Special K Indoor & Outdoor Grow - My First Grow

well I would cut way back on the 20-20-20 add the bloom booster and get some guano and worm castings and molasses that should start those flowers going crazy

Next feeding should be guano and worm castings, worked into the top 3-4" of soil, about 1 cup of each per plant is good. Water that in slowly with a 1/10 or 1/4 solution (whatever you feel comfortable with) of the 20-20-20 and add 1/2 strength dose of the Bloom to the feeding. That should give you a nice addition of organic material to "feed" the soil and the instant bloom and light grow nutrient feeding to hold it over until the worm and guano kicks in. I would discontinue the 20-20-20 after this and only feed the Bloom every other week at 1/2 strength and make a tea out of the guano and worm castings (with compost if you have it available) in the other weeks and only give it fresh, ph adjusted, clean water as needed in between and for the last 2-4 weeks...whatever you feel comfortable with.

Your grow looks great and I am excited to watch your progress and see what you decide to do for your feeding...last option...do absolutly nothing...cut all nutes now and give it ph adjusted water to the end...they will be the cleanest, purest taste of the plant and super delicious...you may get about the same yield...who knows...
How did this grow turn out?

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Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

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