Sensi’s Eagle Bill Gets Its First Grow On 420 Mag

If there is still water weight, then no... do not give a complete watering. A very light surface watering is ok though... but not very much... imagine it going only about 3 inches down... and apply it very slowly around the top concentrating on the edges. This will feed, while not further waterlogging the bottom.
Thanks, agreed on def not a full watering. I’m at the inflection point of trying to determine if it’s 100% going to die. If it is I’d rather attempt to turn it into a clone. If it’s just going to be stunted and jacked up for a few weeks I’m fine leaving it. Hard to tell for sure, but seems to continuously look worse.
Day 52 flower x 3 Eagle Bill Phenos

2 out of 3 plants fading into more of a yellow/ lime green, one is still dark hunter green. The 2 lighter plants smell pretty strongly at this point, but I’m having a hard time putting my nose on the exact smell (maybe because they smell different). I’m at 1.1-1.2EC right now, probably going to drop down to about .8EC in a few days and adjust the lights on period to run for 10 hours the next few weeks. Since I plan to regenerate all of these plants, I still need to figure out a game plan for flushing. Happy Saturday all.

Day 52 flower x 3 Eagle Bill Phenos

2 out of 3 plants fading into more of a yellow/ lime green, one is still dark hunter green. The 2 lighter plants smell pretty strongly at this point, but I’m having a hard time putting my nose on the exact smell (maybe because they smell different). I’m at 1.1-1.2EC right now, probably going to drop down to about .8EC in a few days and adjust the lights on period to run for 10 hours the next few weeks. Since I plan to regenerate all of these plants, I still need to figure out a game plan for flushing. Happy Saturday all.

what are your thoughts on No flushing at all mate.. i do all my removal of harshness during a very slow dry. Flushing is a myth from the commercial industry saving 2 weeks worth of nutes ( huge saving on their scale) against a slight loss in overall yield, potency. ( small loss on huge yields) There is no science at all on the reasoning as you cannot remove anything at all ever from the plant. You can however ensure that any remaining chlorophyll is able to be used up while trying to keep their buds alive. It is Chlorophyll that causes the harshness in dried weed and the huge loss of terpines by quick drying , that causes the loss of taste and potency. My normal solution is to dry very slowly with zero cuts to the plant while it exhausts every last possible mobile carb until total dehydration. The dry trim EVERY leaf including sugar leaves. result is perfect everytime and only needs a very short cure as retsins terpines. As your going to reveg , then no cuts may prove impossible but can still be a low and slow dry to allow you to continue feeding the remaining stem/growth as normal
Dry below 21°c
Rh 50%
air exchange without direct contact with plant
In a cardboard box
Ideal time to dry with the above conditions would be 7 -10 days min but will retain terps and potency while using up the remai ing chlorophyll. This is my advice and worth a further research for yourself for clarity and logic. good luck mate
what are your thoughts on No flushing at all mate.. i do all my removal of harshness during a very slow dry. Flushing is a myth from the commercial industry saving 2 weeks worth of nutes ( huge saving on their scale) against a slight loss in overall yield, potency. ( small loss on huge yields) There is no science at all on the reasoning as you cannot remove anything at all ever from the plant. You can however ensure that any remaining chlorophyll is able to be used up while trying to keep their buds alive. It is Chlorophyll that causes the harshness in dried weed and the huge loss of terpines by quick drying , that causes the loss of taste and potency. My normal solution is to dry very slowly with zero cuts to the plant while it exhausts every last possible mobile carb until total dehydration. The dry trim EVERY leaf including sugar leaves. result is perfect everytime and only needs a very short cure as retsins terpines. As your going to reveg , then no cuts may prove impossible but can still be a low and slow dry to allow you to continue feeding the remaining stem/growth as normal
Dry below 21°c
Rh 50%
air exchange without direct contact with plant
In a cardboard box
Ideal time to dry with the above conditions would be 7 -10 days min but will retain terps and potency while using up the remai ing chlorophyll. This is my advice and worth a further research for yourself for clarity and logic. good luck mate
Yeah i hear ya, and always appreciate you hanging out. Flush may need to happen here due to solely to the regeneration. Immediately after I chop (most of) the plants, I’m going to re-introduce veg base and put under blue lighting at 24/0. Without flushing it would just be a little too risky as it breaks protocol with the methodology I’m following from JB Haze’s book.

The other part for me when it comes to flushing weed plants is it’s just what my friends and I have always done... so it’s like a weed growing heritage/ philosophy/ way of life for me. Similar analogy would be bow vs. rifle hunting, both methods accomplish the same outcome but some hunters stick to a bow because they believe it’s a purer method to take animals - not to say it is, just their belief and if that’s what they enjoy so I’m not going to try to explain why high powered rifles and scopes are more efficient and they need to change it. My position on flushing is it’s something I do, lol but this site has taught me I definitely don’t give enough of a shit to convince other ppl or fight about it. I’m cool with everyone doing whatever the hell they want.

And way outside of flushing, you science minded folks should listen to the podcast from a day ago between Joe Rogan and Jamie Metzl about gene technology and where things are heading. Lol everything we know about everything is going to go belly up based on some of the stuff that’s already happening with gene therapy on humans. IMO that tech will change everything.
Yeah i hear ya, and always appreciate you hanging out. Flush may need to happen here due to solely to the regeneration. Immediately after I chop (most of) the plants, I’m going to re-introduce veg base and put under blue lighting at 24/0. Without flushing it would just be a little too risky as it breaks protocol with the methodology I’m following from JB Haze’s book.

The other part for me when it comes to flushing weed plants is it’s just what my friends and I have always done... so it’s like a weed growing heritage/ philosophy/ way of life for me. Similar analogy would be bow vs. rifle hunting, both methods accomplish the same outcome but some hunters stick to a bow because they believe it’s a purer method to take animals - not to say it is, just their belief and if that’s what they enjoy so I’m not going to try to explain why high powered rifles and scopes are more efficient and they need to change it. My position on flushing is it’s something I do, lol but this site has taught me I definitely don’t give enough of a shit to convince other ppl or fight about it. I’m cool with everyone doing whatever the hell they want.

And way outside of flushing, you science minded folks should listen to the podcast from a day ago between Joe Rogan and Jamie Metzl about gene technology and where things are heading. Lol everything we know about everything is going to go belly up based on some of the stuff that’s already happening with gene therapy on humans. IMO that tech will change everything.
i hear you mate. it was the worry of not being able to reveg that made me respond tbh. made sense with my feelings on flushing. Last crop had sativa and indica on same rdwc ( shit planning on my part!) so couldnt even change feed schedule for the shorter flowering time but did a slow and low to avoud the harshness
great reply and thanks for taking the time to ensure your pint came accross so positive and well. good luck mate. interested to see results and keeping fingers crossed for you.
What a day, what a friggin day. Hanging a new light frame in a new tent, how hard can it be? It’ll be easy they said, pulleys are fun they told me. Yeah, well, for the record, “they” were full of shit :) LOL that was a million times harder than I was expecting.

But alas, the frame is up!

Pretty much the setup is 4 single pulleys inside tent with an electric hoist outside the tent that I can remote control raise/ lower the light. Ultimately worth it now, but what a PIA to get to a functioning point, holy smokes.

What a day, what a friggin day. Hanging a new light frame in a new tent, how hard can it be? It’ll be easy they said, pulleys are fun they told me. Yeah, well, for the record, “they” were full of shit :) LOL that was a million times harder than I was expecting.

But alas, the frame is up!

Pretty much the setup is 4 single pulleys inside tent with an electric hoist outside the tent that I can remote control raise/ lower the light. Ultimately worth it now, but what a PIA to get to a functioning point, holy smokes.

bloody hell , thats a winch from a chinook isnt it. how heavy are your lights mate? or is that to take your roof off and on ?. lol
easier the better mate. good job
What a day, what a friggin day. Hanging a new light frame in a new tent, how hard can it be? It’ll be easy they said, pulleys are fun they told me. Yeah, well, for the record, “they” were full of shit :) LOL that was a million times harder than I was expecting.

But alas, the frame is up!

Pretty much the setup is 4 single pulleys inside tent with an electric hoist outside the tent that I can remote control raise/ lower the light. Ultimately worth it now, but what a PIA to get to a functioning point, holy smokes.

Congratulations on your successful install. I really like the hoist idea. Perhaps I'll do something similar later.
We officially have operational lights. Got everything wired and ran CO2 drop lines along the frame to reign down over the plants. Decided to keep the light driver outside of the tent to further keep everything cool, as well as the controllers for just about everything so I can make changes without going in the tent. At this point I can pretty much control everything outside of the tent with the exception of pruning, which I’m happy about.

Probably going to give the flowering Eagle Bill another 9-14 days and then chop/ attempt regeneration. Between now and then if the plants in the SoHum don’t seem like they’re making progress, I’ll kill em and pop some new seeds.

Man that's a serious light hanging setup! What size is the new tent? How do you have all the stuff mounted outside the tent? I'd love to move some of my stuff inside to outside but trying to figure out where to put it is tricky.
Man that's a serious light hanging setup! What size is the new tent? How do you have all the stuff mounted outside the tent? I'd love to move some of my stuff inside to outside but trying to figure out where to put it is tricky.
The new tent is a 5x5, but 2’ taller than the 6x4 I was using before.

Outside the left of the tent I have the CO2 meter hanging on the wall with the tank/ regulator combo right below it on the floor. I then run 1/4” tubing from the regulator into the tent via a hole along with the Fuzzy Logic sensor which reads PPM levels and signals when more gas is needed.

I also have the LED driver mounted on a frame and hung on the wall with the dimmer switch outside the tent and run the wiring into the tent to power the lights.

Finally I have Autopot reservoir #1 on this side of the tent.

On the other right side of the tent I have my Autopot reservoir #2 as well as my T6 exhaust fan and controller. The T6 pulls air through the carbon filter (which is mounted inside the tent) and exhausts it out a window. I can adjust the fan speeds manually or preset so it turns on/ off depending what the sensor reading is at inside the tent.

The only thing I don’t have figured out are fans for the inside of the tent, in a perfect world I could find some Bluetooth tower fans for cheap and use those so once again I could control them outside the tent... but remote control tower fans may have to do as they’re much cheaper. So really at this point, I shouldn’t have to muck around in the tent at all except to foliar feed (if I end up trying that) and/or pruning. It took me a solid week of 4+ hours a day to get where I’m at and still not done, but it’s very clean right now. Just need some weed plants now LOL.
I don't change my oscillating fans except turning them up to high speed when stuff starts filling up.
You’re running the Vornados right? Are the small ones remote controlled? I have the big hurricane fans and they’re too bulky.
I'm trying to think of a way to mount the fan(s) on the light fixture, as real estate is hard to come by in a small tent. It would have to be mounted so it didn't interfere with the light falling on the plants. I'm considering oscillating fans, tower fans, wobbling fans, and rotating fans. It's an interesting problem... :hmmmm:
I'm trying to think of a way to mount the fan(s) on the light fixture, as real estate is hard to come by in a small tent. It would have to be mounted so it didn't interfere with the light falling on the plants. I'm considering oscillating fans, tower fans, wobbling fans, and rotating fans. It's an interesting problem... :hmmmm:
Agree with you and like where your head is going. Fans have always been a challenge for me - either too big, odd shaped, don’t fit where I need them to, don’t stay put appropriately, etc.. I wonder if you could use an exhaust fan (positioned outside of tent) that blows air into something custom like tubing or even PVC you’ve added holes to and can build to fit your limited space? I’m not sure if it would distribute air equally/ efficiently, but could potentially be a cheap alternative.
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