Sick autoflower needs doctor asap


New Member
Hi all,

my two weeks old Nothern Light auto looks ill. I use a 300W dual spectrum CFL. So far I'm trying to bring down the temperature with ice and a computer fan. Still, cannot decide if it's the heat, too rich soil or overwatering that does this. Any ideas and suggestion would be appreciated!

I cant say too much as Im new to this too but the experienced folks are going to ask you for more information.
Type of soil?
How have you watered?
Lights, how far away from the plant are they? (300w for a single new sprout is way too much imo. I used ONE 23w (100w equiv, 2800 k CFL for mine about 7 inches away until I had 3 nodes.)
Have you used nutes or fert?
Im sure Im wrong..but this looks like nute and heat burn to me.

This is what mine looked like at about the samw age..guessing on development using one 23w cfl.
I cant say too much as Im new to this too but the experienced folks are going to ask you for more information.
Type of soil?
How have you watered?
Lights, how far away from the plant are they? (300w for a single new sprout is way too much imo. I used ONE 23w (100w equiv, 2800 k CFL for mine about 7 inches away until I had 3 nodes.)
Have you used nutes or fert?
Im sure Im wrong..but this looks like nute and heat burn to me.

Thanks for your help! The 300W CFL was to close and that's when the leaves may have been burnt. The temp is around 28C and I'm struggling to keep the humidity around 40% (a wet towel placed front of a computer fan 'conditions' the air). I also hooked up a soil moisture meter which shows around 60% (I have no idea if it's too much or not...). The soil is generic compost bought at the local garden centre (not Miracle Gro but it may have added nutes).
So far I have not added any nutes. Watering was done on a daily basis, now I wait until the upper 1-2 inches of the soil gets very dry.
The problem is that the growth seems stunted. The new leaves don't seem to grow at all.
My temps range between 68f at night and 78f day. Ill let you figure the conversion. My humidity is alson around 40% which seems fine. I use a small humidifier.
As far as watering goes...youre doing it wrong..all wrong. "Emilya" here made a great write up on watering and root development..Ill find the link in a few. She's really helped me a lot. Lights too close, too much heat and yes...theyre going to stunt. Mine did too, just at a different stage. PH level is extremely important too. If its not right, 6.5 or so, your plant wont soak up what it needs to grow..and watering and adding nutes wont help. The leafs that are damaged...sorry, but they arent going to get better. You can stop whats going on as these plants are incredibly resilient, but you cant fix a leaf already damaged. Its the new growth that will determne if youre going the right direction.
Raise your lights, watch your heat.
Imo, your humidity is OK for now
STOP watering.....
Ill post the link to the watering write up in a few
Thanks, man! I moved the light a bit further away. The PH is level is around 6.7. I guess I will stop watering for a few days to see what happens.
This was one of the BEST replies i ever got about watering...
"lets get this watering thing fixed straightaway. A little water is not the correct way to water. When you water, soak that soil. Water slowly trying to get the soil to absorb the maximum amount of water it can hold, like a sponge.

after you have done this, you then need to wait for the plant to USE all of that water, all the way down to the bottom. Your goal is to wait to water until just before the point that they would wilt, and your container will have absolutely NO water weight at all. It will feel feather light. The soil will seem to be sahara desert dry... mummy's breath dry... and still your plant will be thriving. Do a search for the "lift method." This is the best way to determine when to water again. Your knuckles in the soil at the top will not tell you what you need to know. Your eyes will not tell you what you need to know.

This is what weeds want... they do not thrive with too much love. The most common mistake that new growers of weeds make is to water too often. The second biggest mistake new growers of weeds make is to over feed. Your plants will not needs nutes for a long time... resist the urge. Your leaves are already showing me that there has been too much water in the system. Back away a bit... it really is important."
I have done some changes and she looks fine, what is more a new set of leaves appeared! This is what I have done so far:

- moved the light up to around 7 inches (17 cm)
- added a ghetto air con to bring down the temperature and regulate humidity, now it's around 28-40C and 40-45% air humidity.

- put pebbles underneath the pot so the plant doesn't sit in excess water (there's a layer of vermiculite in the bottom of the pot)
- gently watered the soil around the plant and keep the upper layer of soil moist with a spray (the water's PH is 6.7)
- added an Arduino with soil moisture sensor and a combo of air temp+air humidity sensor so I can check everything on my phone via Bluetooth (soil humidity is around 60-80%, I won't water for a few days and see what happens)

I cannot in the name make the air more humid though I have a feeling that the sensor being in a stream of air from the fan doesn't tell the right value. About a litre of water is evaporated a day by the ghetto/redneck aircon. So far so good, the plant seems a bit happier. Thank you for all the help!
Good job on raising your lights.
I still think 28c (81f) and 40c(104f) is still way way too hot. Youre baking your sprout. Imo, you have to either raise your lights even more or buy one 23w(100w equiv), 1600-2300 lumen cfl for now.
What size pot is she in? I read that Autos should go straight into their final pot as they dont like transplanting.
Regarding your soil. Autos grow fast, very fast. Ive read that you should have a mix of around 30% Perlite in your soil. Helps with drainage and oxygen and root development. Watch your humidity, dont let it get too high, esp when she flowers. Higher humidity is OK for veg, and lower is better for flowering. You want to avoid fungus getting a grip. Good job on getting the bottom of the pot off of the bottom and standing water. That would cause root rot.
I have also read that Auto have a prob sometimes in too hot of soil (soil with added nutes) for the first week or so.
Ill be following this as Im starting White widow Auto Fems next month.
Again, Im new too, so anyone with more experience please correct me.
The soil is mixed with around 30% vermiculite and as far as I can tell from the sensor readings, it takes very long time for the soil to get dry. Thanks for the help, I will move the lamp a bit more!
I noticed you stated you added vermiculite to the bottom of the cup. Vermiculite holds water and the roots also need oxygen. If it were me? I would find some better soil and replant, something with garden lime for ph balance. The soil you are using looks like a lot of bark and could be too acidic. I use a promix i found at H. depot , comes in a large bale and has everything a seedling needs to get started.
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