Sensi’s Eagle Bill Gets Its First Grow On 420 Mag

Thanks man, I sure hope so. I’m transplanting my other stuff now into the SoHum soil which I’ll be using in the AutoPots. I have very high hopes it will produce some killer buds, but time will tell. I’m just tired of measuring and mixing nutes :) they’re taking up too much space.

How are your plants doing, still stretching or calming down a bit?
Sweet. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Mine are doing well, they stopped a few days ago and I trimmed them up. What do you think? Day 18 of flower
Sweet. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Mine are doing well, they stopped a few days ago and I trimmed them up. What do you think? Day 18 of flower
Looking good, you’re going to have some big buds for sure on that top pic plant for sure. Can tell by the formation already.
I don’t mind at all, 3 cubic feet was $56 plus ~$25 for shipping, which may or may not be worth it depending on if it works as advertised. If it grows chronic without anything but RO water it’s justifiable in my mind; if it doesn’t it’s way overpriced soil - yet to be determined.

The catch with AutoPots though is according to SoHum it really only works well with the XL (6.6gal) because of root constraints and also the ability of the soil to sustain a growing plant for 3 weeks veg + 8-10 weeks flower.

Their site says you can germinate a seed and/ or transplant a clone directly into the XL AP from the start... but that seems a little far fetched to me. So for my clones I went from 1.5” RW cube > to solo cup > to 1.7 gal (today) > and then next stop is the 6.6 gal AP.

Because I had seeds in germination and was already making a mess today, I decided to mix up a 1:blushsmile:1 of coco/ perlite/ SoHum and moved the seeds into it to see if it’s too hot and kills them or if they take off.

Its not totally hands off from the start, I’m going to have to handwater RO for a while, but if gets me out of the nute game I’m ALL about it.


@Greatgasoo day 2 observations is straight SoHum is too hot for young clones and even well rooted plants in coco/ solo cups. If you go the SoHum route, I’d probably dilute it down to my 1:blushsmile:1 ratio til you get a well established teen in a 1-2 gallon pot and then jump to straight SoHum on the final move to a 6.6gal AP.

The seedlings in the 1:blushsmile:1 are fine.
I kinda figured you might have some issues with the clone/seedlings. Probably around the teen years should be fine. Keep me posted. I'll be going that route if you see positive results this grow. Would be a time and money saver. Only problem is I don't have the XL pots.
Yeah I will be when I transfer to the main pots, but it’s literally just a tee that connect some tubing with holes poked into it. If you want to add some to your existing pots it will be super easy, you just won’t have the protective dome. Here’s what they look like too and bottom, you can see it’s just tubing with hose poked into it connected to a tee (which then connects back to an air pump).
I'm running them in both of my setups. Figured they are worth a try. But I could definitely see myself making something similar to that with stuff around here. Was wondering with having the air pump inside of the tent where my co2 is if it could cause any issues putting co2 rich air directly into to the root area? Just something I wondered a couldn't find any info on the subject really.
Good question, I’m not sure. I had my air pumps in my tent with CO2 last run which pumped air into my dwc res...didn’t seem to have an issue but I never really thought about it. Easy fix could be to house the pump outside the tent and run a longer line, but my thinking is I doubt it would create too many issues either way.
I'm running them in both of my setups. Figured they are worth a try. But I could definitely see myself making something similar to that with stuff around here. Was wondering with having the air pump inside of the tent where my co2 is if it could cause any issues putting co2 rich air directly into to the root area? Just something I wondered a couldn't find any info on the subject really.

We had a member playing around with running a small aeroponic setup with co2 inside a sealed refrigerator. Plants got nuked he's pretty sure his aero turned into acid rain in the root zone from too much co2 in the space.

It was a weird deal, something went wrong with the co2 enrichment. But it does seem to be possible to poison a root zone with co2.
sub me in please Growca. have toyed this one many , many times over the years. when i look at my past and how using one clone for nearly 5 years of growing( many mothers and flowered mothers along the way with it) , it would have been a benefit to constant managing clones with ending harvests . reveg could potentially be a huge benefit to perpetual grows of loved phenos , But......., Why is it not a common practice ?. This is why it has remained a wish list idea for me so far. Not having to regrow the rootball and all those networks ready to supply , it seems a no brainer.??
financially sound , quality sound , yield sound , media sound. Maybe the desire to have different strains is why. Will look forward to watching this with you.

Great question regarding why is not a common practice. I can’t speak for everyone, but I can tell you why it hasn’t been a common practice for me. Primarily because I didn’t really understand much about it, and second (most importantly) is in order to do it right you really need to structure your plants from the very beginning with regen in mind. It’s not that this is complicated, it’s just not a structure most ppl do. Everyone, myself included, got very used to lollipopping their plants (and for good reason), but as soon as you do this you mess up the opp for regen.

What you need to do is leave at least 1-2 nodes as far down on the main/ meristem as possible and then when harvest time comes, you chop right above those nodes and those nodes will now become your new plant. I started getting way into reading/ learning about regen during my incredible bulk grow, but unfortunately I had lollipopped everything except tops off my plant so regen just wasn’t realistic. If you have any existing plants that still have very low growth on the main stem, you can def regen them. If you don’t but are about to start a new batch of clones/ seeds, try to keep a node at or near base medium level for the entirety of the grow. I’m planting all my plants now with regen in mind just so I have the option should I want it - for example this is my best job keeping the node in line with soil.

And here are the Eagle bill plants that I will be regen’ing in 4-5 weeks once they’re ready and I chop the main stem. You can see I didn’t do a perfect job of getting them super low/ at medium level, but they’re still pretty good in terms of height. Once ready, I’ll chop the main stem right above the lowest node and immediately cover the wound with duct tape. I’ll then leave one bud on each remaining node (cutting any remaining branch off and covering with duct tape, then cut 1/3rd off the top of the few remaining buds to inspire new growth from those sites, flush the plant, give it a light feed of base veg nutes and put the lights back to 24/0. This will be my first well researched, well planned regen attempt and everything I’m stating here is just paraphrasing info from a book by JB Haze called “Cannabis Regeneration”


Pic examples from the book so it makes more sense if I did a bad job explaining.
One last thing I’ll mention because it really surprised me is how nice the lowest node looks on one of the plants. It’s worked it’s way into my heart as my favorite part across all plants. Typically we see lower growth as fluffy and larfy and/ or yellowing out, but on this specific plant the lower flowers are absolutely stunning (and difficult to get a good picture of too!).

That's interesting, does it talk about additional root growth as it regens up into a full big plant again? I wonder if you would have to upsize your pots/res to accommodate more root growth for the second grow cycle?
I think it really depends on how you’re growing.

For soil you’d need/ want to pot up.

For DWC or bottom feed hydro like autopots (which is what I’m doing) you don’t really encounter rootbound issues and so wouldn’t need to, but I’ll be moving to a bigger Autopot because I’m going to switch from the coco/ perlite to SoHum for the second harvest. I won’t make that change until some regrowth is established and healthy though.
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