Sweden says hi!


New Member
Hey guys, Ive been lookin garound your forums and I like it. I live in the woods in Sweden and I am planning my first outdoor grow this fall, got me some Lowlife autoflowering seeds that Ill put in pots out in the garden and shitloads af duckfeet-seeds a friend got me that Ill plant for the fun of it.

Ive had nervous problems for as long as I can remember. I cant focus and after years of medication that made me anti social I found Mary J and I felt good. I can interact with people and laught at jokes and live life, finally.

Right now Im in the Swedish capital and I dont know anyone that has bud, so I went down central to get some and I got ripped of two times before I went home, pissed off and frustrated.

Anyways, good to be here!
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