Sad looking plants, leaves twisting, curling


420 Member
So i started some new plants a few weeks ago and I'm having the same problem that i had with my grow a month or 2 back. Bottom leaves on all my plants start to slowly curl down, some of them twisting. And than i notice it works the way up. I will mention that it contiues to grow, but very slowly. The very bottom round leaves that first appear start turning a yellow and than it moves up the plant. I have watered only when needed and the soil is dry all the way through. I have no used any fertilizer or soil that contains fertilizer as my babies or only 3 weeks old. Maybe my lights araren't strong enough or maybe too strong, maybe i have a pest problem, or too warm or too cold but i feel like i have made adjustments to all those things and no change... i have made sure that temp does not get below 68 or above 84 but rarely does it ever get to those extremes. I will say i live in a super dry climate and even tho i have multiple humidifiers running in ny grow room, it's almost impossible for me to get the humidity level above 50 percent. I just figured someone might have run across the same problem and might have a solution for me. Anything helps


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The only yellowing I can see is the cotyledons and that's normal.

Bigger pots will definitely least the ones they are in should be full to the top.

What's your soil? If that soil is bone dry, then it looks pretty rich in color (imo) and might be too hot in nutrients for young plants.

What's your lighting? How far from the plants? Are you using a fan?
Im using an led light thats 1000 watts and a hid light thats 150watts. Yes, its kind of strange combination but it seems to work ok. I keep them at least 18 to 24 inches away.


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But here r some other pictures of the leaves and how they r looking. Pretty sad.. i obviously need to repot but would that be causing the leaves to turn this way? The soil i used had zero nutrients as it was just used to to germinate my seeds. Maybe that may be that problem..
I think your lights are too low. I'd start them at 3 feet and lower them gradually.

You need to repot them. That is way too small a pot. Do you know how best to do that, and what sized pot you will use?

Any of the above will cause the problems you are seeing.

Again... what kind of grow medium are you using? Do you know its composition.
Its a seedling mix, sunshine is the brand. Its made of peat moss, perlite , dolomite lime, and wetting agent. My understanding was not use to any plant food til they were in vegatative stage. Idk, like i said, im pretty new to it so still learning.
Its a seedling mix, sunshine is the brand. Its made of peat moss, perlite , dolomite lime, and wetting agent. My understanding was not use to any plant food til they were in vegatative stage. Idk, like i said, im pretty new to it so still learning.
thts if your using a soil thats loaded with nutes you gotta give them a lil bit of something tho check ph and get tds meter
* check ppm of water out and post result.
* check ph of water in (should be 6.5)and water out, post results.
* upgrade to bigger pot size.
* raise lights to 28" For a week.
* Purchase some nutrients like fox farms trio or General Hydroponics trio. Depending on your ppm out it may be time to feed them immediately after transplant.

That will get you started on the right path and allow us to assist you further.
Hello , turn off the 1000watt led move the 150 watt hid a lot closer , get bigger pot and more potting mix and hit them with about 200 ppm nutes and ph of 6.2 .1000 watts is way to much for a plant that size , keep your lights as close as possible with out burning them , if they start cupping like a taco move the lights up , once they get healthy and a few more leaves you can hit them with the led but remember to move it up (18inches )at least .humidity isn't as crucial at this point but it helps , there is nothing in that soil mix for them to feed on . you want your soil moist , not totally dry and not soaking wet .
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