Spotting leaves


New Member
i am haveing a small problem with leaves geting brown spots i have got rid of bugs but want to know if im doing something wrong
Re: spoting leaves


Welcome to 420magazine. Once you get the hang of the set up here maybe you can post some pics. It's hard to diagnose the problem for you if you don't have a pic posted. The more info you give, the better. Is the only problem you're having is the brown spots? Since you had issues with bugs, I am guessing you may be growing in soil? What is your ph? Do you have a meter?

I just got over the same issue not long ago myself. I am not growing in soil but in coco coir. Because my ph was off, it made for a calcium or magnese deficiency. Bought some CalMag, mixed it with the water, and since have been good to go. Not sure if that helps, but that is what worked for me....
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