Seedling problem Please Help


New Member

Hello guyz i hope u can help me with some advices.I am sorry for my english.
1.I have 3 POWER PLANT 100% sativa
2.I have a grow box 1meter x 1 meter x 1.8H (it is big enough for my 3 plants ?)
3.i have 120w LED light (is this enough for my 3 plants ? )

**i keep the temp right , humudity right but i don't know this thing with the oxigen and Co2,
if i grow in my room in a grow box...what should i do ?

**The bigger plant has 10 days old , the one with problems has 9 days .... and the other one in the back has 8 days old.
I watered them with 100ml of water every day . I mix 5 ml of Canna Terra Vega in 3l of water.
it's too early to feed them ?
and if someone could tell me how the Power Plant is and how big will it grow

Thanks guyz...hope i will be able to give advises some day :)
Too early to feed? yes. You might be able to save them. Let the soil dry out and then give them a small drink don't soak the soil until they have showed significant growth. I don't know Your humidity, but some times when their tender and sickly some sort of humidity dome helps to perk them up. I use a 2 litre soda bottle and cut the top 1/3 of the bottle off and place it over the seedling. once it fogs up I take the cap off of it. I also take the dome off completly to give them some air twice a day for about 30 minutes. Their survival chances are slim but its worth a try! Good luck!
ok humidity its at 70% and i do give them air ...anyway ...i have this problem for 4 days now and the one in the first picture it's growing very slow very very slow , but the other one it keep growing.
for how long should i give them just water ? and how much water ?
Your humidity is good for veg dont worry about the humidity dome. There is no set time, let them get about this big
Then only give them 1/4 strength nutes. until then just give them a small splash around the plant enough to keep the first ten centimeters moist. Remember if you happen to get the leaves wet turn the lights off until it drys or it will burn your leaves. Your soil is another thing to consider some soils have nutes already in them and it is not suitable for small mj plants. If thats the case then nothing but water until the plant starts to slow down growth. Also if your canna vega is not all organic you will have to ph it to a range of 6.2-7.0. I suggest reading some more about growing there are some good reads on this site at the top of the page.
gittergreen i really apriciate your advice and i will try to do my best.i know that i did some mistakes , i guess any new bigginer do this tipes of misteks , nutrients burns , i even did that mistake you said : i did watered the leaves a little bit , at first a lot and i keep my 120w led 24/7 maybe thats why they look burned.
Thanks a lot again.
I will post again if i will save that plant (because i belive just 1 is in danger) to see how things are going.
I killed my first two attemps! I didnt do enough research before I started and made the same mistakes you did. Glad to help! Looking forward to seeing your little ones up and healthy!
watering every day is crazy. let the soil go near completely dry before watering again. Do not give any nutes for quite a long time either.
Jimmy thanks man...i guess i did a lot a mistakes , i don't really know why, because i let many tutorials and many many growing advises.but now i really don't know if they will actualy live so my big question is WHAT IS MY NEXT MOVE ? :( I will post some pics in a few min.
I did gave them kind of a lot of nutrients at first and then i kept watering every day 100 ml witouth nutes but things are going still wrong.
It looks like the leaves are burned by my LED 120w . I keep the led at 15/20 cm. Is that too close ? do u guys know anythink about led ?
And i germinated in a rockwool into the soil . But the soil is Deutch organic and already had something inside.
Another question > Should i change the strain ? i have power plant , i would love something sativa 100% , something easyer or something ?
I heard powerplant is a big yielder and fairly easy grow. Indoor is not a very good place for 100% sativas.

All my plants started in rockwool cubes then were transfered to soil. So you are fine in that aspect.

what bring LED is it? I need to know more to determine if its too close. To a untrained eye light burns look the same as a nute burn.

Post some pics and let me know about the light and i will help you further.
Yes well as soon as i put my seeds into roockwool I inserted the rockwool in soil too.Anyway ...with the light it's a problem because i don't really know the lumens.I know it has different colours like red , blue yelllow and white, i know that they say it has the same power as a HPS 600W. but i am not so sure.
I keep the led at 22cm . And they don't give any hot temp.
I allready said that i gaved them too many nutes and too much water.the question is what should i do next ?
I am decided that i want 100% sativa :) my grow box has 1.80cm tall.
and i have some other little questions :
what kind of water should i use ? i just use normal water from the kitchen and i adjust ph to 6.3
what kind of soil shoul i use for germinate seeds and seedling stage ?mine has some ferts in it.
Guys today i bought some soil light. i tend put my 3 plants into this soil until they will get better,then i will transplant them back into the fertilized soil, is that ok ?

I bought some root juice and bio heaven , should i already give them this ? please help me !
Guys today i bought some soil light. i tend put my 3 plants into this soil until they will get better,then i will transplant them back into the fertilized soil, is that ok ?

I bought some root juice and bio heaven , should i already give them this ? please help me !
Like everyone has said before, just water and not so much of that. maybe the only thing you might add is some superthrive.those little ones need at least 4 weeks of growth before you give them any food.
good luck!
I would raise your lights to about 30-36 inches until you start to get some healthy growth.
Believe me your plants want to live! Its time to set back and let them recover don't mess with them except keeping the first couple inches of soil moist. Good job by getting the soil with no nutes in it. Less is more! when it comes to this plant!
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