Seedlings seem to have slowed grow


Active Member
Hey there guys,

Im brand new to this as its only become legal to grow in our country recently.

Medium: DWC
Strain: NL Auto
Light 100w led
Set-up: Indoor grow tent

So I germinated the seeds 10 days ago in Rockwool, I transplanted them into the DWC 5 days ago and the first set of leaves came out pretty quickly. The second set of leaves are out but the growth seems pretty slow. I've just been giving it PH water for the first week so have not started nutrients yet.

Is this normal, i though autoflowers where supposed to boooooooom

Thanks peeps
i have 2 autos running and they were as small after a week, wasnt until well inti the 2nd they started spurtig growth and wasnt until nearly 3 weeks and after starting some lst and topping one that they really started exploding
They look normal. Just need to work on that patience. Easier said then done!
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