

Well-Known Member
hi grower's, just a quick Q!
how early cn you use superthrive on seeds ????? as i have 11 (s,seeds)white russian germing,any help tipes and advice would be gr8.thanx mick.:thanks:
At a weak solution of 1 drop per gallon, I use it from the first. Then as the plants got older I upped the dose. I had no trouble using it as it's only vitamins.
I'll second that ! I've been using it in my present grow since seedlings !! 1 drop per gallon, 2nd wk flowering 6 drops per res change ...
Done any large-sample experiments on whether the use of it on seeds changes the M:F ratio? On seedlings?
Has anyone used it to avert transplant stress/shock? With its B1, et. al., it was recommended to me for that purpose.
yes, I've used it to soften transplant shock, and I'm not sure it does anything, but my plants do well after transplants, and enough other users of the product have given positive reports to convince me that it helps.

the rooting hormones promote root growth, so although I haven't compared using it to not using it, it makes sense to me that giving the roots a boost at transplant is a good idea.

hate how that stuff smells though, it's the B1 in it that stinks.
Setting Sun, how many drops per gallon when transplanting and if I may ask, for how many days? Do you modify your feeding schedule? I forgot what you use.
I use 10 drops per gallon for the watering right after I transplant, and then depending on whether the plant shows any significant stress or not, I might give another 10 drops per gallon on the next watering, but only if the plant still shows signs of stress.

I don't modify my feeding schedule based on the Superthrive.

I don't have a favorite line of nutes that I use consistently, I just use what I think will work best for a particular grow.

In my nute cabinet right now for base nutes, I have:

the FFOF soil and hydro trio (only difference is Grow Big vs Grow Big Hydro)
GH 3-part flora series
GH 2-part dry Maxi-Gro and Maxi-bloom

I just go with whatever I think will work best balanced against how much work it's going to give me.

No way I would ever use a nute line with so many bottles and supplements that I can't even figure out how I'm going to be able to squeeze them all into my watering schedule.
What planet are you from? Why is it that some of you out think you can change the sex of a seed or plant with nutrients or by different methods of growing? Just like humans once it's conceived it will remain the same sex all through it's life. There is no such thing as evolution in the manner that everyone uses it. No biological organism can physically change into another organism.
What planet are you from? Why is it that some of you out think you can change the sex of a seed or plant with nutrients or by different methods of growing? Just like humans once it's conceived it will remain the same sex all through it's life. There is no such thing as evolution in the manner that everyone uses it. No biological organism can physically change into another organism.

Budguru.....after reading your post I think you may need to relax a bit...I think you could make the same point with out the condescending tone.....Just one forum users opinion.:peacetwo:

peace and harvests.....
Ya, Sorry, you're right. I wanted to be somewhat condescending because I'm getting tired of reading the same old garbage. I'm hear to learn something and I get tired of reading the same old questions with no answers. The reason this happens is because people in general are to lazy to take the time to learn about the growing process of cannabis or anything else for that matter. I have no problem with discussing things but, come on, how many times do your hear the same stupid question or statement before you won't answer or comment on it anymore? The question that was asked, that I responded to, should have never been asked!
Yo I checked this post for Superthrive info for seedlings and see a new post commenting on a post from 2 months ago.

Well I plan to use 1 drop of Super per gallon for once the seedling pops it's head out, but should I use that solution for soaking the seed?
I will soak the seed for 12 hours before putting into a rooter, or jiffy puck at 1/4" to 1/2" deep.

BudGuru, I basically agree with you on the sexing thing, but just like humans you can cause a plant to hermie and have both male and female hormones. I wanted to test gibberellic acid on my plants but read about how it will most likley cause hermies.
That is very true, but you don't want hermies any more than you want males! Hermies can still produce pollen sacs and that's why you don't want them in your garden! Look guy's even though I call myself the BudGuru I don't know everything about Cannabis but I'm sucking up the knowledge at blazing speed because I have plants in veg and flower and every time I see something that looks funky that I have never seen before I'm back at the learning thing again finding out all I can about that topic. I do this with everything, my wife thinks I'm nuts, but I've done this all my life. Anyway check out my YouTube channel and you will see what I mean. YouTube/TheeBudGuru I working on 3 new vids as we speak and hope to have them up today. Today is Day 1 of wk 6.
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