Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 5

Things look pretty much the same this morning. I brought the light up 4" yesterday and I think they look better this morning. Gave a them a little drink last night as the soil seemed a little dry.

Lot's of "bush" growth but not much height gained. They were under T5's at the dispensary so they stretched a little before I got them.



Here is the bush growth..I expect that in a week these will be way bushed..



Maybe a little stressed, maybe a little over watered, maybe just adjusting to the new surroundings...

How do they look??

I got some 1/2" pvc to build out the scrog frame yesterday and I'm excited to build that when I have a little free time. More to come.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

The story is that when using FF soil, you do not have to nute for 3 weeks, but I give my girls a little 1/4 dose for extra vigor.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

The story is that when using FF soil, you do not have to nute for 3 weeks, but I give my girls a little 1/4 dose for extra vigor.

That's what I've heard too...maybe I should just eat a brownie and settle down?? LOL

Thanks Placer!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 6

The gurlz are looking good this morning. The lower leaf sets are still showing a little stress..from what is a matter of opinion.

I raised the light up some today just as a precaution against or light. I think I'll leave it where it is for the next week or so then bring it down.

Could be the soil is a little hot, ph could be slightly high, transplant shock, slight over's still early so I'm not going to get worked up.

The new growth is there..looking good.



I installed the scrog frame yesterday. It's only a thousand times better than what I built out of wood and cost way less. 1/2" pvc and it cost about $5 to build.

I zip tie it down and it's not glued so it's easy to take apart if I need to for harvest.


Any comments are appreciated!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Nice grow Giants. Scrog frame looks perfect. Wouldnt worry too much about them, they look good to me(take advice with a grain of salt). Keep up the good work!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Nice grow Giants. Scrog frame looks perfect. Wouldnt worry too much about them, they look good to me(take advice with a grain of salt). Keep up the good work!

Thanks Ganesh!! I'm looking forward to explosive growth!! Well I can hope anyway...

Thanks..the frame was too easy to build and very flexible. PVC is great material to work with.


Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Hey man, sorry it took so long to get over to your grow. Looks good so far!
I'll be sub'd till the end. Also thanks for the the fan cont. info, I'm still too new to PM but I did get the info.

Good luck, I'll be watching this. :)
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Hey man, sorry it took so long to get over to your grow. Looks good so far!
I'll be sub'd till the end. Also thanks for the the fan cont. info, I'm still too new to PM but I did get the info.

Good luck, I'll be watching this. :)

Thanks man!! I'm glad you made it..I was feeling like an orphan!! LOL

It's been fun so far. I've just ordered a couple more fans to replace the too weak fans I bought. It's ok as I'll be making a veg box but won't need to cover them for smell.

My plants don't smell at all yet and I'm in veg. I'd probably do ok to take the filters off for now..yeah..that's a good fact...glad I thought of it...

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

My ladies usually start to smell sweet well into the flowering stage. My first grow, the ladies never really put out the skunk smell, but more than made up for it in the final results.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

My ladies usually start to smell sweet well into the flowering stage. My first grow, the ladies never really put out the skunk smell, but more than made up for it in the final results.

I've heard that before but as this is supposed to be stealth as possible, I want to take all precautions.

Update to follow......

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 7

Well fuck! My timers turned off my lights last night and I know it was past 12am when it happened as I checked on them before I went to bed.

I was doing some work on the light traps and ventilation and I must have bumped the timer but I don't see how I could have bumped them both. Frustrating as hell.

I'm not so worried about the plants from this snafu as I am concerned about it happening again.

After yesterday's post, I got to thinking about how my ventilation is setup. I had a filter on an exhaust fan that I didn't need right now and that was restricting the airflow in the box. I took it off and then I had a light problem.

I built two light traps out of some cardboard and removed the filter from the exhaust. It brought my temps down perfectly.

I installed the first one, which was above the intake for the light fixture. The exhaust "flue" was directed down toward the intake to the light fixture. Installed it that way and my temps instantly went up! I didn't think that would happen so quickly but it did so I adjusted the exhaust flue to exit laterally and not downward...just as instantly fixed it. Pic...

This is the light trap/flue on the box exhaust fan venting out to the right in the pic and not downward so as to stay away from affecting the light cooling intake.


This is the fan intake for cooling the light. Because it's mid box, I made it longer to draw cooler air from down below closer to the garage floor. The combo has made a big difference in how my system works.


Despite the light turning off, my gurlz look no worse for wear. It's been a week since they came home and they are bushing out nicely. I think I'll probably install the scrog screen in 2 weeks and start the bondage but we'll see..



Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Hey, what are you using for your screen? The pvc looks like the way to go as far as the frame from what I have seen and your's looks awesome. Plus I have a ton of irrigation shnizz left over from my lawn project (the other grass!).
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

quick question, where can i buy ff soil and what is the best kind to buy??

FF soil can be had at any hydro store in my area....I know doesn't make sense..a hydro store having soil...but in my area where it's a medical mj state, they are more grow shops than anything else.

Best kind to buy?? Tough question for me..if I were to do it again I'd buy the same stuff but I'd mix it a little differently. 50/50 mix of Ocean Forest and Light Warrior. A lot of people go straight Ocean Forest but that might be a little hot for clones straight away..not sure about seedlings.

You can also order it online..just google it..hope that helps. :peace:

dirtnmyears said:
Hey, what are you using for your screen? The pvc looks like the way to go as far as the frame from what I have seen and your's looks awesome. Plus I have a ton of irrigation shnizz left over from my lawn project (the other grass!).

I went to lowes and got some random 2" green gardening screen..


From what I've read, you don't want to get anything smaller than 2". Smaller tends to be tough to work with.

Lowe's had the small amounts..I think my roll was 20' x 2' something like that..I've got plenty left over.

The thing about the pvc is that it's dumb easy to measure and assemble and looks clean. Zip ties and pvc and not much of it..very efficient use of space.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Looking good man, nice to see you've finally got setup! If you are only planning on running those 2 plants in that space I would veg them nice and long so you can completely fill the screen. GDP is a definite Indica strain so it will not stretch a whole bunch. I would recommend filling at least 50-60% of the screen before the 12/12 flip or you won't cover it.

Also just an idea before you solidify everything..mod. scrogs make things a lot easier and have very little downside other than labor.

You can raise/lower individual plants, can raise/lower individual screens for each plant based on height. Can take plants out of cabinet for any maintenance, water, etc..which makes training a lot easier.

Either way you're gonna be lovin it soon! Subbed for sure.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Looking good man, nice to see you've finally got setup! If you are only planning on running those 2 plants in that space I would veg them nice and long so you can completely fill the screen. GDP is a definite Indica strain so it will not stretch a whole bunch. I would recommend filling at least 50-60% of the screen before the 12/12 flip or you won't cover it.

Also just an idea before you solidify everything..mod. scrogs make things a lot easier and have very little downside other than labor.

You can raise/lower individual plants, can raise/lower individual screens for each plant based on height. Can take plants out of cabinet for any maintenance, water, etc..which makes training a lot easier.

Either way you're gonna be lovin it soon! Subbed for sure.


Marley...thanks seemed to take forever but's up and running. Got the timer thing figured out..a "f up" on my part...

I was only planning on filling about 50% of the screen actually so I'm glad I got the thinking right there.

So are you saying build a screen for each plant? Is that what I'm reading?? Makes sense given that plants don't grow at the same rate. Or do they?? Wouldn't clones from the same mother exhibit the same growth characteristics?? Given all other things remain the same?


Just looked at your grow...very interesting modular scrog screens...great idea..thanks!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I tried individual screens and then one large Scrogg screen than is hinged to the wall that I swing up against the wall to harvest and store. I found (IMHO) that with the individual screens that the other ladies try to reach over and invade their space and get tangled up in the other scrogg. With one Scrogg I just raise the pots to make the canopy the same height.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I tried individual screens and then one large Scrogg screen than is hinged to the wall that I swing up against the wall to harvest and store. I found (IMHO) that with the individual screens that the other ladies try to reach over and invade their space and get tangled up in the other scrogg. With one Scrogg I just raise the pots to make the canopy the same height.

That was my original thought..have one on hinges so it just swings up and I can harvest or tend from there. I still have that option with my current setup just need to clip the zips on the bottom front part of the frame.

Do you find that the plants put upward pressure on the frame thus creating a need to have it anchored down?

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 8

Well, I've got a small growth explosion going on in my box! Both have great growth and are bushing out nicely but one of them suddenly took off height wise over the other in the last 24 hours.

While it didn't grow 2' over night or's really making it vertically over the other plant..

The difference?? When I mixed my soil, I watered down one of them to saturation to test the ph of the runoff. On the other, I didn't do that and that plant is now taking off.

I've let them both dry out over the last couple of days. The plant without the growth explosion is still a tad bit damp and the other is almost dry. I may give her a drink tonight.


I also shifted the photoperiod to off @ 11pm and on at 5am. Before I had it off at 11am and on at 5pm to take advantage of the warmer part of the day being that my box is in the garage.

The seedling mat is doing it's job though and I don't need to worry about lights off temps so I shifted it to take advantage of the time when I know no one will turn on a light in the garage. (I don't think I have leaks but may as well be sure)

I'll let this one dry out a bit more before watering again. Let's hope the growth evens out some.



Are daily updates too much?? I'm also considering changing the MH bulb to a 6500K Hortilux Eye Blue. I have a standard 4000K mh in there right now...Any thoughts on that?
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