Spoons Closet Setup - Greenhorn Grow


New Member
The wealth of information on this site is immense. Definitely would not have embarked on building a cabinet if it wasn't for the awesome people out there that have shared their knowledge and ideas. Thanks to all who are subscribed to 420 Magazine and its creators. Because of all the time I've spent in these forums I thought it was only right to give back and start my own journal. Can't wait for all the feedback.

I'm almost 3 weeks into my construction/setup. This project I've started on a tight budget, but I still haven't spared for quality. I constructed a cabinet out of 1/2'' MDF that measures 19'' x 14'' x 49''. Pics will follow. For the frame I just spilt one 2'' x 6'' x 8' into 1 inch strips. The interior is completely painted (3 coats) with Kool Seal Elastomeric White Roofing Paint.

Lighting: B/c of space issues and a tight budget I'm using CFL's. Made a trip to HTG Supply and purchased 4 6500k 35W Growth bulbs and 4 2700K 35W Blooming bulbs. Each bulb puts out 2,400 Lumens

I still have a list of to-do to complete my cabinet.
Venting - Exhaust and intake
Sealing - DAP 3.0 Kitchen and Bath caulking
Lighting Adjustment - make it easier to adjust the lights
Ph Meter

1st Grow begun Aug. 1
Currently I have two plants already germinated and planted. Both seedlings come from high quality plants, but not a clue of their genetics. The first was Germ. 8/1, planted 8/3, sprouted 8/5. The other was planted 8/5; hasn't sprouted yet.
I'm using FFOF for my soil. With all the great reviews there obviously wasn't any other option to go with.
Currently running 3 6500k bulbs and 1 2700k bulb.
Temp has been around mid to high 80's with RH currently at 36%.

What are some quick/easy/cheap ways to raise humidity?








def more to come
High spoons!

Great to have you finally come out from the wood work and sign up! I would like to direct your attention to our Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting. Also in case your ever in need of help, How to Ask for Grow Support.

With that said let me be the first to say I love your grow box! Very well designed and put together! Your ladies will feel right at home. Don't worry about having a tight budget either, I started my first grow with $20 and let me tell you that your light years a head of where I started. For example your power strip is held up with rope. Sure that seems like no biggie, until you look at my first grow and see I did the same but only with spare coaxial(TV cable) cabling i had laying around. :) Also dont stress too much about the venting just yet, you'll be fine where you are. Luckily CFL stay pretty cool.

Oh yeah in regards to your humidity question, I would leave a shallow dish of water in there. I see you have a cup full of water, problem with that is the volume of water will take longer to get warm and allow of enough evaporation at a rate to help with humidity.

I will def be keeping an eye on your grow brother! You have a lot of potential in that set up and i can not wait to see you unleash it!

Edit: I wanted to share this image with you from my first grow.
Thanks guys.

Nothing special accomplished today. Made cutout for exhaust. Second seedling sprung up late last night.


What it do guys
Had a third germination today. Pretty sure thats all im gonna get for now. These 3 all germ. in 24hrs. The rest have been going a week almost. #3 is completely unknown as to what it is or where it came from. Its planted and ready to grow.

Had really high temps today. 90 and above so i decided to take one bulb out for now. Also installed a 12v computer fan in the exhaust. Currently running on a duracell 9v until I grab an adapter. Was able to get humidity to around 45 today. Still not close to what Im shooting for.

Need to do some drafting and see whats right to continue to improve my box. Going to add a intake into the bottom and get a small fan since my box fan setup right now isn't how I want it. Found an old black lamp setup that'll fit nicely into my cabinet, jus need to grab a bulb for it.
All ideas are wanted. My cabinet is only 7.5 cubic feet. would like to do a cloning space up top. think i have enough room?
Thanks Spike

a few new updates today. My 3rd plant barely broke the surface 36+ hrs ago and has not done anything since. It wants to sprout but I'm pretty sure I've lost it by now. Give it a few more days and see what happens.

Made a few changes to my cabinet. Decided to remove the bottom baseboard I had since my setup b4 was pointless. Now I have some correct airflow with my box fan blowing in from the bottom. Today I also added another 3 bulbs. (2) 6400k and (1) 2700k. Now I currently have a total of 14,400 lumens.

Temperature and Rh are currently at 82 degrees and 35%





Growth on #1 & #2 has been steady so far. Hoping for some ladies. Here are some quick new photos.

#1 (Angie)





All the sprouts look good,they do all look like its watering day.At that size
I give a little drink every other day and lights not to close yet,but it looks like your well on your way.GREAT GOING give you reps .:nicethread::bravo:Be sure to rate your thread at top of page.
Thanks Spike
Thanks Chrome

Decided to make the front poly go all the way down to the bottom. Try to keep as much light as possible in the cab. I cut a piece of poly and used strips of velcro to make access as easy as possible.
At first i just sliced 4 slits into the plastic and placed the box fan in front. Wasnt doing anything. The 2 middle slits I just sliced out into a small square and airflow accomplished.

Both seedlings are still going steady. Nothing yet on #3.
currently Temp: 80.8 Rh: 40%

As long as you are giving them water and light that #3 should grow sooner or later,doing great bud just keep her going.Like the set-up.:welldone:Dont let it get any warmer,even with air flow thats warm,once they are bigger its not as picky but young ones are diff.
that has been my biggest concern so far. The temps have been really high and there's not much I can do. The home a/c is running. My bedroom is usually 72-85 pending what its like outside. (rite now: inside 76 outside 61. Just open all my windows and turned a/c off. This summer has been really hot and very few days of rain. jus gotta hope its rite enuff to get by
I like the setup but your ideal temp is a bit lower. Humidity is good but you must be weary of mold. I'd open the bottom up for airflow and do not be so concerned about letting the light out. Adequate ventilation and air circulation are a bit more important than saving every bit of light.

By the way, what light cycle are you running? If you want to keep it cooler and you are running 24/7, a $6 timer from CVS and an 18/6 cycle will do you justice if you keep your dark period during the hottest part of the day (usally 10am-4pm). You can always go 20/4 as well. In that setup you will have an awesome control of the light coming in.

All in all, :goodjob: and :welcome: to 420!
I just noticed your set-up is like a closet in a closet-very innovative spoons.:thumb:herbs is right.
how much darkness are you giving them,20-4--------18-6 are both good.I was told always give them some as its the natural way of things.
Yea guys I have been running 24/0 so far. I definitely need to get a timer and will see what changes I have running 20/4 or 18/6.
Before I do that Im going to build a lighting fixture to hold 6 bulbs and be easily adjustable. Hope to get it done this weekend. For maximum efficiency with CFL's would you fix them horizontal or vertical? My plan is horizontal, 3 on each side.

Current temp 83 rh 38%
spoons I would do both thats what I do,go to my thread and page through
I have an hps on top and cfls up the sides.That way you can get light to some of the under growth,but I still pull the 1st 3nodes of branches off
cause they never produce unless you have major lighting.you need lower temps and higher humidity
did you open it up some and not worry about the light as much.
yea i folded up the bottom half up to as high as the fan. Just gave them a lil mist from the spray bottle while i try to get some cooler air circulating. I just found an old phone charger. It says output 5v-12v. That should work for my 12v computer fan right?
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