Super Skunk Auto, Ebb & Flow, 1st Time Grower, Custom Cabinet

I couldn't get used to this ebb and flow concept getting watered less than once a day so I went looking for information. I don't know Rexer, again, not ever having used this method I can't say anything firmly but check out this link. Whoever put the pages together included your medium.
Thanks @stoneotter, that was an article I didn't come across when doing my research.
Gonna start with an apology, this might be a longer post (just to share what I read).

From what I saw, there is such a variety of opinions on it, and I was very worried for a bit, and to a degree still am. But then you reminded me to reread the watering bible post. So with that in mind, I'm just going to play it by ear and adjust as needed (or advised lol). Right now, if the roots stretch for it, they can take a drink. With the addition of lids to my flood table I loose very little to evaporation, theres probably two to three inches of hydroton in each table (it was also put in to take up volume in the table so less water from the reservoir would be needed for the water to hit the net cups). The hydroton is still soaked from the flooding a few days ago, so they just gotta reach a few inch for a nice drink.

There were/are many successful growers who flood their tables every few hours. How without drowning the plants was something I didn't understand at first. But, when you break down an ebb and flow system and take a close look at it, to me I see a large resemblance to a RDWC. When the pump is on the only big difference is airstone placement? At least in my setup it is (so I think at least). So...with that thought in mind I made sure to place large airstones in each tub/table. My water pump and air pump are both managed by my smart power strip. So, I programmed it so that whenever the water pump is triggered on or detected on, the air pump automatically activates. When the water pump turns off, the air pump turns off.
So, anyone please feel free to fly jumbo jets through my theories, cause I understand that there is a large difference between reading about something and having experience on a subject, and I'm very inexperienced. The only experience I have is growing hydroponic leafy green veggies using the kratky method, which was an eye opener.
To anyone who isn't familiar, kratky growing is basically a DWC without a airstone or any movement of water, basically a set it and forget it (if done correctly).

Thanks again Stoneotter, that link is book marked and I'll have to re-read it several times. My mind isn't as sharp as it used to be due to my condition and medications.

And last but far from least, often times tones are lost on the internet. I know I can come across as argumentative and try to avoid it, but it's part of how I learn (even arguing with myself when self teaching lol). Please don't take my post as a "I already know this stuff" kind of attitude, it's more of a "shit I hope I got this right" or a "well, if it's done like this based on this, Is it going to work?" .

I made this post a bit lengthy and that's cause I'm hoping that even years from now, it might help someone learn from my research, and my upcoming mistakes (cause I'm sure theres more screw ups to come, its expected on a 1st grow).

So for now, its watch and flood whenever needed, I spent most of last night watching videos and looking at pictures of under watered plants so when it starts hopefully ill recognize it and should be able to open the app on my phone and activate a flooding for at least 3 min to start. I'll work my way up as the plants get larger, it's going to be an interesting learning experience.

If you were me Stoneotter, what different would you do? I know and understand that you haven't done ebb and flow but highly value your opinion.

Thanks for the patience!
Day 12:

No feeding/watering yet needed. There has been some very minor improvements and when re-reading the watering post, I started looking and reading some more. I do believe that I found a flaw in my design, easily correctable for the next grow. My humidifier is too close to the plants I think. I'll reposition it soon, turned it for now.

Cabinet temperature ran smoothly through the night (approximately 25C), there is a slight difference in front to back temperatures, see below (blue and white graph is back of cabinet).

Screenshot_20200414-113033_Inkbird Pro.jpg

Screenshot_20200414-113646_Smart Life.jpg

I should mention the humidifier in its current location was just put there for now (it's off).
Day 12
Topped off resivoir to 234 ppm using previous mix.
Ph'd to 5.8
Checked on them and looked like they were finally showing they needed to be watered, least that's my hope.
Reservoir temp was at 18.3 C

Average cab temp was 23.5C

Tonight's pics right before turning on the water pump.
Day 14

So things aren't looking too good. Think I'm going to start germinating some new seeds and call this one a failure. I'll let it keep running for now, but I think it's done.
2 weeks in and their only a few inches high and facing too may issues.
It appears that my light was too low which stunted them and partially bleached them, I transplanted them out of germination too early,they got too much water. And then, I think they got some nute burn or lockout from either too high ppm feed or ph was out.
So with all my screw ups these lil ones never stood a chance. Going to try again, and pray I get my medications from this...its what allows me to be able to walk or have any quality of life.
Thanks @stoneotter for your help and patience through this. Wish you and your family health and success.
I couldn't get used to this ebb and flow concept getting watered less than once a day so I went looking for information. I don't know Rexer, again, not ever having used this method I can't say anything firmly but check out this link. Whoever put the pages together included your medium.

Thanks @stoneotter! That was quick but good read. So it seems I may be a little heavy on my cycles, but the plants seem to love it so far.
Day 14

So things aren't looking too good. Think I'm going to start germinating some new seeds and call this one a failure. I'll let it keep running for now, but I think it's done.
2 weeks in and their only a few inches high and facing too may issues.
It appears that my light was too low which stunted them and partially bleached them, I transplanted them out of germination too early,they got too much water. And then, I think they got some nute burn or lockout from either too high ppm feed or ph was out.
So with all my screw ups these lil ones never stood a chance. Going to try again, and pray I get my medications from this...its what allows me to be able to walk or have any quality of life.
Thanks @stoneotter for your help and patience through this. Wish you and your family health and success.

No worries @Rexer. The exact same thing happened to me. My first three seeds were a learning curve, but you got farther than I did!
No worries @Rexer. The exact same thing happened to me. My first three seeds were a learning curve, but you got farther than I did!
Thanks, it's hard not to be disappointed. Just for kicks I decided to keep two of them going to see how'd they'd go if left under a t5 for a bit. They ain't getting much love or attention but are still alive. Right now im germinating two new seeds (auto blueberry) which I will be focusing on for the new grow.
So I decided to start a new journal, please feel free to drop by, comment and help, or lurk away! 2 of these 4 will continue in the new journal

Really appreciate all the support everyone gave on this one! Take care and stay healthy folks!
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