 1 month exactly between them being started.....that'll put them a month between their harvests as well, but I don't mind that at all! That'll just barely hold me anyways, lol! naw, just kidding! I bet this strain is going to be kick-ass and we who partake in it are going to be most messed up and pain free (what I care about the most, personally!) .

Here is my clones in their cups with the other cups on top to make "humidity domes"- they are working GREAT!

I have to have the clones and the plant share the 102 watts of CFL light that I have for them in here right now...You can't say it isn't enough...look at how HUGE my Jackie IS!!

Jackie is SO pretty after her big trim that was 6 clones harvested and a good job of removing anything not in the right spot or too small, and a few big old fans were removed as well...

Now you can see her 2 big tops that she has growing!

Jackie's center area is now opened up and the light can penetrate to encourage the growth in there!

Here is clone #10...taken about 5 days ago...

And here is clone #7...

Clone #12...

Clone #11....

Clone #8....

Clone #9....

Clone #12....

Now here is Clone #1 taken today, from above...

Clone #1 from the side...

Clone #2 from above......

Clone #3 from above........

Clone #3 from the side....

Clone #5 today....

Clone #5 from above....

Clone #4.......

This is my grow closet today, with my 5 Emerald Jack clones, from "Jackie", my momma plant, who lives in my bathroom...right now, I am also waiting on the last 6 clones I took from Jackie to start growing their roots...in the mean time, every day, about 3-4 times in 24 hours, I will go in the bathroom, and remove each top cup, mist the clone inside, then wipe out the condensation in the morning misting, and then just mist them every 6-8 hours seems best for me...

I hope all of you out there try cloning like I did....I didn't think I had the "know-how", that only special "scientists" or who ever were able to clone...but with plants, it's not that complicated! It's so easy to do...You just want a great looking and very healthy plant, and just make sure it's feminized if at all possible....that way, all her clones will ALWAYS be girls!!! The ONLY way to do it, IMHO!!!:morenutes::):Namaste::lot-o-toke:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Indica or Sativa: Both, Indica dominant.
Seed or Clone?: Seed.
Reg. or Feminized seed?: Feminized.
Wet weight at harvest: 129 grams
Dry weight after 1 week: 42 grams
Odor: Pretty skunky and a bit sweet/tangy as well. A wonderful combination that is VERY noticeable!
Taste: Very very smooth in a joint, a bit more harsh in the vape...Tastes a little bit of a "sweet herb taste" mixed with a tangy/sweet taste on your tongue when you inhale.
THC content: Was advertised as having a 22% THC content...
High and/or stone?: Being Indica dominant, and with my extremely high tolerance, I found this to be only a slight head high, and a better body stone than I had expected, which is good for my arthritis and scoliosis pain..More of a stone than high, and very good for pain killing, so I think it has good CBD numbers as well.

Overall opinion: I LOVED this plant! I can't wait to get some more of her! If I was up to cloning before she flowered out, then I'd have taken a clone or a dozen from her! This girl was easy to grow, survived an accident in her infancy and still recovered to finish with a decent yield, and under just 312CFL watts! All multi-spectrum! She looks and smelled great, wasn't too big, got not bugs, mold or any problems during her life, and was super easy to LST with! All in all, she is a FANTASTIC plant to have and grow, not to mention, use! I HIGHLY recommend this one!

Rating: 4 & 1/2 STARS! ( Out of a scale of 1-5 stars)

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Also, I am sorry, but I lost track of the place where someone explained to me how to make a "name" for my current or any grow in a signature...someone sent it to me I thought, in my journal here, and I haven't found it yet, but I'm going to have to go look some more....
Also, I forgot how I am supposed to make a signature thing for this journal...I went and tried to copy the address from the address bar on top, and paste it on the signature page place in the CP panel....but it wouldn't go this time! I'm so lost! I have to add the address to this journal ON this journal's signature page I'm being told by my friends...but I am CLUELESS on how to do that! I have to go find a place that teaches that stuff...Any suggestions??? I'm so sorry for being so lost and ridiculous lately everyone.....I'm trying to keep caught up with everyone else out there...
I need to start a new journal now, and I can't...not until I know how to list the current journal in the current grow journal and also how I'm supposed to list the NEW journal in the NEW journal as well! Oh! what a mess! I HATE stuff like this!!! Argh! Oh please Great HELP fairy in the sky....please come help me and let the information be in a file somewhere so I can find it and KEEP IT FOREVER!!!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Okay everyone! NEVER MIND!!! I'm sorry for asking that question up there, ^^^^^, but I DID in fact, FIND the instructions on someone's signature somewhere, and finally figured it out myself, so don't bother answering on this question above, okay? Sorry for the confusion...
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

:eek:fftopic:Also, I have an Off-topic question I need answered by my fellow members who reside in Oregon...

Can someone who lives there already, please pm me, about best places to live, grow, and find prescribing docs and dispensaries if they have them???

:focus:SO!!! Latest update! The Blue Planet Nutes are working wonders on my beautiful girls! They are growing so big and strong! AND! The clones that were just planted in soil, 13 days ago, after 19 days in the dome, are now all fast growing and BIG plants! That's just 31 days from being cut off the momma plant to NOW! AMAZING!!! I still have to wait to get some size on them before I flip them....I don't know how to do a 12/12 from seed or clones yet....I think I have to have a "bubble cloner" or something like that, where you will get some HUGE & long roots to work with...but mine only had a few roots just poking out a 1/4" from the blocks of rock wool when I planted them in their soil, so they took about a week to get their bearings, then they TOOK OFF! LOL! they don't even resemble the same clones they used to be just 2 weeks ago! I am so happy, but at the same time, I am a bit bummed, because I have another set of 6 clones that are running about a month behind these first 6, so I don't know HOW I am going to finish vegging the new ones if the closet is already in use for flowering the first 6??? I only have the bathroom for vegging the momma and baby (new) clones, and no more lights to work with either...If I just had some decent lighting, I'd put that in my closet, and take this home made hood and hanging lights, and put THOSE on the newer vegging plants in the bathroom...it'll just be really really bright in there from 6 am till 12 midnight, lol! Well, any ideas or donors of decent but un-needed lights will be appreciated...Maybe I could just pay shipping? I've heard a few of you over the last year talking about sending each other lights, fans, etc...so I thought it never hurts to ask! So if any of you has a little 150+hps/mh system that you don't want any more, or they need bulbs, or it needs a ballast, or whatever, I'll TAKE IT! I HAVE to come up with some more wattage! 312 cfl watts will NOT flower out 6 plants efficiently at ALL! They veg just fine under that...but I saw my NL x Sk buds compared to many other's pics I have been seeing online, and I'm telling you, my plant was pathetically small! I only netted about 1/2 oz off of her...that was so ridiculous, SO not worth the hundreds and hundreds of dollars that I have already put into this grow set up I have, as lame as it may be...but even little things cost, and it all adds up- to more than I have anymore! Even my beloved .40cal S&W M&P Auto is in the pawn shop so I could get thru August at the time...now it's due, and all I can do is roll it over....I haven't been this poor in about 20 years or so I think! I'm hanging on, by a thread at times it seems...

But this plant situation is what we are here about...
So, if anyone can donate their old crap to someone who would covet it, cherish it, and never ever sell it, unless for the same price to another 420mag.com member who needs it like I do right now...please PM me and we can figure it out from there....

Okay Angels.....Fly away and go find someone to come to my rescue!

( And yeah, I've been writing the lighting companies for about 9 months now, begging for any lights they have, ANY, even scratched, dented, missing parts, returns, ANYTHING!!! No response....They ARE in it for the money, and there are so few people who are really in this for the healing aspects of it, and to help their fellow patients- others who also suffer and desperately need to grow their own meds because, like me, they are on such a small fixed income now, that we have no money to buy our meds, nor the expensive equipment that comes with it...even at the "non-profit" dispensaries)...I can't afford to pay for ANYTHING right now, that's why this grow has survived on cheap, free, re-claimed, recycled, and given things more than anything else. I have only spent $ on the FFOF soil, the first set of AN nutes, a exhaust booster fan, a 6' piece of flex ducting for the exhaust, a bunch of CFL bulbs, a TDS pen, a Ph kit, and a piece of stove pipe ( my first reflector hood I built with instructions on here!) and some perlite and vermiculite....that's about it. Most expensive is , of course, the lights and the nutes....but BLUE PLANET NUTRIENTS hooked me up recently, and just in time! This grow would most likely be not happening or doing it on MG if BPN hadn't come to the rescue! Thx again, BP dude!!! You ROCK! :tommy::headbanger::passitleft:

I'm still looking for other Arizonans to trade good clones with.....PM me if you wan t to...I'm an hour and a half north of Phx, same time south of Flagstaff, kinda, I'm not DIRECTLY in the line between Phx. and Flagstaff, but kinda.....so it's close! LOL...

Anyways, I could take more and more and more clones off of Jackie! She is so healthy! Never shown a sign of weakness at ALL! Even with the split top, she is doing great! I'm keeping this line going as long as I live, if I have anything to say about it!

I hope all of you are doing well....I have to go and get ready for a Dr. appt. right now, and will be back later today, and have some new pics, just a few, of the clones in the soil, and how HUGE they are growing by the DAY with these BLUE PLANET NUTES!! I am AMAZED! I can't WAIT to see them in flower!!!

Okay all, have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!
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