
I use Fox Farm Happy Frog to start new plants in and as a top layer for my containers. In the middle I put layer of a stronger soil, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, and in the bottom third of my containers I put supersoil, which is a minerally enhanced and composted combination of several soils.

Different soils have different purposes. FFHF is mostly spagnum moss, so it is very good at starting seedlings, whereas it will break down quickly and will need to be cleaned up to use more than 2 or 3 grows. Ocean Forest is comprised of large chunks of organics that can help feed your plant well into bloom, provided you bolster the microlife that breaks down those organics.

I also like Roots Organic soils and would prefer that over hardware store soils, but lets mention Miracle Grow just to be complete. I have grown in Miracle Grow 6 month formula, and it wasn't terrible. I knew i was getting extra time release nutrients in there, but I adjusted accordingly and had some good runs with it. I am also intrigued by MG's new designer organic soil... it doesn't look terrible either.

Soil is an important choice, but you do have quite bit of flexibility, and unless you try to get fancy and buy specialty soils meant for other tasks, it is hard to make a mistake that will negatively affect your grow. Especially while in veg, most potting soils will do a fair job holding up your plants. More important concerns are how you water, and how you feed the plants above and beyond giving them good soil.
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