Mixed Autos: First Indoor Coco Grow For Improving DWC Grower


Well-Known Member
All my grows have been in 100l DWC tanks and indoor tents.

I may need to move my next grow mid way through in order to hide it from house visitors (estate agents - as the house is being sold. Like the rest of you, I am a Breaking Bad fan too and dont want any more agro than necessary if i have to move and hide weed plants)

So.. it is either don't use DWC or grow in soil or coco.

Sods law if I do go DWC, some f&**er is going to be sniffing round just as the plants are flowering and tangled up in the tent and tanks...

Since I am also planting a tropical section of my garden which may be in full swing come summer, and have other places I can hide a few plants. So soil or coco it is ...

Coco it is closer to DWC than soil and so i am going coco.

So here we are


We have

3 x Northern light Auto XXL (00 Seeds)
1 x Tangie matic Auto (FastBuds)
2 x White Widow Auto (00 Seeds)
3 x White Widow Auto (Dutch Passion)
1 x Wedding Cake Auto (Barneys Farm)

1 other auto I cant remember atm....

I lost 3 seeds (2 freebies and a white widow0 at the germination, early seedling stage. Started in rooting sponges on a heat mat under a smaller 90w quantum board rip off.

Half were started a week or so before the others, many have just had their first LST (using a hot glue gun to stick bits of string to side of the pots (burnt myself to buggery doing it but that;s what happens when you are scrabbling around on a wet garage floor with extension cables, weed etc and a corded hot glue gun...

We are in coco mixed with perlite soaked with CalMag

We are under 4 x 145w Rip off Quantum Boards
1.2 x 60 cm by 2m tall tent

Just worked out iIhave been mixing bloom and grow nutes in my RO water which might explain the light green leaves on the XXLs !! Duuuurr... Now sorted - hopefully colour of leaves will improve..

For heat, I have 1 x 180w tube heater on a Inkbird heat/cool controller.

Not bothered with humidity

Floor fan running 24/7

Lights on 24/7

Not really bothering with measuring pH of run off etc .. since we now know ph isnt as important for cannabis cultivation as once thought and I am measuring my nutes into RO water soo...probably not going to be too far off as I have experience with these nutes and growing in hydro...but we will see....

I have a 60cm x 60cm tent to expand into and also a small sunny conservatory I can private up (it is partly visible from the road) and use without artificial lighting later on in the grow if I need more space..
All my grows have been in 100l DWC tanks and indoor tents.

I may need to move my next grow mid way through in order to hide it from house visitors (estate agents - as the house is being sold. Like the rest of you, I am a Breaking Bad fan too and dont want any more agro than necessary if i have to move and hide weed plants)

So.. it is either don't use DWC or grow in soil or coco.

Sods law if I do go DWC, some f&**er is going to be sniffing round just as the plants are flowering and tangled up in the tent and tanks...

Since I am also planting a tropical section of my garden which may be in full swing come summer, and have other places I can hide a few plants. So soil or coco it is ...

Coco it is closer to DWC than soil and so i am going coco.

So here we are


We have

3 x Northern light Auto XXL (00 Seeds)
1 x Tangie matic Auto (FastBuds)
2 x White Widow Auto (00 Seeds)
3 x White Widow Auto (Dutch Passion)
1 x Wedding Cake Auto (Barneys Farm)

1 other auto I cant remember atm....

I lost 3 seeds (2 freebies and a white widow0 at the germination, early seedling stage. Started in rooting sponges on a heat mat under a smaller 90w quantum board rip off.

Half were started a week or so before the others, many have just had their first LST (using a hot glue gun to stick bits of string to side of the pots (burnt myself to buggery doing it but that;s what happens when you are scrabbling around on a wet garage floor with extension cables, weed etc and a corded hot glue gun...

We are in coco mixed with perlite soaked with CalMag

We are under 4 x 145w Rip off Quantum Boards
1.2 x 60 cm by 2m tall tent

Just worked out iIhave been mixing bloom and grow nutes in my RO water which might explain the light green leaves on the XXLs !! Duuuurr... Now sorted - hopefully colour of leaves will improve..

For heat, I have 1 x 180w tube heater on a Inkbird heat/cool controller.

Not bothered with humidity

Floor fan running 24/7

Lights on 24/7

Not really bothering with measuring pH of run off etc .. since we now know ph isnt as important for cannabis cultivation as once thought and I am measuring my nutes into RO water soo...probably not going to be too far off as I have experience with these nutes and growing in hydro...but we will see....

I have a 60cm x 60cm tent to expand into and also a small sunny conservatory I can private up (it is partly visible from the road) and use without artificial lighting later on in the grow if I need more space..
Great garden my friend. I use coco also and am a big fan of air pots for coco.
My girls love it. Happy growing. :thumb:
So here we are 6 weeks or so in.

Have 4 plants in a 4ft x 2 ft
1 plant in a 2ft x 2ft
6 plants in.....DWC in a conservatory under natural light having made the choice to grow rather than bin them..

Funnily enough the ones transplanted from coco into DWC are not doing so well but they are alive and you can see the roots are not exactly growing much into the reservoir.... wedding cake is looking particularly sad....middle tank front left plant..

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Meanwhile in the main tent COCO doing well and having just defoliated (for the first and last time)

Now regretting it having just read To Defoliate Or Not To Defoliate and reflected on my previous grows...




and the plant in the 2 x 2


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Since my situation has changed a bit since starting this grow (house may not go up for sale before i can get another grow in - some more autos on order and these will be grown in the conservatory (greenhouse environment) in coco (Mimosa based strain)

Thanks for looking in...
Tangiematic has grown a very even canopy on a nice squat plant.

it is dense so have decided to try get some light into the middle by making a donut using a grill stand from the wifeys mini oven..


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So far so good..

3 still in coco and tented have now been chopped and harvested.

One is the Wedding Cake, the other two no clue ! This is what happens whjen you think you will remember what was re potted into what and put somewhere...

320 g wet trimmed (and after removing stems) from the Wedding Cake
400g wet trimmed (and after removing stems) from what I think is the Tangie
About 250g wet trimmed (and after removing stems) from the other one that was harvested first (prob a week or so too early)
Now have 2 left to harvest


Think it is Northern Light XL and the other (below) which is either a White Widow or a Northern Lights - lets hope I can tell once they are dried and cured and smoked !


All those transferred to DWC are still very stunted but are in flower and 3 weeks off harvest I would say.

I have a Phillips UVB light on several hours a day - I think it is thickening up the leaves, hopefully incresing resin..
Congrats on the harvest birdie.
You've got loads going on, real busy,looking great.

I've been looking into the uvb, and it looks like it does indeed increase resin production through sunburn defense with the plant. I've seen recently the thinking is, it only needs the uvb lights on for an hour a day (middayish for the plant) for it to work.

I'm gonna follow along, if that's ok.
Believe it or not but this grow is still not over...

I currently have 4 plants all in one 19 gallon rez in a conservatory getting UK summer sun and heat as supplied by nature and amplified by the glass etc of the conservatory.

All the other plants in tents have been harvested, most dried and cured...

I have still got to try and identify which are the White widow and which the Northern Lights and that goes for live plants and those curing....

Looks like I will get some useful bud out of the conservatory plants, massively down on their potential but better than me binning them weeks ago because they wouldnt fit in my tents...

i will never know whether using a rooting additive like Rhizotonic would have helped them transition from coco to DWC but the roots are extremely stunted - its probably only lots of oxygen and temps not too high that have stopped them rotting or being wholly inadequate to support the plants....








Well I think it is time to chop....getting bored and fork knows what I have done to these autos.....

I can't tell what the pistols look like.
But you may be right, put them out of their misery.
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