TeachMe2Fish's First Grow - 4'x4' Grow Tent - 600W HID - BagSeed

Re: TeachMe2Fish's First Grow; 4'x4' grow tent; 600w HID; bagseed

Just finished checking out his journal- thats an awesome setup with the individual scrogs. And you are growing in big enough pots that you can do a nice long veg and really fill a scrog in nicely. Glad i inspired you to do more lst.:high-five: LSTing your plants will give you many nice tops. It really helps with height control too.
Re: TeachMe2Fish's First Grow; 4'x4' grow tent; 600w HID; bagseed

Thanks for stoppin' by the journal 2fish! :thumb: you got a nice setup on your hands buddy. We do have identical set ups will be good to shoot some pointers your way! The individual scrog idea was forwarded to me from another member PeeJay, I am really enjoying the idea and the simplicity of being able to pull each one out for inspection. Possibly before screens you are going to want to do a little defol prior with those big nice fan leaves, or try tucking them below each other and adjusting the lower sites into light. One thing I with I would have done is lower the screen a bit more than I did. I would suggest if you do attempt the porta scrog to lay that screen right on top of the girls and start training from there, in my eyes this will allow for a lot more sites from down below as they are closer to the screen, thus a quicker jump to getting these babies flipped to 12/12. I already see that I am going to have to do a decent defoliation down low come 3-4 weeks in flower, so make sure you also look into the lollipop technique, I did this ~2 weeks prior to flip to let them adjust to the stress. If you have any questions stop by the journal or send me a PM :high-five: CA
One of my goals this year will be to be better at consistently updating the journal. For some reason I put it off thinking it will take me forever, but in reality I could at least upload the pictures as I take them.
I made it through finals, Christmas, and New Years…It’s time to update this thing! Quite a bit has happened.
I switched to GLR lighting schedule on Dec 8th, 2 weeks before I flipped them to flowering. I officially flipped them Dec. 22nd. I ended up with quite the sausage fest in there. Out of 11 plants I now have 3 females! The tent was so open and spacious, but that didn’t last long. The three girls are really filling out, I think I will have to defoil in a few days.



This picture shows how they looked on dec 8th right after I did some lst training.
the bottom picture shows how much more full they got in just 4 days.

The canopy

This was taken today.






How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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