stoned in Michigan


Well-Known Member
hey there, hows everyone doing. so ive already started a journal, and a few other threads. figured id might as well do on in here also.

im on my first grow in a tron you can check it out here. First Grow. Phototron box.

i plan to do many more. ive been around growing for a long time, just never had my own. i have a small tron for right now, but hopefully soon ill have some better equipment.

feel free to stop by and say high anytime. im sure ill be blazing away.. and to all those growing may they all be females:peace::roorrip:
Welcome to 420 WeedyMcWeedWeed glad to have you here. Good luck with your grow, I'll be watching.

WHATS UP MAN!!!!!.....going to check that grow out.....GREEN MOJO to your next grow also......welcome and enjoy the ride..........PEACE

thank you both. i appreciate it. fell free to chime in anytime!:roorrip:
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