Simple visual deficiencies & excesses chart


Active Member
Not sure if it has been posted before .
It think its pretty precise and it has a visual value to it instead of just written explanation. Came accros a ton of posts where the title is … What is happening?!.

Photographic memory friendly, the ambiance everyone’s looking for.

For right now, since I have a tough strain who doesnt need much , I’m always under the recommended dosage for nutes. Ive added eggshells in a promix plagron to control the ph naturally and I only do foliar feeding with Hy-Pro 0-0-2 (apparently 25 natural ingredients but really it’s calcium lol) twice every week and a round of nutes once a week . I think simple things make it way less complicated in term of ph control and whats needed or not since I dont really feel like spending on a pen knowing the eggshells has a constant slow balancing action if I dont overfeed them. I keep an occiliating fan at night,( makes them happy ), so the CO2 can accumulate under the leaves. then in the morning, moving em outside getting plenty of sun. That’s why this chart made more sense to me ^^


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