Small issue


420 Member
Have some issues with 1 plant
Week 5 flower
Mega crop 50g per 40 litres
Also using bud explosion, kelp.
what you guys think?
Cannot help you but of i did the math right megacrop Is 3 grams per gallon and they say to start with four..i guess that at 3 weeks in flowering you should use about 5 per gallons.

Edit: i didnt do my math right, you are using about 5 grams per idea whats going on sorry
When leaf tips darken nute burn. When leaves do the canoe or taco shell - heat stress / light stress. Leaf tips curling up is also a sign of nute burn.

I’m not up on the MegaCrop & conversion to gram per gallon. Have you double checked ratios?

Have you given nutes to this plant before or was this first dose of nutes?
What ratio of nutes were you using last week?

What your lighting source & actual wattage pull? hps, led
What’s the distance from light to top of plant?

Is this your only plant? If not how do the others look? Are all of your plants the same strain? Are you monitoring temp & rh? If so what’s your temp & rh?

Lastly I’m kindly asking resident megacrop genius & grow guru @MrSauga to lay eyes on your plant. One peek and this man will get you sorted.
My other plants look good, I've been using Maga the whole grow. ive worked my way upto 50g. I'm using a ts 3000 mars light about 14 inches above the plants.
I'm not sure, I was told not to use mega at full strength. Idk:oops:

MegaCrop is fine at full strength, unlike many of the bottled nutes where you would typically use 1/2 recommended strength.

Bud explosion and kelp... stop those. Not needed with MC.

By the MC schedule, you should be looking to the 6g/gal mark. That doesn’t mean you may not be a little lower or higher, depending on what the greenness of the leaves tells you. Some plants are happy at that mark, some want a little more or less.

I have some in early flower, just finishing the stretch, and they have been content at 5.5g/gal and not (yet) showing they want a little more.

The most likely root cause of your issue is the BE and kelp, which is throwing off your NPK ratio, and causing other issues. Drop them immediately. If you really think you have to have the BE, it would only be used the first 2-3 weeks from flip. However, it’s a waste of money as it’s already in MC, and you risk burning up your plants.
I wouldn’t bump the strength up quite yet. Keep that steady the first mix, and watch the shade of green on your leaves. Too dark, back off. Too light, bump up 1/2g per gal.
MegaCrop is fine at full strength, unlike many of the bottled nutes where you would typically use 1/2 recommended strength.

Bud explosion and kelp... stop those. Not needed with MC.

By the MC schedule, you should be looking to the 6g/gal mark. That doesn’t mean you may not be a little lower or higher, depending on what the greenness of the leaves tells you. Some plants are happy at that mark, some want a little more or less.

I have some in early flower, just finishing the stretch, and they have been content at 5.5g/gal and not (yet) showing they want a little more.

The most likely root cause of your issue is the BE and kelp, which is throwing off your NPK ratio, and causing other issues. Drop them immediately. If you really think you have to have the BE, it would only be used the first 2-3 weeks from flip. However, it’s a waste of money as it’s already in MC, and you risk burning up your plants.
I second this. I never got over 5g/gal without seeing issues, but using BE really screwed everything up.... I was only using .5g/gal.

I also heard (From GLN) that BE is meant for hydro and the Sweet Candy is for soil. I was using all three and nuked them at week 3.

I stopped everything but MC at 5g/gal. and still yielded big. Biggest bud to date.
I second this. I never got over 5g/gal without seeing issues, but using BE really screwed everything up.... I was only using .5g/gal.

Yeah, BE can bork your grow with a quickness. And their other supplements are way whacked out on their ratios, too. Their calmag (and IIRC the kelp) are stupid concentration levels of P and K in the bag.

Somewhere in the (now locked) thread on MC is the GLN rep talking about how the supplements are intended for users of other products (like jacks), and not for MC.

People over complicate shit though, and can't get away from that "I need 50 supplements" mentality. :(
Not if the plants need it.

Although for flowering, I strongly suggest you look for the organic calmag made by True Plant Science as it contains no nitrogen and won’t burn your plants up or throw your ratios off.
Not if the plants need it.

Although for flowering, I strongly suggest you look for the organic calmag made by True Plant Science as it contains no nitrogen and won’t burn your plants up or throw your ratios off.
Right on man, thanks for dropping some knowledge on me.:blunt:
As fer mega crop I always notice signs of nute burn passed veg strength even in flower for my current grow. I’m in dwc hydro. I’m getting great results with just veg strength throughout flower
As fer mega crop I always notice signs of nute burn passed veg strength even in flower for my current grow. I’m in dwc hydro. I’m getting great results with just veg strength throughout flower

Perfect example of reading your leaves and adjusting (or not) accordingly! :)
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