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Just wanted to stop in and say hello! I've been busy with school and work, but things are going good. 3-4 weeks till harvest, so I am looking forward to that. I'm looking forward to this week! 4/20 I am judging at a cup event for local medical patients, and on 4/22 it's my birthday!

Hope ya'll are having a good Spring, and may everyone be blessed with bountiful harvests!

sounds like you have a good birthday ahead of you my friend tell us how the judgin goes
Nappy Birthday Brother GG. I'm early, but the good cheer will last till then. Enjoy yourself. You deserve it. :peace:
wow so 26in is how big my spoiled one is but god bless if baby isnt stretchin, she 27.5in she just wont stop lol. Tomorrow the big day My 23rd BDay, change out nutes to flower nutes, smoke 4 diff kinds of good buds, and last but surely not least tomorrow is the day of the year i get the highest all year lol.
don't wanna change the topic from 4-20 at all..... just wanted to gather some thoughts and opinions. i just posted this in my journal, but for those of you who don't watch that one, lemme know what you think about this:


i will have an extra spot for a plant next month, and i want to do something "different" with it and do a complete journal on it for everyone.

i've had a million different ideas over the past couple weeks and i have narrowed it down to 2. and oddly enough, they just happen to be at total ends of the spectrum.

1. a stealth pc grow. in bubbles (challenge)...PLEASE believe me, im not going to get into pc grow discussion today (thanks)..... but, to make a long story short, i think its a ridiculous thing to do, and to support any argument that i will get into with anyone in the future (or just to have REAL good personal experience to back up my reasons for steering a noob away from a pc grow) i want to do one.... build it 100% proper and get the MAX YIELD.... so i can see for myself, using MY METHODS what the risk vs. reward numbers work out to.

2. ONE PLANT = ONE POUND ....... indoors. no matter what it takes. no screens. no CO2. i will have to tie her to the walls though probably because i only have an 8ft. ceiling to work with. i can do this, no doubt. i have the space, time, light, and of course im legal, so i DON'T have the worries involved in a undertaking like this. BUT, it's that same legal stuff that will create some havoc in my med grow. since i have limits on number of plants and the amount of usable meds i can have, the VAST majority of that harvest would have to be destroyed. my patients would get what they need. after that, i would donate to them as much is needed to put them at their limit for possession, and the rest would be shoved down the food disposal. (you may think im joking, but im not...ive done it before.... it sucks, but my card is my life). so i have some issues here to think about....... thats a lot of wasted time, space, and money. not to mention the heartache of watching it all get ground up in the sink.

any thought?

haha, yeah right....... i'm asking the wrong bunch of folks here huh? you pic horny people don't wanna see no stinkin' pc grow!!

but seriously??? any thoughts?? anyone??
You can do the second option and donate to others not just your patients. I think throwing it down the sink is just a terrible thing. I wish I had access to stuff.

i can also do the second option and be in the "gray area" of the laws in Michigan.... and i stay 5 feet on MY side of that area. especially now that i have drawn attention to myself and my grow to possibly educate others. things will change soon, i pray, but until they do..... thats how its gonna be for me. the more thought i put into it, the more im leaning towards the pc grow. i will actually learn something from that project. the one-pounder would just be for fun. i think having this biggun, and the excitement of tomorrow have clouded my head a little.......

who knows though. i will decide later this week.... or at least after tomorrow anyways :)
That really almost made me cry a lil inside knowin that you would (and have) destroy plants and buds like that but in the same sense i understand you dont want to lose your card. I think honestly if your lookin for somethin to do i would go with the pc grow cause at least your gaining knowledge from that. I mean yes who wouldnt want to grow a pound in one grow but if its somethin your just goin to waste go with somethin your goin to gain somethin from plus im kind of interested in followin that journal friend. But hey its your grow, your material, your time and most of all your overall decision. With that being said i will say we are all interested in seein what you choose.
Hate to see a plant go to waste. Would the PC grow limit the number of the "other" plants you have in rotation?

no, it wouldnt affect me in that sense. if i do the p.c. grow, i will just veg a couple others for a week longer and have them produce enough to cover the loss.

but i dont think i would even have to do that.... an extra ounce or 2 isnt gonna "hurt me"..... i can shuffle that around..... an extra POUND.... different story.

i guess its hard to explain, but i could get by without even planting it period. it's an "extra" spot..... i could just grow one less than my limit, or i could play around.

my 3rd place option was to try CO2 for the first time. one plant, one cab. once again, only to learn first hand. but i have zero reason to use it in my grow room, because i have no reason to achieve max yield. i just thought maybe i would get my feet wet in case the laws here do change someday. seems stupid for me to blow money on parts that i will probably never use again in my life..... not that im gonna use a pc fan ever again in my life..... but there a hell of a cost diff between a co2 tank/regulator and a pc fan.
That really almost made me cry a lil inside knowin that you would (and have) destroy plants and buds like that but in the same sense i understand you dont want to lose your card. I think honestly if your lookin for somethin to do i would go with the pc grow cause at least your gaining knowledge from that. I mean yes who wouldnt want to grow a pound in one grow but if its somethin your just goin to waste go with somethin your goin to gain somethin from plus im kind of interested in followin that journal friend. But hey its your grow, your material, your time and most of all your overall decision. With that being said i will say we are all interested in seein what you choose.

very very well spoken friend. and i will put myself WAY out there and tell you that my eyes did well up a little the first time i destroyed weed. i have only had to do it 3 times, and none of those 3 were more than 20-30 grams. i can usually estimate things pretty well. since this monster was something that i wasnt expecting (first grow on these cross-bred seeds) this coming weekend will be the 4th time for sure.
Hell, I use a PC fan to "move" the plants around and get me some larger stems that hold more bud.

I applaud your experimental nature. I'm with you on that one. Only advise I can give is to start with something small and thereby teachable. I change one major thing in my grow room per grow. This time it's something simple like a MH conversion bulb in my hps ballast. That I will call a success already. Bushy as hell this time with more penetration to the inner buds. If you can manage the heat it's the way to go.

On the PC grow you might want to flower early since your limitations are height related. I'd bet the roots stay small in that PC case grow. Small roots = small plants and minimal production. It would work for an occasional smoker but that's about it. I think I'd blow through that production in about a month.
Damn that has to suck i mean this is my first grow so when i hear 20-30 grams to me i hear you destroyed an oz pretty much lol. Also "only 3 times" that has to hurt just typin that my friend that is 3 times to many hahaha. I hope you dont take anythin personal im just givin you a hard time i completely understand what you are doin by keepin your legal limit. I just dont think i could do it honsetly i would help my wife get her card in time so our possesion limit rises. Waite why would i waite till then to do that lol. Anyways I am interested in folowing whichever choice you decide but i would say pc over CO2 cheaper for a one time use investment
Hell, I use a PC fan to "move" the plants around and get me some larger stems that hold more bud.

I applaud your experimental nature. I'm with you on that one. Only advise I can give is to start with something small and thereby teachable. I change one major thing in my grow room per grow. This time it's something simple like a MH conversion bulb in my hps ballast. That I will call a success already. Bushy as hell this time with more penetration to the inner buds. If you can manage the heat it's the way to go.

On the PC grow you might want to flower early since your limitations are height related. I'd bet the roots stay small in that PC case grow. Small roots = small plants and minimal production. It would work for an occasional smoker but that's about it. I think I'd blow through that production in about a month.

haha mostlycrazy.... i think you all the way crazy!! :yahoo:

just kiddin' bud.... thanks for replying, i have maintained a med-op for quite some time now. i enjoy your enthusiasm for helping others.... i have it too!!

i grow in an 8x11 room and have another couple walk-in closets for use when needed..... a pc fan would only make for an extremely funny pic to post here if sat next to my industrial fans and 12" exhaust. and besides.... i don't need larger stems to hold more bud... hahahah



:peacetwo: glad to see ya' surfin' today!! :ganjamon:
Well ain't you special! LOL! I do have parts of the day when the mostly part goes away. I'm thinking the PC case grow would hide behind on of your monsters! Hey at least you have some tunes for the plants. What you playing them? Mine enjoy Bob Marley and the Doobie Brothers.
Well ain't you special! LOL! I do have parts of the day when the mostly part goes away. I'm thinking the PC case grow would hide behind on of your monsters! Hey at least you have some tunes for the plants. What you playing them? Mine enjoy Bob Marley and the Doobie Brothers.

they listen to the dead..... all day everyday :)

yeah i just wanted to have some fun and do something different with the extra spot next month. i think i am gonna do the pc grow. i have an old tower that i will go grab out of the garage after the harvest tomorrow and stare at it for a day or 2. going to put it in a different room of the house too. i want to make sure that its really "stealth".... not because i have to.... because i want to. wanna be sure there is zero noise/smell......
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