Scrog - didn't really understand - explain in simple terms please can't read too good


New Member
Can some one eplain the scrong to me plz errm I dnt really get the let it go then pull it back down how does that increase growth of branches or do I top the plant to increase branch growth I dnt understand can any one explain
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

i can try.

what it does.. is as the plant grows up towards the light... you pull down the branch and tuck it under the screen..

what this does, is trick the plant into thinking that , that tip, isnt the best choice to be the dominant tip anymore.

so next, , it tells the lower branches, that they need to step up, and fight to be the new main tip.

as they shoot up, they will make it up to, and past the screen, in which, you pull them back under..

now the plant is thinking.. OK.. well, time to start taking more lower branches, and try to make them the new tip!

and this cycle repeats..

what this does, is allow you to have, instead of a tall plant with one main tip, you will have a short bushy plant, where its trying to locate its new dominant tip. where all the growing tips are kept equal with each other.

SO! .. now when you flower, instead of having one huge bud at the top, and a bunch of scruffy, small buds at the bottom. you have a big screen of equal buds.

this also helps HUGE when it comes to cfl growers, as with CFL, your useable light doesnt it make it very far through the leaves, to the bottom of the plant, where as with it all screened like that, your getting almost all of the light directly to all of the buds (as there wont be any underneath.... and the few spots where buds would develop under the screen, you simply trim away, so the plant doesnt focus on them, and put that energy to the good quality, bigger buds up top)

so all in all, it doesnt make your plant grow faster, or better, but it DOES make your plant a more efficient producer. producing not only more, but overall better quality buds.
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

Ok thanks much better lol so I dnt need to top them at any stage say if I was doing it in a cuboard that is 2x1.5x5.5 how many 125 cfl would I need to use and how many plants is three two many lol an do I have a fan on them when they under the screen or do I do it with out a fan lol many thanks been very helpful

The 125 watt cfl are grow lams eco lamp from a groww shop
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

ill give you the info and a suggestion, but the choice is obviously yours.

in a scrog, to get the shortest veg time, you typically go 1 plant per square foot.

with cfl, a great amount of light for a scrog, is 100 true watts, per square foot. however, less will work.

this being said, i pulled 2.5 ounces off a 250 watt single bulb cfl 2x2 scrog a while back.

anyways.. with what you have...

you have a 2.5" squared foot space, so, 2 plants would fit in there good. 3 might get a bit crowded.

as far as light goes, you could fit 250 watts in there following 100 per square foot, and get great results.

so, i would go with 2 of the 125 watt cfls. , one 6400 or 6500k one should be good for veg, but i would get 2 125 watt 2700k ones, or a single 250 watt one for flower.

depending on how much it costs, you could also look into buying the 26watt twist CFL's (ones you would use in normal light sockets).

you could fit 8-10 of the 26 watt 2700k cfl's in there and get great results. the rough estimation i use... is i get around 7 grams for every 26 watt bulb i put in. so with 8 to 10 bulbs, you would be looking around 50-70 grams. a pretty reasonable about for some cheap little cfls.

dont let the grow shops fool you.. their 2700k 26 watt(100 watt equiv) cfl bulbs, are no different than the house ones you would get from walmart in the same spectrum. they just mark them up 10x.
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

Great explanation on the scrog Nibec!!!
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

thanks ice, i do what i can to help out. I used to wish more people did when i was first starting up, but, in the end thats just given me more drive to help others!
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

So what do u think so u dnt think I should waste money on buying proper grow cflls u think should just by 10 15 normall cfls from a normall shop an ill get the same result as if I was using proper grow lamps the eco lamp 125 cfl blue x 2 for the scrog veg and the same eco light cfl 2 x red

An u rekon I will get the same results
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

how big does the scrren need to be as in the gaps for were the heads need to come throw. An how far apart would I set the lights and what size pot would I use as I dnt like transplanting the plants and how many holes in the screen would there be in total so I no how many branchs r needed to fill the screen an if I was feed biobuzz grow an bio buss bloosom do iuu think I would get in bud at the end of the grow an I got another cupboard an I was just guna top the 3 plants I put in there and grow them like so do u think it would make more scence to do both scrog or one and the other
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

In your first post yes.. Don waste the money on overpriced bulbs that work the same as regular proper spectrum house cfls.

On you next post. I don't have the time to reply to right now.. I'll get to ya in about 9 hours after work. Cheers
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

sorry for the late reply, had company.


how big does the scrren need to be as in the gaps for were the heads need to come throw. An how far apart would I set the lights and what size pot would I use as I dnt like transplanting the plants and how many holes in the screen would there be in total so I no how many branchs r needed to fill the screen an if I was feed biobuzz grow an bio buss bloosom do iuu think I would get in bud at the end of the grow an I got another cupboard an I was just guna top the 3 plants I put in there and grow them like so do u think it would make more scence to do both scrog or one and the other

the gaps in the screen, should be 2" squares.

lights should be as close as possible, i like to keep them about 1-2" away tops.

for pot size, a 3 gallon pot is what i would use in my 2.25x 2.25 screen with one plant, so if you had 2, you could get away with smaller ones.

im not familiar with those nutrients, but , i would use half of whats stated on the bottle, and work up slowly from there.

as far as having another cupboard. yes, i would scrog both... might as well, it will help your yield.
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

Ok kl thanks mate very helpful

Would I be able to ask u to add me as a freind so if I come across any problems or any thing ill be able to ask u but I will also keep u up to date with pic and information on my grow an u can tell me what u think and that plz many thanks
re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

how big does the scrren need to be as in the gaps for were the heads need to come throw. An how far apart would I set the lights and what size pot would I use as I dnt like transplanting the plants and how many holes in the screen would there be in total so I no how many branchs r needed to fill the screen an if I was feed biobuzz grow an bio buss bloosom do iuu think I would get in bud at the end of the grow an I got another cupboard an I was just guna top the 3 plants I put in there and grow them like so do u think it would make more scence to do both scrog or one and the other

here is a pic of my first CFL Scrog..
Re: Scrog but dnt really understand (simple terms plz can't read to gd)

Here is an updated pic of my scrog

i can try.

what it does.. is as the plant grows up towards the light... you pull down the branch and tuck it under the screen..

what this does, is trick the plant into thinking that , that tip, isnt the best choice to be the dominant tip anymore.

so next, , it tells the lower branches, that they need to step up, and fight to be the new main tip.

as they shoot up, they will make it up to, and past the screen, in which, you pull them back under..

now the plant is thinking.. OK.. well, time to start taking more lower branches, and try to make them the new tip!

and this cycle repeats..

what this does, is allow you to have, instead of a tall plant with one main tip, you will have a short bushy plant, where its trying to locate its new dominant tip. where all the growing tips are kept equal with each other.

SO! .. now when you flower, instead of having one huge bud at the top, and a bunch of scruffy, small buds at the bottom. you have a big screen of equal buds.

this also helps HUGE when it comes to cfl growers, as with CFL, your useable light doesnt it make it very far through the leaves, to the bottom of the plant, where as with it all screened like that, your getting almost all of the light directly to all of the buds (as there wont be any underneath.... and the few spots where buds would develop under the screen, you simply trim away, so the plant doesnt focus on them, and put that energy to the good quality, bigger buds up top)

so all in all, it doesnt make your plant grow faster, or better, but it DOES make your plant a more efficient producer. producing not only more, but overall better quality buds.
Re: Scrog - didn't really understand - explain in simple terms please can't read too

They look awesome! That's how I'm going to grow my white widow and Northern Lights!

Are they WW? Heard the yield is not so good, looks ok to me...
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