Hi good people! I need to know if I can get an answer to a question here or if I have to find another thread to follow. (which I am sure someone will provide to me). I'm fairly lost and unfamiliar with a lot of the "lingo". At the moment, to perfectly honest, I just need a plan of action that will work for me now. I selfishly don't care about the science of it all:helpsmilie:

OK, with that said, here's what I have to work with: (Canyon advised me on a beginning course previously :thanks: Canyon!)
*Legal MMJ tincture, equal parts CBD/THC, approx. 4mg each in a 5 drop dose
* organic hemp CBD oil (I got the hemp oil after Canyon made his recommendation)

I've started slow & small with 2 drops of the tincture alone. I'm 63 years old, and it has been many a year since I've imbibed for recreational reasons, LOL I've really only done this for a few days now, and only once per day. It helps a lot with tremors that Mr. wonderful lyme disease left me with.

Today, I was feeling "lyme-ishly shaky", as I call it, and I had received the hemp cbd oil, so I took 2 drops of the 50/50 tincture along with a few drops of the hemp cbd. I really don't want to be high at all, so I thought that the hemp oil would cut the potency of the THC in the tincture. Am I correct there, or am I wasting my time doing that?
I will be going to the dispensary on Mon/Tues to see what my best option is for a different tincture. They have 3 strengths. A high CBD, the 50/50 ratio, and a high THC (all tinctures)
Any suggestions? I also have an appt. w/oncologist (BC) Monday, and she'll be (as I saw someone else say) "firing" me, LOL. Actually, I'll be firing her, so I have to get moving on this.
(I'll be visiting Sweetsue's BC thread shortly)

Just 2 more questions: :cheesygrinsmiley:
MMJ is legal here in NY, but is very restricted. Medical only, so no smoke'able form. The card is not valid anywhere other than NY. They are considering loosening the restrictions on a small amount of weed for personal use, but dragging their collective feet.

OK, so I need to know if the websites that sell seeds are to be trusted. Has anyone used them for seed? I guess I am going to have to learn to grow my own, making "do" with the tincture until I have raw material.
What strain/s should I buy. (that's the lingo part that throws me! All the varieties....

Ok, thanks for reading. I hope you all are having a great day!
Hi good people! I need to know if I can get an answer to a question here or if I have to find another thread to follow. (which I am sure someone will provide to me). I'm fairly lost and unfamiliar with a lot of the "lingo". At the moment, to perfectly honest, I just need a plan of action that will work for me now. I selfishly don't care about the science of it all:helpsmilie:

OK, with that said, here's what I have to work with: (Canyon advised me on a beginning course previously :thanks: Canyon!)
*Legal MMJ tincture, equal parts CBD/THC, approx. 4mg each in a 5 drop dose
* organic hemp CBD oil (I got the hemp oil after Canyon made his recommendation)

I've started slow & small with 2 drops of the tincture alone. I'm 63 years old, and it has been many a year since I've imbibed for recreational reasons, LOL I've really only done this for a few days now, and only once per day. It helps a lot with tremors that Mr. wonderful lyme disease left me with.

Today, I was feeling "lyme-ishly shaky", as I call it, and I had received the hemp cbd oil, so I took 2 drops of the 50/50 tincture along with a few drops of the hemp cbd. I really don't want to be high at all, so I thought that the hemp oil would cut the potency of the THC in the tincture. Am I correct there, or am I wasting my time doing that?
I will be going to the dispensary on Mon/Tues to see what my best option is for a different tincture. They have 3 strengths. A high CBD, the 50/50 ratio, and a high THC (all tinctures)
Any suggestions? I also have an appt. w/oncologist (BC) Monday, and she'll be (as I saw someone else say) "firing" me, LOL. Actually, I'll be firing her, so I have to get moving on this.
(I'll be visiting Sweetsue's BC thread shortly)

Just 2 more questions: :cheesygrinsmiley:
MMJ is legal here in NY, but is very restricted. Medical only, so no smoke'able form. The card is not valid anywhere other than NY. They are considering loosening the restrictions on a small amount of weed for personal use, but dragging their collective feet.

OK, so I need to know if the websites that sell seeds are to be trusted. Has anyone used them for seed? I guess I am going to have to learn to grow my own, making "do" with the tincture until I have raw material.
What strain/s should I buy. (that's the lingo part that throws me! All the varieties....

Ok, thanks for reading. I hope you all are having a great day!

Hello Ali. I hope your birthday was delightful. If not, make that the last time it isn't. :laughtwo:

Any of the seed banks and companies that sponsor our site are trustworthy. I've yet to have any problems getting seeds from any vendor, to be honest. If I have a preference it'd be Herbies, but only because they have the largest catalog. We can talk about strains that'd serve you best.

If anyone reading this has any specific ideas on a strain for breast cancer, please speak up. I'm at a loss for any specific strain recommendations. Cajun was pretty forthright about not having any preferred strains. Each patient is an individual. There are some basic guidelines. It's recommend you have a high THC sativa, a decent hybrid with a balanced ratio of THC:CBD, (possibly something with a higher ratio of CBD - it's CBD that knocks down inflammation, a significant contributor to pain) and as pure an indica with high THC as you can find. This will give you meds for daytime use and sleep.

Others may have recommendations that would supersede mine. I haven't supplied oil for a cancer patient yet.

The states are light years from where they need to be. No one's going to be watching to see if you take matters into your own hands and grow your own. Stay stealthy and you have no concerns, only hope and joyful expectation.

The CBD you're taking is helping the THC in a couple ways. It'll temper the euphoric effects as it also helps THC be more effective in attachment and signalling. You're treating breast cancer Ali. You need all the THC you can get into the system, within reason. At some point you'll want to consider suppositories. Cajun's shared with a couple times about the effectiveness of treating breast cancer using suppositories. You'll get maximum cannabinoid load without the euphoria.

You'd be well advised to learn to tack as well. A small tack of CCO in advance of the major dose using another method of administration will prime the pumps, so to speak, and make the larger dose more effective.

There are other matters of bioavailability to be considered as well. Apigenin is a supplement I highly advise you secure a source of and begin taking as a daily dose, if not in advance of every dose, at the same time you'd be tacking, which is what I'd recommend. Canjun's personal oncologist recommended up to 1500 mg of apigenin a day when he had cancer. He was just around these parts yesterday reminding us of the necessity of this valuable supplement. It's a cancer-killer in its own right. Buy some. Begin to take them now.

The first couple pages of any thread on these subjects is the meat and potatoes of any particular topic. Once you've looked over the preliminary information I advise you always jump to the current page and ask questions. It's much easier to track information if you let us assist you. We can also focus on points you may be unaware of, like the fact that some members are beginning to explore DMSO as an additive to enhance the healing properties further.

If I were going to try any of the tinctures for you I'd get the balanced ratio one. You need the high THC to kill the tumor cells but any protocol you attempt exclusively through the gut is likely to have you stoned out of your mind Ali. You're talking about taking in up to a gram of oil a day. Current treatments I've been reading and hearing of are often far below that maximum dose, but you won't know what your optimal therapeutic dose is until you have decent oil on hand and are ready to begin.

It's not as easy as simply start. You have to begin at a sub-therapeutic dose and work up slowly to give the endocannabinoid system time to adjust to the sudden increase in cannabinoids. If done too quickly there's a risk of over-exciting the system, which will cause it to take receptors off line. Not something we want to deal with. It's reversible, but you have to start from the beginning.

Your on your way to healing Ali. In no time you'll be pulling this all off like a natural. Your system was evolved to heal, just like everyone else's. :hug: :love:
Ali, I can't leave it like that without my standard prescription that you prime you endocannabinoid system every morning by joyfully proclaiming to the universe that you're ready to engage it in play, for one more glorious day.

A simple "I'm ready to play" expressed with childlike glee will suffice. :cheesygrinsmiley:
SweetSue, I have already recognized this on the few occasions when I've used cannabis these past couple of years. Wow -- scary to be inside this mind and body during those times! I don't know how the dr will want to do it, but I'll take the advice of this thread you are talking about into consideration.

Do you have any advice on where I can find this thread? I'm still a little confused by this site. There's an incredible amount of info on it and I'm not really sure how to search for a thread like that. I'm not being lazy. I really don't know.

No worries :) I'm still genuinely confused by this site. I'm not lazy or inexperienced either. I've figured out how to navigate some things, but in others I'm lost. I don't mind. It almost makes me feel like I'm cozy in my own little neighborhood while the city swirls around me. Slowly adventuring out when I need, too. Haha!
Hi good people! I need to know if I can get an answer to a question here or if I have to find another thread to follow. (which I am sure someone will provide to me). I'm fairly lost and unfamiliar with a lot of the "lingo". At the moment, to perfectly honest, I just need a plan of action that will work for me now. I selfishly don't care about the science of it all:helpsmilie:

OK, with that said, here's what I have to work with: (Canyon advised me on a beginning course previously :thanks: Canyon!)
*Legal MMJ tincture, equal parts CBD/THC, approx. 4mg each in a 5 drop dose
* organic hemp CBD oil (I got the hemp oil after Canyon made his recommendation)

I've started slow & small with 2 drops of the tincture alone. I'm 63 years old, and it has been many a year since I've imbibed for recreational reasons, LOL I've really only done this for a few days now, and only once per day. It helps a lot with tremors that Mr. wonderful lyme disease left me with.

Today, I was feeling "lyme-ishly shaky", as I call it, and I had received the hemp cbd oil, so I took 2 drops of the 50/50 tincture along with a few drops of the hemp cbd. I really don't want to be high at all, so I thought that the hemp oil would cut the potency of the THC in the tincture. Am I correct there, or am I wasting my time doing that?
I will be going to the dispensary on Mon/Tues to see what my best option is for a different tincture. They have 3 strengths. A high CBD, the 50/50 ratio, and a high THC (all tinctures)
Any suggestions? I also have an appt. w/oncologist (BC) Monday, and she'll be (as I saw someone else say) "firing" me, LOL. Actually, I'll be firing her, so I have to get moving on this.
(I'll be visiting Sweetsue's BC thread shortly)

Just 2 more questions: :cheesygrinsmiley:
MMJ is legal here in NY, but is very restricted. Medical only, so no smoke'able form. The card is not valid anywhere other than NY. They are considering loosening the restrictions on a small amount of weed for personal use, but dragging their collective feet.

OK, so I need to know if the websites that sell seeds are to be trusted. Has anyone used them for seed? I guess I am going to have to learn to grow my own, making "do" with the tincture until I have raw material.
What strain/s should I buy. (that's the lingo part that throws me! All the varieties....

Ok, thanks for reading. I hope you all are having a great day!

For what it's worth, my wife had a bad case of Lyme (9 out of 10 bars on the Western blot test) 3 courses of Doxy didn't clear her. It wasn't till she tacked my oil that I had that her symptoms finally clears. While my state is slightly less restrictive then yours, It still sucks. I would do some research for a balanced strain and make oil with that.

For seeds, see the sponsor list. The are all good.

For growing How to Grow Marijuana - Everything You Need to Know!

For making oil How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

For tacking Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial - Tacking Method

Hope this helps. :circle-of-love::peace:

You're taking less per dose than he recommended, correct? Why not consider going to twice a day, or even three times a day, starting with the total daily dose you're taking now, divided up evenly. Then begin adding small amounts on to each dosing.

You're the cautious type, thank goodness, so you'll probably instinctively do it right and will discover there's a sweet spot in there when you feel completely normal.

In biological terms, the THC is activating CB1 receptors in your brain that have on one hand calmed the neural storms that cause the expression of anxiety, and on the other hand created a sense of wellbeing. It's all simple brain science. :laughtwo:

As you feel better, your ECS can more effectively respond to system calls and get to the business of signaling healing.

You feel better. This creates less static and confusion in the body's messaging systems. The ECS works more efficiently. You have less inflammation. You feel better. The cycle begins again. :cheesygrinsmiley:

In biological terms, you're healing. Just the way you were evolved to do. :love:

:circle-of-love: :Namaste:

That is so cool. SO - as I take the cannabinoids, my body is slowly "opening" new receptor sites? Or are being created? I'm fascinated. I keep picturing muscle cells - literally dying and being taken away because it wasn't being used. The more muscles are used, stretched and nourished the more muscles cells are built. My ECS has been undernourished for - maybe my whole life. I'm picturing the input of cannabinoids giving my brain something to build new... receptors if not cells :)

I'm quite certain I'm mistaking it and simplifying and butchering the actual biological and chemical processes, but it was a fun daydream nonetheless. Haha!

What Sue said, plus a straight forward Yes, it's normal, and good. I see it as you have shifted your body slightly and your body has adjusted to its new state. It's telling you it's ready for another small shift. It will keep doing that until you reach 'the sweet spot'.

And the most important thing... this discussion here with you.
My treatment for cancer is pretty simple - take as much of as many cannabinoids as possible, a sledge hammer approach. The fine tuning that you and others are doing helps me better understand how cannabis works. So please 'distract' us anytime!


I like that. That's exactly what it feels like. Just a slight shifting letting me know it's ready for more.

And just when I start to feel like I'm leeching too much time and energy from everyone here, you make me feel at home and like I contribute to its running. Thank you for that.

How is it going for you? Any improvements? How do you feel?

Hello, all.

I'm new here. I was invited by Sweet Sue after posting in her Pain Relief thread. Though she thought she could help me there, she did invite me here.

My body presents a complex array of problems that I must manage. I'll tell you how I currently manage them later in this posting. First of all, I'll tell you about the difficulties I live with on a daily basis.

First of all, there's the back pain due to an injury from either running hard or moving. I did both on the same day and woke the next morning unable to move. Literally unable to move. I had to crawl to the bathroom to piss and cried/screamed all the way. That was almost 20 years ago, and since then I've been hospitalized for it, been taken to emergency in ambulances for it, couldn't get out of bed for weeks because of it, had to have my wife hold a jar for me to piss in while in bed because I couldn't twist enough to hold the jar myself, and a whole host of daily maintenance regimes to deal with because of everyday pain. My back presents excruciating difficulties for me. It is the reason that I have shots every week and epidurals every week at the pain clinic I attend. And it is the reason that I am about to be prescribed Medical Marijuana here in Alberta, Canada - a rare thing in this province.

The next condition I live with is my Bipolar Disorder and the debilitating depressive episodes that last months at a time. I also go manic, don't get me wrong, but I live on a daily basis with the depression. Depression that sucks the life right out of me. Depression that has me considering suicide very realistically. I've even found myself at the edges of tall buildings trying to decide whether a fall from that height and aiming for the wrought iron fence spikes would be enough to kill me or just wound me. I certainly didn't want to live with the shame of having tried to kill myself and not succeeded, but I certainly did want to succeed at killing myself. That happened more than once. That is my depression that I live with.

The third condition that I live with, and possibly the one that presents itself most noticably during my daily life, is my Generalized Anxiety Disorder. My anxiety disorder has caused me to crawl under the edges of windows to ensure that no one from outside could see me -- even when I've lived where no one could possibly see me, like now when I live on a farm in Central Alberta. No one for miles, and still I can be found crawling under the windows, terrified that someone is out there. It causes me to cry nonstop sometimes, for fear of unknown imaginings. It takes away my capacity to deal with my life, because I cannot open the mail (my wife has been doing that for years), I cannot open my emails, I cannot answer the phone, and I cannot answer the door. I'm just too terrified of what is out there to meet me head on. Just too terrified of the repurcussions of dealing with my life. My anxiety disorder I deal with on a constant basis, for I am constantly terrified of the day around me.

Currently, I deal with the back pain through a complex array of opoids and other medications and treatments. You already know i go weekly for pain shots that cause me pain in their own right. My Fentanyl patch is up to 200 mcg/hr, twice the normal dosage, and I change it every 2 days, rather than every 3 days like everyone else. I also have a running prescription for Tylenol 4s. They are used for breakout pain, for when the Fentanyl is not doing enough of a good job and pain breaks out from within. Lately, I've been popping the T4s like they are candy because there is so much breakout pain. This is a sign that the Fentanyl is not working anymore, and either needs to be upped or an alternate medication found. The doctor had been talking about Methodone for my back, until I suggested the cannabis that I'm about to be prescribed by my pain clinic.

The depression is controlled by a powerful atypical antipsychotic that does wonders in both reducing the depression and also reducing the anxiety tremendously. The mania symptoms are controlled with Lithium, and I haven't been hospitalized in the psych ward in over 3 years now because of the Lithium. The name of my powerful atypical antipsychotic is Latuda, and I take 80 mg per evening, a very large dose. The anxiety breakouts are (somewhat) controlled by Ativan (Lorazepam). I am prescribed 4 mg per day, and I usually must use it all, though I do have some in reserve in case I need it. I have the extra from days when I didn't take my full dosage for whatever reason.

And I'm here for help.

On 25 Jan 17 I will see a new doctor at the pain clinic, and he will determine a calendar schedule to reduce and eventually go off the Fentanyl patch and the T4s. If you had asked me one month ago, before considering cannabis therapy, what I would have thought of going off my Fentanyl I would have said you were crazy. Why go off a medication that has treated my pain for so long? I have an inkling of what that daily pain is like, for whenever I forget to change my patch that day is pure hell with pain. And gawd knows, I remember what life was like before the Fentanyl and T4s. Life was hard. Walking was hard. Twisting was hard. Bending was hard. Sitting was hard. You get the picture?

But that was then, and this is now. I am resigned to using cannabis to treat my pain. And if my pain, why not my anxiety and depression, too? I haven't used cannabis, apart from some isolated events where my son in law purchased me some to treat my pain, since I was 15, over 34 years ago! I'm certainly not a pothead asking for medical marijuana so that I can treat my addiction to the devil's weed legally, rather than through illegal means. And I mean to make it work for me. I plan on working as hard as I can to determine the correct dosages and the right methods of ingestion whatever they may be, whether they be sublingual, suppositories, through the gut, whatever. I just need some help if figuring it all out is all.

So I am asking the kind and generous support and help from this group of users assembled here. I'm sure my new doctor will know a lot about dosing. But I'm sure you all will know a lot more.

As I mentioned, I will not be going to see this new doctor until 25 Jan 17. I will not be allowed to use cannabis legally until then. I do, however, have an illegal grow happening in my back bedroom closet (the new tent only arrived 2 days ago and is not yet set up because I cannot lift it). I am growing 2 Big Bud seeds and 2 Pineapple Express seeds. I thought the Big Bud would be good for my pain and my anxiety, adn that the Pineapple Express would be good for my depression and some residual pain. I also thought that the Pineapple Express would help my wife-bot with her debilitating depression, too. She's willing to try any tinctures I make up for her (the girl has an inordinate amount of trust in me, methinks!). My closet girls -- or my demented little girls, as I like to call them -- are 18 days old today. One of the Big Buds is stunted because of light burn when I had my 600w LED too close to them. She is recovering, but slowly though. The others are doing fine, if a little stunted from having lived their first week and a half in 68 degree F weather, before I realized just how cold it was in that back bedroom and before I installed a small space heater in the closet to keep my DLGs warm.

So, with all that, I leave you for the night. I hope you will digest all the stuff I've had to say. Much of it is important in dealing with treating my illnesses, but I'm sure much of it could have been left unsaid.

And so, good night. Adieu. Auf Wiedersehn. Ciao. And, ta da....

You truly are going through so much. I wish you all the healing the universe has to offer you.

You've come to the right place - as many have already made you aware :)

Too many people here have the knowledge and experience to help you along. If you have questions, just make sure to keep asking. Somebody is going to help you. I've learned so much in the last couple of months.

I think there's a lot of hope for you.

I wanted to mention that i've used Lorazepam for anxiety. I keep it on hand for emergencies - I may always. But I was on it daily once and learned that it made my anxiety worse. MUCH worse. It was creating the very problem it was supposed to solve. Even now, once I've taken it, more often than not, I have to wean off. So if I take 1 pill for a panic attack, 24 hours later I take 1/2 pill, 24 hours later, 1/4 pill, etc. Otherwise, around the 20-24 hour mark, the anxiety hits like a hammer. Long term daily use - It makes the anxiety unmanageable. I would definitely wean off them like you would the other stuff.

Although, as was mentioned, if the Cannabis amplifies the effects, the weaning off might be pretty easy :)

Also - I've heard from addiction specialists (not personally, through podcasts, etc) that pain medications, and opiates in particular, actually keep and amplify your pain (specifically back/spinal pain). It is this phenomenon that create a lot of the addiction and long-term use. While most people would have healed over time, the opiates, somehow, keep that pain there and STRONG. Dr. Drew Pinsky (someone I don't agree with all the time, but who has a ton of addiction experience) is so incredibly passionately frustrated by this phenomenon that he talks about it ALL THE TIME. He says most long term users who manage to keep the medications out of their system, end up with absolutely no pain. Another potential example of the drug actually causing the problem you thought you were helping.

SO, my point in blathering on and on was just to give you hope. The process may be bumpy, painful and long, but in the end, you might very well end up SO MUCH better off. Or, the cannabis might very well make the process fun and easy. With SweetSue as your guide, she'll only make it fun :slide:
Welcome Magnus from a fellow Canadian. I'm in Ontario and am newly licensed (July 2016) to use medical marijuana.

I'm so sorry to hear of all your troubles and I sincerely hope that you find the relief you need and deserve with marijuana the way a lot of us here have.

You sound like you still have hope despite everything life has thrown at you so I know your ECS is strong, which will help the marijuana help you.

If you're up to it, you might want to do a grow journal here on 420. I started one but our seeds dried out so we had to redo them. My husband planted them today so I'll have to update our journal.

I'm glad you're here and I hope we can help you and I'm looking forward to getting to know you, too.


Hello, all.

I'm new here. I was invited by Sweet Sue after posting in her Pain Relief thread. Though she thought she could help me there, she did invite me here.

My body presents a complex array of problems that I must manage. I'll tell you how I currently manage them later in this posting. First of all, I'll tell you about the difficulties I live with on a daily basis.

First of all, there's the back pain due to an injury from either running hard or moving. I did both on the same day and woke the next morning unable to move. Literally unable to move. I had to crawl to the bathroom to piss and cried/screamed all the way. That was almost 20 years ago, and since then I've been hospitalized for it, been taken to emergency in ambulances for it, couldn't get out of bed for weeks because of it, had to have my wife hold a jar for me to piss in while in bed because I couldn't twist enough to hold the jar myself, and a whole host of daily maintenance regimes to deal with because of everyday pain. My back presents excruciating difficulties for me. It is the reason that I have shots every week and epidurals every week at the pain clinic I attend. And it is the reason that I am about to be prescribed Medical Marijuana here in Alberta, Canada - a rare thing in this province.

The next condition I live with is my Bipolar Disorder and the debilitating depressive episodes that last months at a time. I also go manic, don't get me wrong, but I live on a daily basis with the depression. Depression that sucks the life right out of me. Depression that has me considering suicide very realistically. I've even found myself at the edges of tall buildings trying to decide whether a fall from that height and aiming for the wrought iron fence spikes would be enough to kill me or just wound me. I certainly didn't want to live with the shame of having tried to kill myself and not succeeded, but I certainly did want to succeed at killing myself. That happened more than once. That is my depression that I live with.

The third condition that I live with, and possibly the one that presents itself most noticably during my daily life, is my Generalized Anxiety Disorder. My anxiety disorder has caused me to crawl under the edges of windows to ensure that no one from outside could see me -- even when I've lived where no one could possibly see me, like now when I live on a farm in Central Alberta. No one for miles, and still I can be found crawling under the windows, terrified that someone is out there. It causes me to cry nonstop sometimes, for fear of unknown imaginings. It takes away my capacity to deal with my life, because I cannot open the mail (my wife has been doing that for years), I cannot open my emails, I cannot answer the phone, and I cannot answer the door. I'm just too terrified of what is out there to meet me head on. Just too terrified of the repurcussions of dealing with my life. My anxiety disorder I deal with on a constant basis, for I am constantly terrified of the day around me.

Currently, I deal with the back pain through a complex array of opoids and other medications and treatments. You already know i go weekly for pain shots that cause me pain in their own right. My Fentanyl patch is up to 200 mcg/hr, twice the normal dosage, and I change it every 2 days, rather than every 3 days like everyone else. I also have a running prescription for Tylenol 4s. They are used for breakout pain, for when the Fentanyl is not doing enough of a good job and pain breaks out from within. Lately, I've been popping the T4s like they are candy because there is so much breakout pain. This is a sign that the Fentanyl is not working anymore, and either needs to be upped or an alternate medication found. The doctor had been talking about Methodone for my back, until I suggested the cannabis that I'm about to be prescribed by my pain clinic.

The depression is controlled by a powerful atypical antipsychotic that does wonders in both reducing the depression and also reducing the anxiety tremendously. The mania symptoms are controlled with Lithium, and I haven't been hospitalized in the psych ward in over 3 years now because of the Lithium. The name of my powerful atypical antipsychotic is Latuda, and I take 80 mg per evening, a very large dose. The anxiety breakouts are (somewhat) controlled by Ativan (Lorazepam). I am prescribed 4 mg per day, and I usually must use it all, though I do have some in reserve in case I need it. I have the extra from days when I didn't take my full dosage for whatever reason.

And I'm here for help.

On 25 Jan 17 I will see a new doctor at the pain clinic, and he will determine a calendar schedule to reduce and eventually go off the Fentanyl patch and the T4s. If you had asked me one month ago, before considering cannabis therapy, what I would have thought of going off my Fentanyl I would have said you were crazy. Why go off a medication that has treated my pain for so long? I have an inkling of what that daily pain is like, for whenever I forget to change my patch that day is pure hell with pain. And gawd knows, I remember what life was like before the Fentanyl and T4s. Life was hard. Walking was hard. Twisting was hard. Bending was hard. Sitting was hard. You get the picture?

But that was then, and this is now. I am resigned to using cannabis to treat my pain. And if my pain, why not my anxiety and depression, too? I haven't used cannabis, apart from some isolated events where my son in law purchased me some to treat my pain, since I was 15, over 34 years ago! I'm certainly not a pothead asking for medical marijuana so that I can treat my addiction to the devil's weed legally, rather than through illegal means. And I mean to make it work for me. I plan on working as hard as I can to determine the correct dosages and the right methods of ingestion whatever they may be, whether they be sublingual, suppositories, through the gut, whatever. I just need some help if figuring it all out is all.

So I am asking the kind and generous support and help from this group of users assembled here. I'm sure my new doctor will know a lot about dosing. But I'm sure you all will know a lot more.

As I mentioned, I will not be going to see this new doctor until 25 Jan 17. I will not be allowed to use cannabis legally until then. I do, however, have an illegal grow happening in my back bedroom closet (the new tent only arrived 2 days ago and is not yet set up because I cannot lift it). I am growing 2 Big Bud seeds and 2 Pineapple Express seeds. I thought the Big Bud would be good for my pain and my anxiety, adn that the Pineapple Express would be good for my depression and some residual pain. I also thought that the Pineapple Express would help my wife-bot with her debilitating depression, too. She's willing to try any tinctures I make up for her (the girl has an inordinate amount of trust in me, methinks!). My closet girls -- or my demented little girls, as I like to call them -- are 18 days old today. One of the Big Buds is stunted because of light burn when I had my 600w LED too close to them. She is recovering, but slowly though. The others are doing fine, if a little stunted from having lived their first week and a half in 68 degree F weather, before I realized just how cold it was in that back bedroom and before I installed a small space heater in the closet to keep my DLGs warm.

So, with all that, I leave you for the night. I hope you will digest all the stuff I've had to say. Much of it is important in dealing with treating my illnesses, but I'm sure much of it could have been left unsaid.

And so, good night. Adieu. Auf Wiedersehn. Ciao. And, ta da....
I'm just popping a question in here before I go back to reading the rest of the posts. I was reading about a cannaoil that my LP is selling and the description said:
This oil is very high in THC (30 mg/ml) and has had the terpenes removed, making it both very potent and neutral tasting.

Isn't that a bit like stripping the whole grains from flour, rice, etc.? Aren't the terpenes more important than just a taste/aroma thing?[/FONT]
I like Leafly dot com and Sue likes Wake & Bake, I think although that one is more about cooking with cannabis than growing it.

Me too, LovelyBird. Me too.

Thank you, AngryBird, for all the support you've shown me since I arrived at 420Mag a few weeks ago. What a wonderful thing to have happened onto this site. I know of another site, Gr ow We ed Ea sy do t c om, that has been a great resource for me. Are there other great sites out there that I should be perusing that you know of? You can always pm me if you know of any. I would surely appreciate it, muchly.
Well said, Birdie, well said.



I too was looking around in many sites before joining. And came to the conclusion that this super community "has it all"
Info on right about everything, members willing to help out a newbie in a marvelous way.
For members with illnesses, problems, conditions etc or members helping others to heal. this site has anything from moral support to "guinea pigs" testing out new methods or informing on "oo it works for ... tooo ".

I simply love my new virtual home and family :hug: as you can see :circle-of-love:
I'd be interested in following you doing this. I want to learn to make more than cannaoil and I want to learn how to make different ratioed oils along with creams, lotions, tinctures, etc. I've always liked cooking so this is right up my alley.

For my back, I'm looking to make an actual lotion, rather than just a cream. Possibly because I'm wanting to experiment and develop my own recipe, partly because I just KNOW there are other lotioncrafters online here, and most likely because I prefer lotions to creams. They sink in better, they're not as greasy and they work wonders for relieving dry skin itch -- which I have a lot of on my back.
Pardon my ignorance but is this a recipe for a lotion? And, what exactly does the glycerin do?

I have not found anything about extracting with PG. You need to do the extraction with the glycerin then add the PG. You can make it in the oven. It is just take more work then the MB2.

I would put 1/4 oz cannabis (ground) in 1c of glycerin and place in a pyrex or oven safe dish. Put in oven @ 200F for at least 4 hours. You could also just put it in and let it go over night. Stir when ever you think of it. After it is done, strain. Hot glycerin will strain easier then after it is cooled (but don't burn yourself ;)) Then add your PG and you should be good to go. :peace:
Why do so many people want to learn how to make concentrated cannaoil over regular cannaoil? It seems so much more complicated than straight cannaoil?

Here you go. Everything you wanted to know and were afraid to ask :) How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil. Read though and ask question. We will help. :peace:

I will look into that! thank you!

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Rik, there are also a ton of YouTube videos that explain it in video. I meant to post this last night, but was much too tired. Do a search for "How to make Rick Simpson Oil" or "How to make RSO." I've been finding them myself, lately.
Why do so many people want to learn how to make concentrated cannaoil over regular cannaoil? It seems so much more complicated than straight cannaoil?
I just want to because for a hobby and to help a friend of mine out. She suffers from PTSD and I almost cured her but I just want to see if the oil works. And otherwhise my Jaguar will run on it

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Oh merryali, I know exactly how you feel. There is so much information about cannabis and which strains are the best but there's so many things to note about what you're looking for in a strain like whether it's sativa, indica or hybrid or the percentages of THC to CBD and the terpenes and it's all very confusing so I totally feel your pain.

My suggestion is to read as much as you can about whatever people suggest to you so that you'll start to learn and understand the lingo and if you don't understand the technical posts but would like to, ask the poster to give you the Cliff's/Cole's notes version, which is what I often have to do.

And, keep asking questions. I know someone will have an answer for you.

Hi good people! I need to know if I can get an answer to a question here or if I have to find another thread to follow. (which I am sure someone will provide to me). I'm fairly lost and unfamiliar with a lot of the "lingo". At the moment, to perfectly honest, I just need a plan of action that will work for me now. I selfishly don't care about the science of it all:helpsmilie:

OK, so I need to know if the websites that sell seeds are to be trusted. Has anyone used them for seed? I guess I am going to have to learn to grow my own, making "do" with the tincture until I have raw material.
What strain/s should I buy. (that's the lingo part that throws me! All the varieties....

Ok, thanks for reading. I hope you all are having a great day!
Why do so many people want to learn how to make concentrated cannaoil over regular cannaoil? It seems so much more complicated than straight cannaoil?

The potency of coco far outstrips any infused oil. You are creating an essential oil out of your flower. A tack, smaller then a grain of rice will mess you up for hours if not done properly. :cco: :circle-of-love::peace:
I was reading about terpenes earlier and read about Terpinolene and thought it was noteworthy:

[FONT=open_sansregular]Terpinolene has been shown to exhibit antioxidant and anticancer effects in rat brain cells. Studies with mice show that terpinolene has a sedative effect when inhaled. In addition, terpinolene is responsible for many of the floral notes found in Jack Herer varieties.

I don't know if this means it will work with breast cancer but it's the only terpene I've read about that specifically notes cancer treatment in the description. If you (Ali) don't know what terpenes are, here's a good article:

Infographic: What are Cannabis Terpenes and How Do They Affect You? | Leafly

Hello Ali. I hope your birthday was delightful. If not, make that the last time it isn't. :laughtwo:

Any of the seed banks and companies that sponsor our site are trustworthy. I've yet to have any problems getting seeds from any vendor, to be honest. If I have a preference it'd be Herbies, but only because they have the largest catalog. We can talk about strains that'd serve you best.

If anyone reading this has any specific ideas on a strain for breast cancer, please speak up. I'm at a loss for any specific strain recommendations. Cajun was pretty forthright about not having any preferred strains. Each patient is an individual. There are some basic guidelines. It's recommend you have a high THC sativa, a decent hybrid with a balanced ratio of THC:CBD, (possibly something with a higher ratio of CBD - it's CBD that knocks down inflammation, a significant contributor to pain) and as pure an indica with high THC as you can find. This will give you meds for daytime use and sleep.

Others may have recommendations that would supersede mine. I haven't supplied oil for a cancer patient yet.

Your on your way to healing Ali. In no time you'll be pulling this all off like a natural. Your system was evolved to heal, just like everyone else's. :hug: :love:
I'm just popping a question in here before I go back to reading the rest of the posts. I was reading about a cannaoil that my LP is selling and the description said:

This oil is very high in THC (30 mg/ml) and has had the terpenes removed, making it both very potent and neutral tasting.

Isn't that a bit like stripping the whole grains from flour, rice, etc.? Aren't the terpenes more important than just a taste/aroma thing?

You are correct, terpenes are very important and one of the more fragile compounds of marijuana. The most easy to be damaged, destroyed, lost, etc. I have seen CCO with all of the terpenes, naturally decarbed (no heat used to decarb), do things that heat decarbed oils simply cannot do. For example, instant relief of a toothache, fresh cut, even minor burns. Where it gets really wild, is the terpenes effect the THC by slightly changing it. There are certain terpenes that alter the blood-brain barrier to allow the THC and other medicinal compounds to continuously flow to the brain 300% longer than heat decarbed oils, like RSO. I would not have believed this if it was not for experiencing it first hand. Whether a naturally decarbed CCO is more beneficial for cancer, I do not know. I do know a heat decarbed oil like RSO is.

There are a couple of ways to achieve creation of a decarbed oil containing terpenes. One is most common in the manufacture of essential oils and that technique requires a steam extraction of the terpenes allowing you to insert the terpenes into the concentrate after the heat decarb process has been completed. I have not tried this method. The method I have tried has probably been known for many years and that is a natural decarbing process. Natural decarbing can take from 90 to 120 days and is not predictable. The concentrate must be in a liquid state, like the consistency of honey, in order for the decarbing process to complete efficiently. During the decarbing process the concentrate produces CO2, and you must be prepared for pressure build up in the containers. I like to use small glass vials with screw on caps. I will also place the vials into another jar just in case the pressure causes the lid to open or even break. To avoid this I have found burping or opening the vials once a week after the first 30-60 days to be very helpful. I only fill the vials about half due to the CO2 production. If you are not careful, the concentrate can bubble right over like a shaken soda can. I stumbled across this method by accident when I made too much QWISO to be used for vaping. I had initially stored the concentrate in syringes, but the caps kept popping off after about 90 days of storage. At that time I did not know why. After sampling by way of oral ingestion, I began to realize what was happening and ND Sap was born. I call it ND Sap (Naturally Decarbed Sap)

The naturally decarbed CCO offers different effects than a heat decarbed CCO. a
ND Sap

Here is a link to an article that discusses the chemical constituents of cannabis.

Here is an excerpt from the document: PDF Pg. 24
"It has been suggested that the terpenoid constituents of Cannabis modulate THC activity, for example, by binding to cannabinoid receptors, modulating the THC receptor affinity, or altering its pharmacokinetics (e.g., by changing the blood–brain barrier;..."

Another excerpt: PDF Pg. 12

"The typical scent of Cannabis results from about 140 different terpenoids. Isoprene units (C5H8) form monoterpenoids (C10skeleton), sesquiterpenoids (C15),diterpenoids (C20), and triterpenoids (C30;seeTable 2). Terpenoids may be acyclic, monocyclic, or polycyclic hydrocarbons with substitution patterns including alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, and esters. The essential oil (volatile oil) can easily be obtained by steam distillation or vaporization. The yield depends on the Cannabis type (drug, fiber) and pollination; sex, age, and part of the plant; cultivation (indoor, outdoor etc.); harvest time and conditions; drying; and storage (29–31). For example, fresh buds from an Afghani variety yielded 0.29% essential oil (32). Drying and storage reduced the content from 0.29 after 1 week and 3 months to 0.20 and 0.13%, respectively (32). Monoterpenes showed a significantly greater loss than sesquiterpenes, but none of the major components completely disappeared in the drying process."

My apologies if this has already been discussed. Haven't been able to read through from the beginning yet.
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