Switched from Miracle Grow to Foxfarms, trying to survive!

Outdoor super soil and water
Not everyone has the time, energy, knowledge or space to be able to put together a strong supersoil like you have. You did not just put a piece of dung down and forget it, you put a lot of time, effort and money into building your supersoil. Those who can't do all that, have to rely on nutrient companies to provide them the same benefits. It is not simply about making these companies rich... there are many very good nutrient systems out there, so that everyone using them can grow big plants like you are enjoying here. Please don't advise people not to use nutes... you obviously are, just in a different form.
I think that early on you practiced something like a lollipop training but perhaps you started too early. Have you only feeding been the plant potting soil and Big Bloom? I don't consider consider Big Bloom a fertilizer, but a plant food if you read the analysis, whereas Tiger Bloom is a fertilizer for flowering plants, which your is not. Give it time. If you have fed this plant nothing else, you need help I can't provide this is as far as I go. I have hot or super soil on the bottom of our pots which does all of the feeding.
That Ocean Forest is a hot soil from what I'm told and provides a good nute base to get your seedlings up and running. Some guys have said 3-4 weeks worth of basic nutrients to get the veg process going. I used the same soil for my 1st and only grow so far. For the first few weeks I strictly started with a 2mg per gallon Cal-Mag+ additive, no other nutes. I set my PH to 6.5 and was off to the races. My first few nutes were Holy Mackerel and Kelp Me but I was and am still a noob when it comes to the NPK checks and balances. A few more weeks into veg I switched to Humbolts Secret A & B and have stuck with that. It almost always PH's perfect once mixed and my plants have really responded well to that and Cal-Mag.
I will say I had ONE of my 5 look just like yours, and around the same age too. I wasn't sure if I shocked it when repotting, or if I pissed it off when I placed her in the tent. Until I had my tent setup I would take the ladies (all 5) out into the natural light and although they all loved it one just started to wither before my eyes. In the end my tent did not have room for 5 so I put the sickly one outside and on plain water it quickly recovered and outgrew her 4 indoor siblings. Here is a pic before (middle plant) and one from a week ago.


That Ocean Forest is a hot soil from what I'm told and provides a good nute base to get your seedlings up and running. Some guys have said 3-4 weeks worth of basic nutrients to get the veg process going. I used the same soil for my 1st and only grow so far. For the first few weeks I strictly started with a 2mg per gallon Cal-Mag+ additive, no other nutes. I set my PH to 6.5 and was off to the races. My first few nutes were Holy Mackerel and Kelp Me but I was and am still a noob when it comes to the NPK checks and balances. A few more weeks into veg I switched to Humbolts Secret A & B and have stuck with that. It almost always PH's perfect once mixed and my plants have really responded well to that and Cal-Mag.
I will say I had ONE of my 5 look just like yours, and around the same age too. I wasn't sure if I shocked it when repotting, or if I pissed it off when I placed her in the tent. Until I had my tent setup I would take the ladies (all 5) out into the natural light and although they all loved it one just started to wither before my eyes. In the end my tent did not have room for 5 so I put the sickly one outside and on plain water it quickly recovered and outgrew her 4 indoor siblings. Here is a pic before (middle plant) and one from a week ago.


I thought about that post later on. In that FFOF has a lot of stuff, I guess for the lack of a better term the I'll call the bottom third of pots filled with a supersoil to feed my plants for their life. I wouldn't put germinated seeds in it, but I would mix it with organic potting soil to bring it on a par with Ocean Forest. So that is 1/3 bottom supersoil and the upper 2/3 FFOF, I did that for some of them and did something different with a couple others. I had 7 pots and different variations with some and didn't write a damned thing down. Of course to stoned to remember. I'm gonna write shit down next time.
......<cut some>.......In the end my tent did not have room for 5 so I put the sickly one outside and on plain water it quickly recovered and outgrew her 4 indoor siblings. Here is a pic before (middle plant) and one from a week ago.



The power of natural light.

I have seem msgs here before from other growers talking about the same sort of thing happening. I have taken a few struggling plants outside just to give them a chance and it works often enough to keep considering it each summer. One time I culled some clones and for the heck of it stuck 3 of them in the ground. Sure enough 1 rooted and took off.

As much as we have improved our indoor environments with lights and ventilation and even fertilizers the plants often enough do better in the sunlight.
The power of natural light.

I have seem msgs here before from other growers talking about the same sort of thing happening. I have taken a few struggling plants outside just to give them a chance and it works often enough to keep considering it each summer. One time I culled some clones and for the heck of it stuck 3 of them in the ground. Sure enough 1 rooted and took off.

As much as we have improved our indoor environments with lights and ventilation and even fertilizers the plants often enough do better in the sunlight.
For sure, I have done the same thing with a runt, now it is one of my favorites. I will believe lights are full spectrum when they cause my light sensitive eye glasses darken.
For sure... I realize that not all can have a little patch in the backyard...read your local laws,,,But if you can build a little 10x10 fenced in area ( that’s 5x5 for each plant) you can sell your little grow tent or use it for your starters,Ditch all those nasty chemicals (salts) and grow yourself some nice plants..some nice organic smoke...the taste and terpen Profiles are far beyond what is achieved in a tent or room..For all the first time growers if you can put your money into some super soil.. and its not that much (about $200 will give you approximately a little more than 2 five gallon pails for each hole or grow bag ) and you will grow enough bud to last all year... connoisseur bud at that...stay high my young hippies .peace out
Because all of my seeds germinated I had to fill more pots and I filled a couple of pots with an organic potting soil other than FFOF. For those pots I used a supersoil to mix with the potting soil to bring it up to par with FFOF and used the super soil on the bottom third of the pot. It's coming back to me. Anyway I don't think those plants are doing as well, I am sure of it. I know how I did with Ocean Forest compared with another organic, from Lowe's, and OF did much better.
I switched to Pro-Mix Bx, not that I had an issue with FF but I have a family member who cam save me a few bucks on the Pro-Mix. Very happy with using it, the MyCo and fungicide additive is definitely a plus.
I switched to Pro-Mix Bx, not that I had an issue with FF but I have a family member who cam save me a few bucks on the Pro-Mix. Very happy with using it, the MyCo and fungicide additive is definitely a plus.
I am a 5 pot indoor grower, with one I have been moving in and out my backdoor every day.
Promix all the way, add blood and bone and kelp stretch it out with some manures, bit of worm casting,chicken shit some mushroom manure and cow or goat a little Dolomite lime some ash or bio char the bacteria like to call it home. Though in some beneficial nematodes if you can,let it cook for several months...and bobs your uncle.. at the flowering state top dress with amendments ( kelp bone or worm
Promix all the way, add blood and bone and kelp stretch it out with some manures, bit of worm casting,chicken shit some mushroom manure and cow or goat a little Dolomite lime some ash or bio char the bacteria like to call it home. Though in some beneficial nematodes if you can,let it cook for several months...and bobs your uncle.. at the flowering state top dress with amendments ( kelp bone or worm
That's a definite witches brew right there playa lol. Give me a few more grows before my rookie ass tries to go all breaking bad with my soil.
Promix all the way, add blood and bone and kelp stretch it out with some manures, bit of worm casting,chicken shit some mushroom manure and cow or goat a little Dolomite lime some ash or bio char the bacteria like to call it home. Though in some beneficial nematodes if you can,let it cook for several months...and bobs your uncle.. at the flowering state top dress with amendments ( kelp bone or worm
Are you saying you "add blood and bone and kelp stretch it out with some manures," to Promix?
I don’t know about a witch’s brew but it is magic,,, ( super soil look it up) and you will be looking up at your plants...just add water
That is not saying a whole lot about PROMIX if you have to rebuild it. But I guess it is all in what you are after. I wanted a nice easy way to grow weed of good quality, However this is like model airplanes and rocketry, you can take it as far and as detailed as you like.
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